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Suggested Topics within your search.
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- Computer-assisted instruction 2
- Curricula 2
- Curriculum planning 2
- Economic policy 2
- Economics 2
- Education 2
- Education, Elementary 2
Leafy Greens in Hydroponics and Protected Culture for Florida
Published 2016-05-01“…This 7-page fact sheet is designed to aid Florida hydroponic and/or other protected culture growers who are seeking appropriate cultivars of the leafy greens group. …”
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Key Plant, Key Pest: Oleander (Nerium oleander)
Published 2019-08-01“… This series of Key Plant, Key Pests publications are designed for Florida gardeners, horticulturalists, and landscape professionals to help identify common pests associated with common Florida flora. …”
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4-H Youth Development Programming in Underrepresented Communities
Published 2023-06-01“…This resource guide is designed to be used by Extension professionals and after-school providers to deliver positive youth development programs in underrepresented areas or with underrepresented populations. …”
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Guide to Identifying and Controlling Postharvest Tomato Diseases in Florida
Published 2020-10-01“…Fruit decays can be minimized by the employment of strict sanitation measures along with careful handling. This bulletin is designed to supplement field scouting and identification guides by a) describing postharvest decay pathogens important to Florida tomato packers and shippers, b) presenting sanitation guidelines for controlling decay pathogens during harvest and handling operations, c) offering appropriate storage temperature options. …”
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Key Plant, Key Pest: Oleander (Nerium oleander)
Published 2019-08-01“… This series of Key Plant, Key Pests publications are designed for Florida gardeners, horticulturalists, and landscape professionals to help identify common pests associated with common Florida flora. …”
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Athletic Field Use Capacity
Published 2023-01-01“…Schools and municipalities are facing increasing legal questions and liability regarding injuries associated with poorly designed, constructed, or maintained facilities. There is a struggle to accommodate all participating groups without damaging the fields. …”
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Co-creative Media in Remote Indigenous Communities
Published 2013-12-01“…I argue that the focus on culture has obscured important shifts in remote media policy and funding, including a trend towards content designed to address social disadvantage.…”
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Issues at the Rural-Urban Fringe: The Land Use Debate--Situational Background
Published 2005-06-01“… This fact sheet is one in a series that addresses issues associated with land use at the rural-urban fringe. This fact sheet is designed to explain the background related to land use issues at the rural-urban fringe, conflicts that arise due to growth and use of land, and various methods used throughout the United States to slow the conversion of agricultural land to nonagricultural uses. …”
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Issues at the Rural-Urban Fringe: The Land Use Debate--Situational Background
Published 2005-06-01“… This fact sheet is one in a series that addresses issues associated with land use at the rural-urban fringe. This fact sheet is designed to explain the background related to land use issues at the rural-urban fringe, conflicts that arise due to growth and use of land, and various methods used throughout the United States to slow the conversion of agricultural land to nonagricultural uses. …”
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Invasive Species Curriculum
Published 2007-03-01“…This 156-page Invasive Species Curriculum helps fill this need by providing important information about invasive species through a dozen classroom activities, glossary, list of web sites and supporting materials designed for middle school use. Each activity addresses specific Sunshine State Standards and Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) benchmarks for grades 6-8. …”
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Sick Day Management for Adults with Diabetes Who Take Insulin
Published 2012-03-01“…The best way for people with diabetes to prevent a minor illness from becoming a major illness is to have a personalized sick day plan designed with their health care provider before they get ill. …”
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Meal Planning for Adults with Diabetes
Published 2020-02-01“…According to the Americans Diabetes Association, there is no one diabetes meal plan; rather, it is a healthful eating pattern specifically designed to meet your individual needs. This new 2-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department provides some basic tips for creating a personalized meal plan for adults with diabetes. …”
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How I Grow: Newborn through Month Two
Published 2003-08-01“… How I Grow is a series of six newsletters designed to inform and encourage you during your child's first year of life. …”
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Privatisation and Organisational Performance: A case Study of Umeme Kabale District, Uganda.
Published 2020“…The researcher used cross-sectional and descriptive study designs with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. …”
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Key Plant, Key Pests: Sycamore (Platanus spp.)
Published 2021-03-01“… This series of Key Plant, Key Pests publications are designed for Florida gardeners, horticulturalists, and landscape professionals to help identify common pests associated with regional flora. …”
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Sick Day Management for Adults with Diabetes Who Take Insulin
Published 2012-03-01“…The best way for people with diabetes to prevent a minor illness from becoming a major illness is to have a personalized sick day plan designed with their health care provider before they get ill. …”
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Ewaluacje konstruktywistyczne. Implikacje dla wczesnej edukacji
Published 2020-12-01“…The content of the second part of the paper is devoted to analyze the problems of designing, planning and conducting programs implemented in early education. …”
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„Uwspólnione” tworzenie sensu w interakcji dziecka z dorosłym
Published 2018-09-01“…In the didactical intervention operations designed, the research data came from participated observation, focus interview, and children’s production analysis (graphical visualization, pairedassociate learning tasks and tests of unfinished tasks). …”
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2003 Handbook of Employment Regulations Affecting Florida Farm Employers and Workers: Transportation -- Alcohol and Drug Testing [Federal]
Published 2003-07-01“… The purpose of Alcohol and Drug Testing is to establish programs designed to help prevent accidents and injuries resulting from the misuse of alcohol or use of controlled substances by drivers of commercial motor vehicles. . …”
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