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- word of God 1
Published 2017-12-01“…The negotiation of meaning that occurs in the interaction between Jesus and the Samaritan woman (John 4) reflects the struggle for meaning that occurs when water is rhetorically ambiguous in a time of water scarcity. …”
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Die openbaringsleer van Schilder
Published 2004-01-01“…According to Schilder, revelation may be described as God’s disclosing of the truth from heaven to people on earth in Jesus Christ. This revelation is embodied in various dispensations but always remains anthropomorphic, due to the love of God, which culminates in the Word becoming flesh. …”
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Forgiveness, reconciliation and justice á la Desmond Tutu
Published 2022-12-01“…The role of religion in establishing truth and working towards justice, forgiveness, and reconciliation was controversial, but for the former Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, it was inconceivable to embark on the journey of reconciliation without faith in Jesus Christ, the ultimate Reconciler. …”
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Voorsienigheid, persoonlikheid en spiritualiteit - 'n vier-kantige voorsienigheidsleer
Published 2002-01-01“…The article also examines the preferences pointed out in the Gospels concerning the life of Jesus Christ. It is suggested that He functioned in all four preferences. …”
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Narrative preaching - yet another perspective
Published 2002-12-01“…However, only recently did the interest in this form of communication of the gospel of Jesus Christ become apparent within the congregational context. …”
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The church and LGBTQ: Towards the church as an inclusive communion of disciples
Published 2022-12-01“…In this article, I discuss the LGBTQ issue faced by churches and I argue that it is essential for the church to become an inclusive communion of Jesus’ disciples that embraces all believers, including LGBTQ individuals, who experience salvation thanks to God’s grace. …”
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Oor die inhoud en boodskap van die Heidelbergse Kategismus
Published 2014-12-01“…A third section serves as reminder of Barth’s claim that Jesus Christ is the content of this comfort and therefore of the Heidelberg Catechism. …”
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Religious plurality in Africa: A challenge to the church
Published 1999-06-01“…The Church has to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ nonetheless, but leave the dispensing of salvation in terms of Christian eschatology to God. …”
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Proclaiming the gospel in Macedonia, Achaia and in every place. Missions and 1 Thessalonians 1:6-8
Published 2003-12-01“…Paul is often regarded as the zealous missionary who took the rural, Palestinian gospel of Jesus to key cities in the Roman Empire and thus contributed decisively to the founding of Christianity. …”
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Cyril of Alexandria's critique of the term Theotokos by Nestorius Constantinople
Published 2012-12-01“…He had the real human nature (body and soul), but without propensity to sin. Jesus Christ was the incarnate Word of God. He was born of the Virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit. …”
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Die doop en vervulling met die Heilige Gees - 'n herwaardering, primêr vanuit Handelinge
Published 1997-12-01“…Bo en behalwe dat jy glo in Jesus Christus moet jy ook met die Gees gedoop word voordat jy 'n ware (of geseënde) gelowige kan wees. …”
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Oor die teologiese inhoud van die Belydenis van Belhar
Published 2012-12-01“…Regarding the Confession of Belhar, the theological content consists in three confessional claims (each including allusions to the false teaching that is implicitly thereby unmasked and rejected) within the broader framework of an introduction and conclusion, involving key theological claims as well, respectively about the nature of the church and the lordship of Jesus Christ. After some interpretive comments on all five of these structural aspects – the introduction and conclusion and the three claims – brief consideration is given to the nature of reception of confessional documents in the Reformed tradition and some implications for the reception of the theological content of the Confession of Belhar. …”
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Corruption: how should Christians respond?
Published 2012-06-01“…On an individual level, it entails personal honesty and the living of exemplary lives. The golden rule of Jesus Christ can serve as a guiding principle for everyday life, namely do to others what you would have them do to you. …”
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Hacer caridad para el alma, organizarse para defender la fe. Las asociaciones católicas bogotanas (1863-1885)
Published 2014-01-01“…Concretamente el trabajo se enfoca en las sociedades de San Vicente de Paúl, Juventud Católica, Sagrado Corazón de Jesús e Hijas de María, todas estas organizaciones católicas integradas por miembros de la elite capitalina.…”
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"Abba" revisited: merging the horizons of history and rhetoric through the new rhetoric structure for metaphors
Published 2007-12-01“…Paul used the metaphor to attack the agitators by excluding them from the spiritual familia of Jesus. In this recipient-oriented reading, it is shown that Paul used the metaphor to exhort with great urgency those on the fringe to return to the fold. …”
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The promise of attending to literary context for contextual biblical hermeneutics in Africa
Published 2021-12-01“…Repercussions can include a limited role of Jesus Christ and a heightened role of material prosperity in some African expressions of Christian faith. …”
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Die belydenis van die kerk
Published 2002-01-01“…The presupposition of all this is that God has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ. Scripture is therefore primarily not revelation as such, but testimony of the revelation in Christ. …”
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Published 2019-12-01“…Given the statement “For there is only one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2:5), the question is: Where does this place traditions, customs and culture? …”
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Wyjaśnienie dogmatu chalcedońskiego w VI wieku. Interpretacja osoby i natury przez teologów „neochalcedonizmu” według Aloisa Grillmeiera
Published 2022-03-01“…In this article, with the help of Alois Grillmeier’s analysis in his work Jesus der Christus, the author presents the efforts of the two most influential theologians who defended and deepened the teaching of the Council within the framework of the so called “Neochalcedonism” in the sixth century, Leontius of Byzantium and Leontius of Jerusalem. …”
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Not by order, nor by dialogue: the metanoetic presence of the kingdom of God in a fluid new world and church
Published 2013-06-01“…Through “metanoia,” as the urgent boundary-crossing call of Jesus, individuals become part of this subversive new world where selfless love for God and others dominates. …”
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