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Relíquias da casa velha: literatura e ditadura militar, 50 anos depois
Published 2014-01-01“…The assumption is that the cultural industry consolidation has produced in a tensioned way, significant modifications in the preexistent matrixes of Brazilian fiction, mainly in its themes, which translated the mallaise and perplexity of those difficult years, as well as their derivations to this day.…”
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A narrativa entre aspas de Bernardo Carvalho: legitimação e paratopia em um estudo de Onze: uma história
Published 2011-01-01“…The connections between local and global; author policies and text policies; as well as the place held by the Brazilian fiction in the contemporary scenario will be investigated inside Bernardo Carvalho’s textual machine, aiming at establishing limits and reaches of his writings regarding a modernity constituted by displacements, border crossings, and the dilution of political, geographical and fictional frontiers.…”
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Outras vozes da política: memória e imaginação
Published 2014-01-01“…Taking the relational analysis of the poem “El sur también existe” by Mario Benedetti as a reference and inviting the reader to read poems by Octavio Paz, Martha Nélida Ruiz, Gregory Bateson and Etienne Samain, it also suggests that the social scientist should take into consideration the relations between fiction and socio-historical reality and memory as connections that aim at the web of life which we conventionally call society.…”
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Saer versus Aira: versões de uma antropologia especulativa
Published 2011-01-01“…The paper proposes a confrontation of the work of two authors, Juan José Saer and César Aira, markedly different in the structures of reception their works bring forth, and that we might translate particularly in the way their relationship with “the contemporary” is perceived, resulting in specific placings in certain genealogies and in the production of their respective inscriptions in recent literary history in Latin America. The examination of fictional objects such as Saer’s La pesquisa and Aira’s Parmenides leads one to find ambivalent solicitations of the allegedly historical fact and its relation to fiction that are hereby presented as oportunities to operate critically towards the structures of established reception and criticism of the work of both authors.…”
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Sincronicidades: história, memória e ficçãoem Ana Maria Machado e Griselda Gambaro
Published 2015-01-01“…This article analyzes the novelsO mar nuncatransborda, by Ana MariaMachado, andEl mar que nos trajo, by Griselda Gambaro, within a comparativeframe, in order to exam the representation of national identity and self-identitythrough the intersection ofhistory, fiction and memory. The two novels offer analternative perspective of nation that privileges the micro histories of groups orindividuals at the margins of the official historiography, and emphasizes the“ambivalence” of the concept of the nation (according to Homi Bhabha), asopposed to a hegemonic idea of nation that defines it as a unified entity.…”
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É tempo de pipa: a representação da infância em Cidade de Deus, de Paulo Lins, e Lembrancinha do Adeus, de Júlio Ludemir
Published 2009-01-01“…Thus, poor children, who live in the urban peripheral areas, are represented in fiction as a counterface for such traditional notion of childhood. …”
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Literatura e infância: entre filosofia, história e “despropósitos”
Published 2015-01-01“…On one hand, we reflect on the relationship between fiction and childhood, with special emphasis on the books that have children as main characters that have an ability to see the reality from another perspective , to philosophize. …”
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Zwodnicza szczerość(?) Jana Jakuba Rousseau czyli narracja jako kreacja i doświadczanie świata
Published 2015-09-01“…Literature remains somehow suspended between fiction and the truth, between pretending and authenticity. …”
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Uczenie się demokracji od dzieciństwa – kaprys czy potrzeba współczesności?
Published 2015-12-01“…Thus, the article raises the question of whether teaching children democracy, liberation behaviour, participation, but also responsibility, is a fantasy, a fiction, or a whim, which teachers and researchers who seek, and parents who reject authoritarianism are often accused of, or whether it is a necessity of the modern times and an expression of an awareness that it is essential wisely to prepare the younger generation for life in contemporary society. …”
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Signs of Innovation in European Cinema. Electronic Music in Antonioni and Tarkovsky
Published 2025-02-01“…Tarkovsky’s well-established relationship with Eduard Artemiev, matured within the Moscow studio, allowed Tarkovsky to use electronic sounds in some of his films, such as Solaris, in a manner far removed from the worn-out standards of science-fiction cinema. Likewise, Antonioni found in the music of Vittorio Gielmetti a suitable aural commentary on the mental disorders of the protagonist in Deserto rosso, inserting electronic music into the palette to describe the horizons of the inner human psyche. …”
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A escrita da cidade partida: identidade e alteridade em Capão Pecado
Published 2013-01-01“…It deviates from the strong tendency of considering all cities alike in the Brazilian fiction scenery by means of a narrative that takes place in a geographical area within the outskirts of São Paulo. …”
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Do romance ao romance histórico: algumas considerações sobre a teoria marxista do romance de György Lukács
Published 2019-01-01“…In the sequence, we will resume the Lukácsean broader conception of the novel, specially highlighted in the paper “The novel as Bourgeois epic”, published in 1935, and then to delve into the more specific issue of the novel subgenre that combines History and Fiction, recorded in the book The historical novel, published in 1937, both during Lukács’ exile period in the 1930’s on the Soviet Union.…”
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Jak Gaja Grzegorzewska skampowała powieść kryminalną
Published 2025-02-01“…The paper intends to investigate how Grzegorzewska dismantles the tradition of hard-boiled fiction and re-writes it accordingly to make her female character plausible in this particular literary context through the means of camp aesthetics.…”
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Ficções da memória ou a memória da ficção: Dulce María Loynaz e Cecília Meireles
Published 2012-01-01“…These poems of memorable fiction are studied in their different forms of composition and meanings when they pick up and preserve traces of of- fended, mutilated and deadly hurt memory in order to look at the pass and, also, to the future in a paradoxical poetics of a wasted and uninhabited memory.…”
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The Great Trek as Exodus in J.D. Kestell's and N. Hofmeyr's De Voortrekkers of het dagboek van Izak van der Merwe
Published 2003-06-01“… Both before and after the end of the nineteenth century the Great Trek of the 1830s and 1840s was a recurrent theme in historical fiction. Not only in many of the novels written in Dutch and Afrikaans, but also in some which appeared in English, the bravery of the Voortrekkers was a pivotal theme. …”
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Alice ainda mora aqui: narrativa juvenil contemporânea
Published 2010-01-01“…The understanding that lies in the possibility of recognizing in the texts we read what we experience in real life, express, translate and nourish our emotions and feelings of pain or happiness, making us approach the identity of the “subject- matter” leading us towards choices, relationships and extreme situations. It typifies on the fiction plan, evolution stages experienced by humans, and which may translate, at the same time, ways of preserving the cultural identity and participate in the process of universalization. …”
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The gospel contra Nietzsche: a South African literary critique of Wille zur Macht
Published 2017-06-01“…The present article explores how Joseph Doke, a scholarly, transplanted Englishman who served as a Baptist pastor in Johannesburg and elsewhere and wrote the first biography of Gandhi, used fiction to criticise Nietzsche early in the twentieth century. …”
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(Des)memória e catástrofe: considerações sobre a literatura pós-golpe de 1964
Published 2014-01-01“…In this context, the stories – told by many authors and some of the survivors of repression – seem to play an important role in supplying the deficiencies of the History, in order to show, effectively even if through fiction, the nefas that characterized in particular torture and murder of opponents. …”
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Językowy obraz świata w tekstach Jana Jakuba Rousseau. „Wyznania” jako narracyjne konstruowanie tożsamości
Published 2015-06-01“…On the one hand Rousseau’s work can be considered as an autobiographical narrative, but on the other hand it can be treated as fiction. And it is the dualism of construction that allows the interpretation of the text in many ways, formal or poetic, as well as referring to the writer’s life. …”
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“Gente-grande”: denúncia da pequenez dos adultos
Published 2015-01-01“…In parallel, the short story mobilizes the reader to identify similar situations in the contemporary context, while it instigates him to focus on the compo sitional elements, which constitute the articulation between fiction and reality. As a result, the image of the astonished child becomes prominent because of the adults’ incoherence and the violation of the family’s harmony, a harmony which childhood deser ves. …”
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