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- Human anatomy 20
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- Moral and ethical aspects 3
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- geography 3
Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work: Large Animals—Livestock
Published 2016-02-01“…This 8-page fact sheet covers risks in the following categories: injuries to people, injuries to animals, property damage, biosecurity (diseases transmitted to humans and between animals), and general precautions. …”
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Enteritis necroticans and Clostridium perfringens type C; Epidemiological and pathological findings over the past 20 years.
Published 2025-02-01“…Enteritis necroticans (EN) in humans caused by infection with Clostridium perfringens type C, once thought limited to the highlands of Papua New Guinea has been identified sporadically worldwide. …”
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Anàlisi del Pacte de la Unió Europea sobre Migració i Asil
Published 2025-01-01“… Aquest article s’enfoca a analitzar el nou Pacte sobre Migració i Asil de la Unió Europea, centrant-me en dos punts principals: el procés negociador i els factors que han donat lloc a l’adopció del nou marc jurídic, i l’estudi de les disposicions normatives més controvertides i que susciten preocupació entre ONG, experts i activistes, pel seu enfocament securititzador de les fronteres exteriors de la Unió Europea, en comptes de basar-se en la protecció dels drets humans i que poden ocasionar, a la pràctica, possibles violacions del dret internacional i del Dret de la UE, especialment del dret d’asil. …”
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Toxicity of Common Indoor Household Insecticides Registered in Florida
Published 2019-09-01“…Insecticides are designed to control insect pests, but they can also be toxic (poisonous) to desirable plants and animals, including humans. Some pesticides are so highly toxic that very small quantities can kill a person, and almost any pesticide can make people ill if they are exposed to a sufficient amount. …”
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Published 2016-03-01“… Atmospheric pollution present interest for monitoring and analysis when one or more substances or mixture of pollutants are present in the atmosphere in quantities or for a period that can be dangerous for humans, animals or plants and contribute to endangering the activity or welfare of persons. …”
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An update on Florida’s Artificial Reefs: recent deployments and trends
Published 2022-10-01“… Popular marine habitat enhancements, artificial reefs can benefit sea life and humans. Floridians visit them every year to fish, dive, snorkel, or boat around. …”
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Stewardship Ecosystem Services Study: Carbon Stores on Florida Forest Stewardship Program Lands
Published 2013-11-01“…Ecosystem services are benefits from nature that are directly enjoyed, consumed, or used by humans, such as water quality improvement or protection, recreation, biodiversity, and even timber. …”
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Pest Management Perceptions and Practices for Equine Farms in North and Central Florida
Published 2013-05-01“…So, homeowners have a high risk of exposure to pathogens that can be transmitted by filth flies to humans. Integrated pest management for equine farms requires accurate diagnosis of pest problems and the coordinated use of science-based management practices, but a recent survey shows that many equine property owners don’t know enough about the identification, biology, and presence of filth fly pests on their properties to develop successful IPM programs. …”
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Black salt marsh mosquito Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann) (Insecta: Diptera: Culicidae)
Published 2014-06-01“…Although it is not a primary vector of major concern, it can transmit pathogens to humans and other animals. Its characteristic emergence in large numbers after rains and flooding events as well as its aggressive biting contribute to its notoriety as a pest insect. …”
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Behold the Man, again: What Nietzsche hopes his Readers will see in 'Ecce Homo'
Published 2024-10-01“…While we know, more or less, what Pilate intended the crowd to behold—viz. the unremarkable humanity of the innocent prisoner Jesus—it is not entirely clear what Nietzsche expects his readers to behold in his autobiography. …”
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Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work: Large Animals—Livestock
Published 2016-02-01“…This 8-page fact sheet covers risks in the following categories: injuries to people, injuries to animals, property damage, biosecurity (diseases transmitted to humans and between animals), and general precautions. …”
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Overview of How to Stop Damage Caused by Nuisance Wildlife in Your Yard
Published 2012-11-01“…These suggestions should help reduce wildlife damage in a practical, humane, and environmentally responsible manner. Written by Holly K. …”
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Blacklegged Tick or Deer Tick, Ixodes scapularis Say (Arachnida: Acari: Ixodidae)
Published 2003-08-01“… In the United States, the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say affects the greatest number of people for three principal reasons: their geographic distribution coincides in the northeastern United States with the greatest concentration of humans (Miller et al. 1990); spirochete infection rates are high, often exceeding 25 (Burgdorfer et al. 1982, Anderson et al. 1983, Magnarelli et al. 1986); and the geographical range of the tick is spreading (Lastavica et al. 1989, Anderson et al. 1990, Godsey et al. 1987, Davis et al. 1984). …”
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Applying multispecies justice in nature-based solutions and urban sustainability planning: Tensions and prospects
Published 2025-02-01“…Abstract While substantial efforts have been made to identify and address issues of environmental justice in urban areas, the question of how to consider and plan for the concerns of humans and other species remains a major challenge. …”
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Heart of the Country
Published 2023-05-01“…How can we create a world that will offer our children wisdom, humanity, responsibility and hope? Shinichi Yasutomo, the extraordinary principal of a rural village school in Hokkaido, Japan, passionately believes he knows the way - by giving children a moral compass to guide their lives, by educating their hearts as wells as their minds. …”
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Seaweed-derived bioactives: Gut microbiota targeted interventions for immune function
Published 2025-02-01“…Further research is now required in humans to determine whether combinations of these could offer synergistic benefits for health.…”
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Toxicity of Common Indoor Household Insecticides Registered in Florida
Published 2019-09-01“…Insecticides are designed to control insect pests, but they can also be toxic (poisonous) to desirable plants and animals, including humans. Some pesticides are so highly toxic that very small quantities can kill a person, and almost any pesticide can make people ill if they are exposed to a sufficient amount. …”
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Brief Exposition of Religious Experience in Semitic Religion
Published 2024-11-01“…It also surveys modern development in this field of study and its position in espousing interfaith dialogue and the mutual heritage of our common humanity that highlighted the spirit of La-Convivencia of such an inclusive and pluralistic force, especially in the Malay Basin. …”
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Pastorale begeleiding aan die persoon met dissosiatiewe identiteitsversteuring
Published 2012-06-01“…Assistance should take place with care and sensitivity in order to guide the person with dissociative identity disorder taking into consideration integral dimensions of personal humanity. It is submitted that guidance in this respect can therefore not be unilaterally psychological or pastoral by nature. …”
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Blacklegged Tick or Deer Tick, Ixodes scapularis Say (Arachnida: Acari: Ixodidae)
Published 2003-08-01“… In the United States, the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say affects the greatest number of people for three principal reasons: their geographic distribution coincides in the northeastern United States with the greatest concentration of humans (Miller et al. 1990); spirochete infection rates are high, often exceeding 25 (Burgdorfer et al. 1982, Anderson et al. 1983, Magnarelli et al. 1986); and the geographical range of the tick is spreading (Lastavica et al. 1989, Anderson et al. 1990, Godsey et al. 1987, Davis et al. 1984). …”
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