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The function of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" in Matthew's gospel
Published 2012-06-01“… On six occurrences (8:12; 13:42; 13:50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30), Matthew recorded Jesus pronouncing judgment, using the idiom “weeping and gnashing of teeth”. …”
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Skrif en kerkorde
Published 2004-12-01“…As far as the organisational aspects are concerned, it is important to realise that Jesus Christ is the structure of the church, and that He sees to it that it is being served in an orderly fashion. …”
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Magic in the ancient world: revealing antiquity 10 by F. Graf
Published 2003-06-01“… Uit teks: As u nog onthou van Simon in Handelinge 8, van Bar-Jesus in Handeling 13, dan het u miskien die begeerte om meer te weet van die towenaars in die dae van die Nuwe Testament. …”
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Published 2023-08-01“…She must seek to return to a God-Christ-centered message where the price paid by Jesus Christ is sufficient to be projected at the expense of all human sacrifice, dilemma, and family predicaments. …”
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Entre telas anda la palabra de Dios: la compleja iconografía de la Virgen con el Niño y san Juanito de Joan de Borgonya
Published 2025-02-01“…Esta obra exhibe un notable despliegue de recursos visuales y presenta escenas vinculadas con María, protagonista de algunos episodios clave para la historia de la redención humana, y con la Infancia de Jesús. Hasta el momento, no se ha identificado ninguna obra que contenga todos los elementos representados; no obstante, es evidente que el artista se inspiró en el trabajo de otros maestros, como detallaremos a lo largo del texto. …”
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Um Estudo sobre Ensino de Funções na Ótica da Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo – 1991
Published 2010-06-01“…Fazemos um paralelo com o que estudiosos da Educação Matemática apresentam sobre o mesmo tema e recuperamos as idéias de Bento de Jesus Caraça, idéias presentes nos documentos, mesmo que de forma indireta. …”
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The homily as a way to the synodal Church.The possibility of building a responsible laity
Published 2024-04-01“…The first forms of evangelization were narratives of personal experiences with Jesus. With the formation of structures in the Church, the role of authority in official proclamation in worship also developed. …”
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Responsabilidad social empresarial, principios Ruggie y Buen Vivir en la Agenda del Desarrollo Sostenible
Published 2025-02-01“…Para lograr este objetivo exploraremos cualitativamente con recursos bibliográficos y método dialéctico, un caso paradigmático resuelto por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos bajo el título “Empleados de la Fábrica de Fuegos de Santo Antônio de Jesus y sus Familiares vs. Brasil”. A través de su examen reflexionaremos sobre distintas categorías teóricas y prácticas que revisten importancia en este ámbito: (des)igualdades de género, discriminación laboral, la teoría de la Drittwirkung, los principios Ruggie, la teoría de los Stakeholders, el Buen Vivir y el derecho humano al desarrollo sostenible. …”
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The Experience of Trinitarian Compassion According to St. Francis of Assisi
Published 2013-07-01“…He asserted that if somebody loves actually, he is able to give himself to others like Jesus did. True love is the fruit of the act of giving. …”
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The Relevance of Biblical Exegesis to the Study of the Dynamics of the Educational Relationship in Contemporary Pedagogy. An Example of the Biblical Story of the Calling of Levi
Published 2025-01-01“…The main focus of this article’s analysis is the Gospel story of the calling of Levi (Matthew) and Jesus’ subsequent meal with sinners and tax collectors. …”
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Green growth: a bibliometric analysis of digital innovation and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Published 2025-02-01Get full text
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Published 2023-12-01“…O principal objetivo é analisar com critérios estéticos e teológicos essa imagem abordando aspectos inéditos que a obra pública não apresenta, aprofundando uma reflexão a respeito de quem é Jesus na obra de Pastro. A metodologia empregada é a da Crítica Genética que tem enfoque no processo criativo. …”
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Estrategias para el fomento del espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago
Published 2015-01-01“…La presente investigación tuvo por finalidad proponer estrategias para el fomento del espíritu emprende - dor de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago “Jesús María Semprum” (UNE - SUR). La metodología aplicada fue de carácter descriptiva de campo no experimental, bajo la modalidad de proyecto factible, donde se consideraron solo los estudiantes del octavo y noveno semestre de los programas de Administración de Empresas Agropecuarias e Ingeniería de la Producción Agropecuaria, porque ya han cursado gran parte de la carrera, y los docentes de los mismos programas, la población estuvo conformada por 456 estudiantes y 191 docentes, quedando la muestra de 82 estudiantes y 66 docentes. …”
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L’Église catholique face aux États et la liberté religieuse
Published 2017-12-01Get full text
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Lessons from Deborah’ Inspiration and Implications on the Plight of Women Leadership in A Male Dominated Society: Significances for Today’s World
Published 2024“…Other examples included being left out in the counting of those that Jesus fed (Matt.14:21). They couldn’t be counted as the Israelites were leaving Egypt (Ex.12:37). …”
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மலரும் சருகும் நாவலில் நாடார் மக்களின் இனவரைவியல் / Ethnography of Nadar People in the Novel Malarum Sarugum...
Published 2025-01-01“…Christians worship the Lord Jesus. Hindu Nadars worship Ayyanar, Kali, Karuppannasamy, Saptakanni, Sudalimadan, Ena Pechi, Sandip Pilliyar and Kulathankarai Pilliyar as their deities. …”
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A relação entre palavra e deserto na semântica bíblica e na vocação salvífica da tradição judaico-cristã
Published 2022-12-01“…Assim como Israel fez sua experiência de ser conduzido ao deserto para escutar e discernir a voz de Deus, da mesma forma João Batista, o precursor do Messias; igualmente, o próprio Jesus Cristo, a fim de entrar em maior intimidade com o Pai e vencer as tentações (Mc 1,12-13 Mt 4,1-11; Lc 4,1-13), escutando a voz que clama no deserto (Mc 1,3; Is 40,3), pois nele Deus fala carinhosamente a seu povo e lhe entrega sua palavra. …”
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