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Susana Vinga
Susana Vinga is currently associate professor at Instituto Superior Técnico/Universidade de Lisboa (IST/ULisboa) at the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering (DEI) and the Dept. of Bioengineering (DBE). She is a Senior Researcher at INESC-ID in the Information and Decision Support Systems lab. She received a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (1999) and a PhD in Biology/Bioinformatics at ITQB/Univ. Nova de Lisboa (2005). Before this position, she was Principal Investigator (Investigador FCT) at IDMEC. Susana was part of the Board of Directors at INESC-ID between 2021 and 2023 and is a Senior Editorial Board Member of BMC Bioinformatics, a top journal in Mathematical and Computational Biology, PLoS ONE, and Genes.
She has successfully coordinated as Principal Investigator several national projects and participated in several national and European projects as a team member and work package leader in the areas of Biotechnology and Computational Biology. Since January 2021, she is the PI of the European H2020 Twinning project OLISSIPO - Fostering Computational Biology Research and Innovation in Lisbon, which aims to strengthen INESC-ID/IST research profile in Computational Biology. By promoting several training activities in this area, OLISSIPO contributed to leverage the skills of Early-Stage Researchers in Portugal and around Europe.
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