Showing 441 - 460 results of 649 for search '"Q', query time: 0.08s Refine Results
  1. 441

    Analysis of Viability of Core Inflation Components Based on Excluded Items in Uganda. by Munyambonera, Ezra, Mukiza, Chris Ndatira, Niyimpa, Ediga Mfite

    Published 2023
    “…In this paper, the sum of the coefficients of an AR (q) model is used as a measure of persistence. …”
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  2. 442

    Corrigendum to “Search for a common baryon source in high-multiplicity pp collisions at the LHC” [Phys. Lett. B 811 (2020) 135849] by S. Acharya, D. Adamová, A. Adler, J. Adolfsson, M.M. Aggarwal, G. Aglieri Rinella, M. Agnello, N. Agrawal, Z. Ahammed, S. Ahmad, S.U. Ahn, Z. Akbar, A. Akindinov, M. Al-Turany, S.N. Alam, D.S.D. Albuquerque, D. Aleksandrov, B. Alessandro, H.M. Alfanda, R. Alfaro Molina, B. Ali, Y. Ali, A. Alici, A. Alkin, J. Alme, T. Alt, L. Altenkamper, I. Altsybeev, M.N. Anaam, C. Andrei, D. Andreou, H.A. Andrews, A. Andronic, M. Angeletti, V. Anguelov, C. Anson, T. Antičić, F. Antinori, P. Antonioli, N. Apadula, L. Aphecetche, H. Appelshäuser, S. Arcelli, R. Arnaldi, M. Arratia, I.C. Arsene, M. Arslandok, A. Augustinus, R. Averbeck, S. Aziz, M.D. Azmi, A. Badalà, Y.W. Baek, S. Bagnasco, X. Bai, R. Bailhache, R. Bala, A. Balbino, A. Baldisseri, M. Ball, S. Balouza, D. Banerjee, R. Barbera, L. Barioglio, G.G. Barnaföldi, L.S. Barnby, V. Barret, P. Bartalini, K. Barth, E. Bartsch, F. Baruffaldi, N. Bastid, S. Basu, G. Batigne, B. Batyunya, D. Bauri, J.L. Bazo Alba, I.G. Bearden, C. Beattie, C. Bedda, N.K. Behera, I. Belikov, A.D.C. Bell Hechavarria, F. Bellini, R. Bellwied, V. Belyaev, G. Bencedi, S. Beole, A. Bercuci, Y. Berdnikov, D. Berenyi, R.A. Bertens, D. Berzano, M.G. Besoiu, L. Betev, A. Bhasin, I.R. Bhat, M.A. Bhat, H. Bhatt, B. Bhattacharjee, A. Bianchi, L. Bianchi, N. Bianchi, J. Bielčík, J. Bielčíková, A. Bilandzic, G. Biro, R. Biswas, S. Biswas, J.T. Blair, D. Blau, C. Blume, G. Boca, F. Bock, A. Bogdanov, S. Boi, J. Bok, L. Boldizsár, A. Bolozdynya, M. Bombara, G. Bonomi, H. Borel, A. Borissov, H. Bossi, E. Botta, L. Bratrud, P. Braun-Munzinger, M. Bregant, M. Broz, E. Bruna, G.E. Bruno, M.D. Buckland, D. Budnikov, H. Buesching, S. Bufalino, O. Bugnon, P. Buhler, P. Buncic, Z. Buthelezi, J.B. Butt, S.A. Bysiak, D. Caffarri, A. Caliva, E. Calvo Villar, R.S. Camacho, P. Camerini, A.A. Capon, F. Carnesecchi, R. Caron, J. Castillo Castellanos, A.J. Castro, E.A.R. Casula, F. Catalano, C. Ceballos Sanchez, P. Chakraborty, S. Chandra, W. Chang, S. Chapeland, M. Chartier, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Chattopadhyay, A. Chauvin, C. Cheshkov, B. Cheynis, V. Chibante Barroso, D.D. Chinellato, S. Cho, P. Chochula, T. Chowdhury, P. Christakoglou, C.H. Christensen, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, C. Cicalo, L. Cifarelli, F. Cindolo, G. Clai, J. Cleymans, F. Colamaria, D. Colella, A. Collu, M. Colocci, M. Concas, G. Conesa Balbastre, Z. Conesa del Valle, G. Contin, J.G. Contreras, T.M. Cormier, Y. Corrales Morales, P. Cortese, M.R. Cosentino, F. Costa, S. Costanza, P. Crochet, E. Cuautle, P. Cui, L. Cunqueiro, D. Dabrowski, T. Dahms, A. Dainese, F.P.A. Damas, M.C. Danisch, A. Danu, D. Das, I. Das, P. Das, P. Das, S. Das, A. Dash, S. Dash, S. De, A. De Caro, G. de Cataldo, J. de Cuveland, A. De Falco, D. De Gruttola, N. De Marco, S. De Pasquale, S. Deb, H.F. Degenhardt, K.R. Deja, A. Deloff, S. Delsanto, W. Deng, D. Devetak, P. Dhankher, D. Di Bari, A. Di Mauro, R.A. Diaz, T. Dietel, P. Dillenseger, Y. Ding, R. Divià, D.U. Dixit, Ø. Djuvsland, U. Dmitrieva, A. Dobrin, B. Dönigus, O. Dordic, A.K. Dubey, A. Dubla, S. Dudi, M. Dukhishyam, P. Dupieux, R.J. Ehlers, V.N. Eikeland, D. Elia, E. Epple, B. Erazmus, F. Erhardt, A. Erokhin, M.R. Ersdal, B. Espagnon, G. Eulisse, D. Evans, S. Evdokimov, L. Fabbietti, M. Faggin, J. Faivre, F. Fan, A. Fantoni, M. Fasel, P. Fecchio, A. Feliciello, G. Feofilov, A. Fernández Téllez, A. Ferrero, A. Ferretti, A. Festanti, V.J.G. Feuillard, J. Figiel, S. Filchagin, D. Finogeev, F.M. Fionda, G. Fiorenza, F. Flor, A.N. Flores, S. Foertsch, P. Foka, S. Fokin, E. Fragiacomo, U. Frankenfeld, U. Fuchs, C. Furget, A. Furs, M. Fusco Girard, J.J. Gaardhøje, M. Gagliardi, A.M. Gago, A. Gal, C.D. Galvan, P. Ganoti, C. Garabatos, E. Garcia-Solis, K. Garg, C. Gargiulo, A. Garibli, K. Garner, P. Gasik, E.F. Gauger, M.B. Gay Ducati, M. Germain, J. Ghosh, P. Ghosh, S.K. Ghosh, M. Giacalone, P. Gianotti, P. Giubellino, P. Giubilato, P. Glässel, A. Gomez Ramirez, V. Gonzalez, L.H. González-Trueba, S. Gorbunov, L. Görlich, A. Goswami, S. Gotovac, V. Grabski, L.K. Graczykowski, K.L. Graham, L. Greiner, A. Grelli, C. Grigoras, V. Grigoriev, A. Grigoryan, S. Grigoryan, O.S. Groettvik, F. Grosa, J.F. Grosse-Oetringhaus, R. Grosso, R. Guernane, M. Guittiere, K. Gulbrandsen, T. Gunji, A. Gupta, R. Gupta, I.B. Guzman, R. Haake, M.K. Habib, C. Hadjidakis, H. Hamagaki, G. Hamar, M. Hamid, R. Hannigan, M.R. Haque, A. Harlenderova, J.W. Harris, A. Harton, J.A. Hasenbichler, H. Hassan, D. Hatzifotiadou, P. Hauer, L.B. Havener, S. Hayashi, S.T. Heckel, E. Hellbär, H. Helstrup, A. Herghelegiu, T. Herman, E.G. Hernandez, G. Herrera Corral, F. Herrmann, K.F. Hetland, H. Hillemanns, C. Hills, B. Hippolyte, B. Hohlweger, J. Honermann, D. Horak, A. Hornung, S. Hornung, R. Hosokawa, P. Hristov, C. Huang, C. Hughes, P. Huhn, T.J. Humanic, H. Hushnud, L.A. Husova, N. Hussain, S.A. Hussain, D. Hutter, J.P. Iddon, R. Ilkaev, H. Ilyas, M. Inaba, G.M. Innocenti, M. Ippolitov, A. Isakov, M.S. Islam, M. Ivanov, V. Ivanov, V. Izucheev, B. Jacak, N. Jacazio, P.M. Jacobs, S. Jadlovska, J. Jadlovsky, S. Jaelani, C. Jahnke, M.J. Jakubowska, M.A. Janik, T. Janson, M. Jercic, O. Jevons, M. Jin, F. Jonas, P.G. Jones, J. Jung, M. Jung, A. Jusko, P. Kalinak, A. Kalweit, V. Kaplin, S. Kar, A. Karasu Uysal, O. Karavichev, T. Karavicheva, P. Karczmarczyk, E. Karpechev, U. Kebschull, R. Keidel, M. Keil, B. Ketzer, Z. Khabanova, A.M. Khan, S. Khan, S.A. Khan, A. Khanzadeev, Y. Kharlov, A. Khatun, A. Khuntia, B. Kileng, B. Kim, B. Kim, D. Kim, D.J. Kim, E.J. Kim, H. Kim, J. Kim, J.S. Kim, J. Kim, J. Kim, J. Kim, M. Kim, S. Kim, T. Kim, T. Kim, S. Kirsch, I. Kisel, S. Kiselev, A. Kisiel, J.L. Klay, C. Klein, J. Klein, S. Klein, C. Klein-Bösing, M. Kleiner, A. Kluge, M.L. Knichel, A.G. Knospe, C. Kobdaj, M.K. Köhler, T. Kollegger, A. Kondratyev, N. Kondratyeva, E. Kondratyuk, J. Konig, S.A. Konigstorfer, P.J. Konopka, G. Kornakov, L. Koska, O. Kovalenko, V. Kovalenko, M. Kowalski, I. Králik, A. Kravčáková, L. Kreis, M. Krivda, F. Krizek, K. Krizkova Gajdosova, M. Krüger, E. Kryshen, M. Krzewicki, A.M. Kubera, V. Kučera, C. Kuhn, P.G. Kuijer, L. Kumar, S. Kundu, P. Kurashvili, A. Kurepin, A.B. Kurepin, A. Kuryakin, S. Kushpil, J. Kvapil, M.J. Kweon, J.Y. Kwon, Y. Kwon, S.L. La Pointe, P. La Rocca, Y.S. Lai, R. Langoy, K. Lapidus, A. Lardeux, P. Larionov, E. Laudi, R. Lavicka, T. Lazareva, R. Lea, L. Leardini, J. Lee, S. Lee, F. Lehas, S. Lehner, J. Lehrbach, R.C. Lemmon, I. León Monzón, E.D. Lesser, M. Lettrich, P. Lévai, X. Li, X.L. Li, J. Lien, R. Lietava, B. Lim, V. Lindenstruth, A. Lindner, S.W. Lindsay, C. Lippmann, M.A. Lisa, A. Liu, J. Liu, S. Liu, W.J. Llope, I.M. Lofnes, V. Loginov, C. Loizides, P. Loncar, J.A. Lopez, X. Lopez, E. López Torres, J.R. Luhder, M. Lunardon, G. Luparello, Y.G. Ma, A. Maevskaya, M. Mager, S.M. Mahmood, T. Mahmoud, A. Maire, R.D. Majka, M. Malaev, Q.W. Malik, L. Malinina, D. Mal'Kevich, P. Malzacher, G. Mandaglio, V. Manko, F. Manso, V. Manzari, Y. Mao, M. Marchisone, J. Mareš, G.V. Margagliotti, A. Margotti, J. Margutti, A. Marín, C. Markert, M. Marquard, C.D. Martin, N.A. Martin, P. Martinengo, J.L. Martinez, M.I. Martínez, G. Martínez García, S. Masciocchi, M. Masera, A. Masoni, L. Massacrier, E. Masson, A. Mastroserio, A.M. Mathis, O. Matonoha, P.F.T. Matuoka, A. Matyja, C. Mayer, F. Mazzaschi, M. Mazzilli, M.A. Mazzoni, A.F. Mechler, F. Meddi, Y. Melikyan, A. Menchaca-Rocha, C. Mengke, E. Meninno, M. Meres, S. Mhlanga, Y. Miake, L. Micheletti, L.C. Migliorin, D.L. Mihaylov, K. Mikhaylov, A.N. Mishra, D. Miśkowiec, A. Modak, N. Mohammadi, A.P. Mohanty, B. Mohanty, M. Mohisin Khan, Z. Moravcova, C. Mordasini, D.A. Moreira De Godoy, L.A.P. Moreno, I. Morozov, A. Morsch, T. Mrnjavac, V. Muccifora, E. Mudnic, D. Mühlheim, S. Muhuri, J.D. Mulligan, M.G. Munhoz, R.H. Munzer, H. Murakami, S. Murray, L. Musa, J. Musinsky, C.J. Myers, J.W. Myrcha, B. Naik, R. Nair, B.K. Nandi, R. Nania, E. Nappi, M.U. Naru, A.F. Nassirpour, C. Nattrass, R. Nayak, T.K. Nayak, S. Nazarenko, A. Neagu, R.A. Negrao De Oliveira, L. Nellen, S.V. Nesbo, G. Neskovic, D. Nesterov, L.T. Neumann, B.S. Nielsen, S. Nikolaev, S. Nikulin, V. Nikulin, F. Noferini, P. Nomokonov, J. Norman, N. Novitzky, P. Nowakowski, A. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, M. Ogino, A. Ohlson, J. Oleniacz, A.C. Oliveira Da Silva, M.H. Oliver, C. Oppedisano, A. Ortiz Velasquez, A. Oskarsson, J. Otwinowski, K. Oyama, Y. Pachmayer, V. Pacik, D. Pagano, G. Paić, J. Pan, S. Panebianco, P. Pareek, J. Park, J.E. Parkkila, S. Parmar, S.P. Pathak, B. Paul, H. Pei, T. Peitzmann, X. Peng, L.G. Pereira, H. Pereira Da Costa, D. Peresunko, G.M. Perez, Y. Pestov, V. Petráček, M. Petrovici, R.P. Pezzi, S. Piano, M. Pikna, P. Pillot, O. Pinazza, L. Pinsky, C. Pinto, S. Pisano, D. Pistone, M. Płoskoń, M. Planinic, F. Pliquett, M.G. Poghosyan, B. Polichtchouk, N. Poljak, A. Pop, S. Porteboeuf-Houssais, V. Pozdniakov, S.K. Prasad, R. Preghenella, F. Prino, C.A. Pruneau, I. Pshenichnov, M. Puccio, J. Putschke, S. Qiu, L. Quaglia, R.E. Quishpe, S. Ragoni, S. Raha, S. Rajput, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, L. Ramello, F. Rami, S.A.R. Ramirez, R. Raniwala, S. Raniwala, S.S. Räsänen, R. Rath, V. Ratza, I. Ravasenga, K.F. Read, A.R. Redelbach, K. Redlich, A. Rehman, P. Reichelt, F. Reidt, X. Ren, R. Renfordt, Z. Rescakova, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, T. Richert, M. Richter, P. Riedler, W. Riegler, F. Riggi, C. Ristea, S.P. Rode, M. Rodríguez Cahuantzi, K. Røed, R. Rogalev, E. Rogochaya, D. Rohr, D. Röhrich, P.S. Rokita, F. Ronchetti, A. Rosano, E.D. Rosas, K. Roslon, A. Rossi, A. Rotondi, A. Roy, P. Roy, O.V. Rueda, R. Rui, B. Rumyantsev, A. Rustamov, E. Ryabinkin, Y. Ryabov, A. Rybicki, H. Rytkonen, O.A.M. Saarimaki, S. Sadhu, S. Sadovsky, K. Šafařík, S.K. Saha, B. Sahoo, P. Sahoo, R. Sahoo, S. Sahoo, P.K. Sahu, J. Saini, S. Sakai, S. Sambyal, V. Samsonov, D. Sarkar, N. Sarkar, P. Sarma, V.M. Sarti, M.H.P. Sas, E. Scapparone, J. Schambach, H.S. Scheid, C. Schiaua, R. Schicker, A. Schmah, C. Schmidt, H.R. Schmidt, M.O. Schmidt, M. Schmidt, N.V. Schmidt, A.R. Schmier, J. Schukraft, Y. Schutz, K. Schwarz, K. Schweda, G. Scioli, E. Scomparin, J.E. Seger, Y. Sekiguchi, D. Sekihata, I. Selyuzhenkov, S. Senyukov, D. Serebryakov, A. Sevcenco, A. Shabanov, A. Shabetai, R. Shahoyan, W. Shaikh, A. Shangaraev, A. Sharma, A. Sharma, H. Sharma, M. Sharma, N. Sharma, S. Sharma, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, S. Shirinkin, Q. Shou, Y. Sibiriak, S. Siddhanta, T. Siemiarczuk, D. Silvermyr, G. Simatovic, G. Simonetti, B. Singh, R. Singh, R. Singh, R. Singh, V.K. Singh, V. Singhal, T. Sinha, B. Sitar, M. Sitta, T.B. Skaali, M. Slupecki, N. Smirnov, R.J.M. Snellings, C. Soncco, J. Song, A. Songmoolnak, F. Soramel, S. Sorensen, I. Sputowska, J. Stachel, I. Stan, P.J. Steffanic, E. Stenlund, S.F. Stiefelmaier, D. Stocco, M.M. Storetvedt, L.D. Stritto, A.A.P. Suaide, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, M. Suleymanov, M. Suljic, R. Sultanov, M. Šumbera, V. Sumberia, S. Sumowidagdo, S. Swain, A. Szabo, I. Szarka, U. Tabassam, S.F. Taghavi, G. Taillepied, J. Takahashi, G.J. Tambave, S. Tang, M. Tarhini, M.G. Tarzila, A. Tauro, G. Tejeda Muñoz, A. Telesca, L. Terlizzi, C. Terrevoli, D. Thakur, S. Thakur, D. Thomas, F. Thoresen, R. Tieulent, A. Tikhonov, A.R. Timmins, A. Toia, N. Topilskaya, M. Toppi, F. Torales-Acosta, S.R. Torres, A. Trifiró, S. Tripathy, T. Tripathy, S. Trogolo, G. Trombetta, L. Tropp, V. Trubnikov, W.H. Trzaska, T.P. Trzcinski, B.A. Trzeciak, A. Tumkin, R. Turrisi, T.S. Tveter, K. Ullaland, E.N. Umaka, A. Uras, G.L. Usai, M. Vala, N. Valle, S. Vallero, N. van der Kolk, L.V.R. van Doremalen, M. van Leeuwen, P. Vande Vyvre, D. Varga, Z. Varga, M. Varga-Kofarago, A. Vargas, M. Vasileiou, A. Vasiliev, O. Vázquez Doce, V. Vechernin, E. Vercellin, S. Vergara Limón, L. Vermunt, R. Vernet, R. Vértesi, L. Vickovic, Z. Vilakazi, O. Villalobos Baillie, G. Vino, A. Vinogradov, T. Virgili, V. Vislavicius, A. Vodopyanov, B. Volkel, M.A. Völkl, K. Voloshin, S.A. Voloshin, G. Volpe, B. von Haller, I. Vorobyev, D. Voscek, J. Vrláková, B. Wagner, M. Weber, A. Wegrzynek, S.C. Wenzel, J.P. Wessels, J. Wiechula, J. Wikne, G. Wilk, J. Wilkinson, G.A. Willems, E. Willsher, B. Windelband, M. Winn, W.E. Witt, J.R. Wright, Y. Wu, R. Xu, S. Yalcin, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Yamakawa, S. Yang, S. Yano, Z. Yin, H. Yokoyama, I.-K. Yoo, J.H. Yoon, S. Yuan, A. Yuncu, V. Yurchenko, V. Zaccolo, A. Zaman, C. Zampolli, H.J.C. Zanoli, N. Zardoshti, A. Zarochentsev, P. Závada, N. Zaviyalov, H. Zbroszczyk, M. Zhalov, S. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z. Zhang, V. Zherebchevskii, D. Zhou, Y. Zhou, Z. Zhou, J. Zhu, Y. Zhu, A. Zichichi, G. Zinovjev, N. Zurlo

    Published 2025-02-01
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  3. 443

    Epidemiological surveys, antibiotic resistance, and related risk factors of Helicobacter pylori in Quanzhou, China: a cross-sectional study by DanDan Xie, WeiXiong Xu, ZhenZhu Zhang, Fang Huang, XuBo Dai

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…A minimally invasive string test combined with qPCR was used to investigate the relationship between H. pylori infection and several factors that were evaluated using a survey. …”
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  4. 444

    Examination of the Clinical Utility of Eating Disorder and Disordered Eating Screening Tools in Young Athletes: A Scoping Review by Barbara J. Hoogenboom, Zachary Capulong, Megan Teeter

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…Five articles utilized a tool specifically designed for athletes: the Eating Disorder Screen for Athletes (EDSA), Brief Eating Disorder in Athletes Questionnaire (BEDA-Q) or the ATHLETE questionnaire. # Discussion While the EAT-26 is most used for diagnosing ED/DE risk within young athletes, clinical utility of screening tools for male athletes is varied. …”
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  5. 445

    Cloning, expression pattern analysis, and vector construction of the BvNAC40 gene in sugar beet by FAN Ziqi, SUN Yaqing, LI Ningning, ZHANG Shaoying, LI Guolong

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…Expression of BvNAC40 under drought stress was analyzed by qRT-PCR. Overexpression vectors and virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) vectors for BvNAC40 were constructed using homologous recombination. …”
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  6. 446

    Assessment of economic efficiency of hydrogen production using wind and solar energy by Oleg V. Marchenko, Sergei V. Solomin

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…It is shown that under good climatic conditions (V≥6 m/s, Q≥1400 kW×h/m2/year) and optimistic values of technical and economic indicators, the cost of hydrogen is 2.8–3.4 $/kg. …”
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  7. 447

    Cognitive analysis and path construction of Chinese students’ mathematics cognitive process based on CDA by Xiaopeng Wu, Nanxin Li, Rongxiu Wu, Hao Liu

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…With CDA techniques, this study first identified eight attributes in mathematics cognition and formed a Q-matrix based on TIMSS-2015 items to construct the diagnosis assessment. …”
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  8. 448

    Increased miRNA-375 causes oxidative damage but promotes apoptosis resistance and cell migration in the clam Ruditapes philippinarum by Ming Cong, Zhaoshun Li, Wenwen Tian, Yixian Yu, Yu Che, Jiasen Lv

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Then, a combined approach of qRT-PCR, enzyme assay, and ultrastructure observation was applied to investigate its regulatory effects on the related genes, cellular parameters, and histological structures, respectively. …”
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  9. 449

    Elevated levels of neutrophils with a pro-inflammatory profile in Turner syndrome across karyotypes by Jesper Just, Lukas Ochsner Reynaud Ridder, Emma Bruun Johannsen, Jens Magnus Bernth Jensen, Mikkel Steen Petersen, Helene Viborg Christensen, Kenneth Kjærgaard, Jacob Redder, Simon Chang, Kirstine Stochholm, Anne Skakkebæk, Claus Højbjerg Gravholt

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…All TS individuals lacked the X chromosome p-arm, and XIST expression from the q-arm did not affect the autosomal transcriptome or methylome, highlighting the critical role of the missing p-arm with its pseudoautosomal region 1. …”
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  10. 450

    Pax6 regulates neuronal migration and cell proliferation via interacting with Wnt3a during cortical development by Bichao Zhang, Meihua Hou, Jiayan Huang, Yunfei Liu, Ciqing Yang, Juntang Lin

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…JASPAR analysis together with the results of qPCR, Western blot, CUT&Tag, and rescue experiments revealed that Pax6 regulates neuronal migration and cell proliferation by indirectly mediating Wnt3a expression. …”
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  11. 451

    Percepción de estudiantes a distancia sobre la influencia de las TIC en su formación académica by Ingrid del Carmen Blanco-Hernández, Dayana Carolina Arias Pertuz, Martha Lucia Franco-Fajardo, Nelsy Maria Miranda-Pájaro

    Published 2024-01-01
    “…A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que la percepción que tienen los estudiantes sobre la influencia de las TIC en su formación académica es altamente significativa, además consideran que la institución en cuestión debe mejorar su infraestructura tecnológica.CLASIFICACIÓN JEL123, O32, O33, M15, Q55, 123…”
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  12. 452

    CRIP1 inhibits cutaneous melanoma progression through TFAM-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis by Jianqiang Wu, Lixia Chen, Peijun Wen

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and Western blots (WB) were used to detect stable overexpression and knockdown of CRIP1 in melanoma cells. …”
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  13. 453

    Cuproptosis-related lncRNAs and genes: Potential markers for glioblastoma prognosis and treatment. by Yajia Chen, Jingxian Zhang, Weiqian Zheng, Hongwu Xu

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…Two high-risk CRLs (AC091182.2, AC005229.4) and their co-expression CRGs (LIPT2, GLS) were identified and verified to constitute an independent prognostic indicator of GBM. RT-qPCR analysis confirmed that the high-risk CRLs and CRGs were highly expressed in GBM cells compared to normal astrocytes. …”
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  14. 454

    Ankrd1 as a potential biomarker for the transition from acute kidney injury to chronic kidney disease by Hailin Li, Lemei Hu, Changqing Zheng, Ying Kong, Ming Liang, Quhuan Li

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…The expression levels of hub genes were validated using the bulk RNA-seq data (GSE98622) and further confirmed through RT-qPCR and immunohistochemical analysis in ischemia-reperfusion injury (uIRI) mice. …”
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  15. 455

    Identification of the immune infiltration and biomarkers in ulcerative colitis based on liquid–liquid phase separation-related genes by Zhixing Hong, Shilin Fang, Haihang Nie, Jingkai Zhou, Yuntian Hong, Lan Liu, Qiu Zhao

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Both the microarray and scRNA-seq datasets showed a strong correlation with immune cell infiltration and cytokines, especially GBP1, TRIM22, SRI. And qRT-PCR analysis showed that GBP1 play a pro-inflammatory role in UC. …”
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  16. 456

    A Comparison of the Morbidities Associated with Different Early Treatments in Tubo-Ovarian Abscess Patients by Sumanta Saha, Sujata Saha

    Published 2022-08-01
    “…The length of stay in the hospital among the tubo-ovarian abscess patients favored the initial parenteral antibiotic only treatment (WMD= -3.26; 95% CI= -4.93 to -1.58; p<0.001; I2=80.9%; p-value of Cochranes Q=0.005); however, on sensitivity analysis (meta-analysis with random-effect model) this difference disappeared. …”
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  17. 457

    Representações sociais de imigrantes involuntários: um estudo documental by Caroliny Duarte da Silva, Andréa Barbará Silva Bousfield, Maiara Leandro, Mariana Luíza Becker da Silva, Rodrigo Bousfield

    Published 2021-07-01
    “…Foi realizada classificação Hierárquica Descendente utilizando o software IRaMuTeQ e análises estatísticas descritivas com o auxílio do software PSPP. …”
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  18. 458

    Evaluation of the Results of Patients Who Were Treated with Laparoscopic Simple Tunnel Hysterosacropexy Method to Prevent Uterine Prolapse: A New Approach by Erdal Seker, Evindar Elci

    Published 2021-08-01
    “…There were significant improvements in the complaints and POP-Q values of patients included in the study. There were not any complications during the intraoperative period and postoperative follow-ups. …”
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  19. 459

    Synergistic Effects of Nano-Silicon and IQ Combi on Yield Traits of Wheat under Saline Irrigation by Raghad S. Abbas, Ayyad W. Al-Shahwany, Leila Z. Miandoab, Nader Chaparzadeh

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Results: The salinity significantly decreased the yield component, biological yield, and harvest index, while the synergistic effects of (S), (Q), and (M) increased by 52.86%, 15.81%, and 18.84%   in 2022 and 41.05%, 20.65% and 22.62 in 2023 growth season, respectively. …”
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  20. 460

    Age of detection of congenital hearing loss in South Africa: A systematic review by Mukovhe Phanguphangu, Khomotjo Kgare, Andrew J. Ross

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…Results: Ten studies, with a total of 1501 children, were included in this review. The computed Q-test of homogeneity was 5870.97 and the pooled mean age of identification was 30 months (95% confidence intervals [CI]: 19.3–41.3). …”
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