Sistem Bantu untuk Pengrajin dalam Menentukan Kayu Terbaik Terbaik untuk Bahan Gitar dengan Menggunakan Matode Moora
Published 2021-11-01“…Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, dicari suatu solusi dengan menggunakan metode Decision Support System Multi Objective Optimization on the basic of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) serta dibantu oleh pakar dalam menentukan kriteria yang tepat berkaitan penentuan kayu terbaik yang digunakan dalam pembuatan bahan gitar, setelah berdiskusi panjang ditemukan hasil kriteria yang tepat berdasarkan permasalahan, berupa kriteria kekuatan kayu, serat kayu, tekstur, dan berat kayu. …”
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Published 2012-05-01“…In future investigations, with identifying and evaulating variables associated with process of studying, and with the sample increase, it would be possible to produce a model which would stand as a foundation for the development of decision support system in higher education. …”
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Published 2012-05-01“…In future investigations, with identifying and evaulating variables associated with process of studying, and with the sample increase, it would be possible to produce a model which would stand as a foundation for the development of decision support system in higher education. …”
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Penerapan Metode Weighted Product (WP) Dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Karyawan Pada Dewata Store Fakfak
Published 2024-12-01“…The aim of this research is to produce a decision support system in the process of accepting new employees at Dewata Store Fakfak. …”
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Sistem Monitoring Trafo Distribusi PT.PLN (Persero) berbasis IoT
Published 2020-02-01“…The DTMS consists of: (1) embedded system devices for data measurement and transmission, (2) Web Services software for receiving data from embedded systems, and (3) Web-based software for data presentation and data management for Decision Support System (DSS) purpose. The DTMS is built to provide early warning functionality to the transformer parameter anomalies such as overload, overvoltage and blackout events. …”
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An efficient artificial neural network-based optimization techniques for the early prediction of coronary heart disease: comprehensive analysis
Published 2025-02-01“…This emphasizes the requirement for an advanced decision support system in order to evaluate the risk of CHD. …”
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A Combined Model for Simulating the Spatial Dynamics of Epidemic Spread: Integrating Stochastic Compartmentalization and Cellular Automata Approach
Published 2025-04-01“…Previous epidemic models involved dynamic compartment models with global mixing and are incorporated into most decision support systems but are more limited in their representation of the geographic spread of diseases. …”
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Synergizing GIS and genetic algorithms to enhance road management and fund allocation with a comprehensive case study approach
Published 2025-02-01“…Anticipated results will provide asset managers with a comprehensive decision support system for executing effective M&R practices.…”
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No more flying blind: Leveraging weather forecasting for clear-cut risk-based decisions
Published 2025-03-01“…A case study is proposed to show how the methodology could be implemented into a decision support system with the objective of guiding VTOL decision makers in identifying the most suitable vehicle to ensure successful operations in various contexts from innovative air mobility solutions towards industrial inspection practices.…”
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Adoption of ICT Banking Services and Performance of Selected Commercial Banks In Kabale Municipality: A case of Equity And Stanbic Bank.
Published 2023“…Findings revealed that ICT banking services offered to clients at Equity and Stanbic banks included; electronic banking services, internet banking services, mobile banking services, decision support system and social media outreach. The effect of integrating ICT banking services on performance of the commercial banks, indicated that ICT improved the quality of banking services, and reduced long bank cues. …”
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Evaluating the Impacts of Discharging the Effluent of Al-Gabal Al-Asfar Wastewater Treatment Plant on Ismailia Canal in Egypt to Maximize Revenue and Ensure Sustainability
Published 2025-02-01“…The findings of this research may contribute to a decision support system concerning the reuse of treated wastewater in any nation facing water shortages.…”
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Development and validation of a deep learning system for detection of small bowel pathologies in capsule endoscopy: a pilot study in a Singapore institution
Published 2024-03-01“…They serve as a decision support system, partially automating the diagnosis process by providing probability predictions for abnormalities. …”
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Research on Deterministic Ring Removal Method for Full-Aperture Double-Sided Polishing of Large Aperture Optical Components
Published 2025-01-01“…Based on the obtained relationship, a decision support system for the process parameters of ring-pendulum double sided polishing was developed, which achieved the deterministic removal of rings in medium and large aperture planar optical components and reduced the dependence of ring pendulum double-sided polishing on the personal experience of process decision-makers. …”
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Cloud Platform Selection Model in the Framework of Differential Quality Game With Fuzzy Information
Published 2025-01-01“…The paper presents a mathematical model integrated into the computational core of a decision support system (DSS) for the selection of cloud platforms under conditions of fuzzy information. …”
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Metode COPRAS untuk Menentukan Kain Terbaik dalam Pembuatan Pakaian pada Butik Batik Hatta Semarang
Published 2021-11-01“…Butik Batik Hatta is still using a manual system in determining the decision to choose the best fabric for making clothes, this is considered to be less efficient and prone to mistakes, so a decision support system (DSS) is needed. The method used by researchers is the COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assessment) method, the results that will be obtained in the form of complex and accurate recommendations in determining the best fabric for making clothes at the Butik Batik Hatta. …”
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Peningkatan Efisiensi Waktu Seleksi Karyawan dengan Kombinasi Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process dan Simple Additive Weighting
Published 2023-07-01“…Therefore, this research aims to produce a Decision Support System (DSS) that can present appropriate recommendations in selecting the best prospective employees using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods with a faster and more efficient time. …”
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Model Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelompok untuk Penilaian Gangguan Depresii, Kecemasan dan Stress Berdasarkan DASS-42
Published 2020-02-01“…In this study, a Group Decision Support System (GDSS) model was developed so that psychologists can collaborate to give preference regarding priority of disorders that would occur if certain items / symptoms were identified by DASS-42. …”
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Pemanfaatan Fuzzy Logic dan Hill Climbing untuk Optimasi Pengelolaan Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Reduce-Reuse-Recycle (TPS 3R) pada Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) DKI Jakarta
Published 2021-11-01“…Therefore, this study aims to build a decision support system in determining the priority of TPS 3R DLH DKI Jakarta by using an optimization method that refers to five criteria, namely land area, facilities, distance, road conditions, and environmental aesthetic conditions, as well as Rapid Application Development (RAD). …”
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Pemilihan Susu Formula Anak Menggunakan Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process dan Simple Additive Weighting
Published 2023-04-01“…This research’s purpose is to produce a decision support system that can provide recommendations selection formula milk for children according to the priority interests or needs desired. …”
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