Niereligijni rodzice wobec instytucji szkoły
Published 2019-12-01“…It includes content analysis of posts posted on one of the Facebook social networking groups. Analysed statements of non-religious parents indicate that pre-schools and primary schools are to a large extent institutions strongly connected with declared religious values, which also leads to a negative perception of non-religious parents and their children. …”
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Analisa Tingkat Kematangan Literasi Tik Pada Tenaga Kesehatan Dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Berbasis TIKDi Puskesmas Kota Palembang
Published 2024-12-01“…Literasi TIK menjadi semakin penting bagi Tenaga Kesehatan Puskesmas di Kota Palembang dalam meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan, antara lain: aplikasi pelayanan kesehatan berbasis TIK, penggunaan media sosial (whatsapp, facebook, instagram dan website) sebagai media informasi, promosi, komunikasi serta menyampaikan himbauan kepada masyarakat. …”
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Freshwater Turtles of Belize
Published 2013-02-01“…http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/uw373 Check out the Facebook album! …”
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Creativity for sustainable development?
Published 2015-10-01“…This article examines the roles that the creative input of consumers in the zero-waste brand community on Facebook might play for consumers. The focus is placed on the two theoretical possibilities: manifestation of environmental citizenship and means of self-expression. …”
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Published 2020-12-01“…Church leaders, ministers, and lay people worldwide turned to social platforms such as Facebook and YouTube for online services and to deliver messages to people. …”
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Rekonstrukcja przejawów e-kultury dziecięcej generowanej w cyfrowej przestrzeni bycia razem. Doniesienie z badań netnograficznych
Published 2020-11-01“… The aim of a study was to reconstruct manifestations of children’s e-culture generated in the course of children’s Internet communication at selected web sites (Facebook, MovieStarPlanet, Gry.pl). Data were accumulated in a netnographic manner. …”
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Penggunaan Internet Dikalangan Siswa SD di Kota Ternate: Suatu Survey, Penerapan Algoritma Clustering dan Validasi DBI
Published 2020-12-01“…Hasil dari penelitian ini dari 933 responden diperoleh 51,45 % siswa SD di kota Ternate aktif di jejaring sosial dengan 53,70% di whatsapp, 40,30% di instagram dan 27,80% di facebook. Untuk aktivitas ketika membuka youtube terdapat 61,60% sering menonton video di youtube dengan 61,60% video karton, komedi 49,80% dan konten edukasi 28,40%. …”
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Published 2024-08-01“…Saat ini banyak orang sering membagikan kritik terhadap sesuatu melalui platform media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, dan lainnya. Sehingga perlu diketahui bagaimana komentar dari pengguna media sosial yang menghasilkan reaksi masyarakat terhadap chatGPT yang dirilis oleh OpenAI. …”
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Optimasi Weight AHP Menggunakan Genetic Algorithm untuk Rekomendasi Platform Media Sosial Sebagai Sarana Promosi Digital
Published 2024-10-01“…Urutan rekomendasi platform media sosial sebagai sarana promosi yang dihasilkan penelitian ini adalah Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, dan LinkedIn. …”
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Validation of the Spanish Version of the Parent Diabetes Distress Scale
Published 2025-02-01“…Method: Data were collected on 314 parents recruited through diabetes associations and Facebook groups. Participants completed the PDDS-SP, a well-being measure, and provided information about their child’s diabetes and treatment. …”
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Published 2020-08-01“…Most of the students are highly motivated to be able to write a status on Facebook or other online media by using English. The most important advantage of obtaining corrective feedback for the students is to understand the use of grammar in making a sentence. …”
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Student Attendance System by Face Detection Using the Dlib Face Detector Model.
Published 2024“…Some of these are used on social media platforms, banking apps, and government offices e.g. the Metropolitan Police, Facebook, etc.…”
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Peace Building and Social Media in a Cosmopolitan Society
Published 2022-11-01“…Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp, among others, provide a space in which society can communicate freely and cheaply, articulating their divergent viewpoints. …”
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Застосування месенджерів в управлінні ігровими спільнотами
Published 2023-06-01“…В Україні, за даними Kantar CMeter, месенджер Viber у січні 2021 року посів третє місце в рейтингу мобільних застосунків серед усіх мобільних пристроїв Android користувачів віком 16-55 років, Telegram і Facebook Messenger – восьме і дев’яте відповідно ("Рейтинг мобільних додатків", 2021). …”
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Web 2.0 Students Adoption Model for Learning in Universities: A Case of Muni University, Uganda
Published 2021“…The study also showed that students use YouTube, Facebook and Google Apps but not LinkedIn, Social Bookmarking, Moodle, Zoom, Edx, MIT Courseware, and Dropbox among others.…”
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Gömülü Teoride Dijital Teknolojilerin Kullanımı
Published 2022-12-01“…Bu çalışma, dijitalleşen bir dünyada sosyal bilim araştırmalarının yöntemlerini dijital sosyal dünyayı (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram gibi sosyal paylaşım alanlarının ifade ve içeriklerin çekilmesi, kodlanması sürecinde) da kapsayacak şekilde genişletmelerini ve dijital araştırma tekniklerini de içerecek şekilde yapılandırma durumunu incelemektedir. …”
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Examining The Impact of Social Media Networks on Information Sharing Among The Students of Kabale University.
Published 2024“…The study findings on different forms of social media used by students of Kabale University the results presented show that the highest number of the respondents mentioned Facebook. In contrast, the least number of the respondents mentioned Twitter, as the influence of social media on information sharing of students of Kabale University, the highest number of respondents mentioned that it leads to the sharing of useful information, the lowest number of respondents said that technological communication harms interpersonal skills. …”
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What does good care look like to people living with congenital heart disease in the 21st century? Qualitative online, asynchronous discussion forums
Published 2024-07-01“…Objectives As part of a wider study, our aim was to elicit perspectives of people with congenital heart disease (CHD) and/or their parents/carers about their experiences of healthcare and what is important to them when receiving care.Design and setting A qualitative study involving a series of closed, asynchronous, online discussion forums underpinned by an interpretivist framework and set up and moderated by three patient charities via their Facebook pages.Participants People with CHD and parents/carers of people with CHD from the UK.Results Five forums were run for 12–24 weeks across the three charities, and 343 participants signed up to the forums. …”
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Uso de redes sociales en las revistas científicas de la Universidad de Los Andes
Published 2017-12-01“…El objetivo de este estudio fue ofrecer un diagnóstico sobre la participación en estos canales, como medios adecuados para la divulgación de conocimientos, en cada una de las 90 revistas científicas de la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), abordado desde una metodología de trabajo de carácter documental, con diseño no experimental-transversal de tipo descriptivo, donde se determinó la presencia –y sus respectivas características– de los objetos de estudio en dos RRSS horizontales-generalistas: Facebook y Twitter, y dos verticales, de contenido y de perfiles profesionales: Youtube y LinkedIn, dadas sus capacidades de apertura y penetración en una parte importante de la población que tiene conexión a la Red. …”
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