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Die ontwikkeling van pastoraal-narratiewe mentorskapbeginsels as effektiewe leerbenadering
Published 2007-12-01“…Mentorship is considered to be one of the best methods to facilitate individual learning and development in all spheres of life. Therefore mentorship in teaching and learning establishes an integrated approach to learning. …”
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Use of ICT In Teaching Physics in Secondary Schools.
Published 2024“…Most secondary school educators face the challenge of developing and implementing technology in teaching and learning, the e-learning research project at Mwizi secondary school involves media-rich software to enable simulation and visualization of Concepts in physics. …”
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Thesis -
Virtual Reality Simulation for Undergraduate Nursing Students for Care of Patients With Infectious Diseases: Mixed Methods Study
Published 2025-02-01“… BackgroundVirtual reality simulation (VRS) teaching offers nursing students a safe, immersive learning environment with immediate feedback, enhancing learning outcomes. …”
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Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Animasi 2 Dimensi dengan Model ADDIE pada Mata Pelajaran Teknik Pengolahan Audio dan Video Kelas XII Multimedia SMKN 12 Malang
Published 2022-12-01“…Absctract During the Covid-19 pandemic, there are currently many new innovations in the manufacture of learning media such as video learning media. Video learning media are used for students to do online learning. …”
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Cognitive Playfulness, Creative Capacity and Generation ‘C’ learners
Published 2008-10-01“…This paper draws on an ongoing doctoral study of student engagement with new digital media technologies in a formal schooling environment to demonstrate the importance of playfulness as a learning disposition. The study shows that cognitive playfulness mobilises productive engagement with learning innovations in the context of a traditional learning culture. …”
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Uczenie się w środowisku i dla środowiska jako wymóg współczesności
Published 2020-11-01“… The article discusses the methods of defining and describing the processes of learning in what is generally acknowledged as the learning environment. …”
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Czas w uczeniu się. Analiza krytyczna perspektywy obiektywistycznej
Published 2020-03-01“…The paper is a critical analysis of time in learning, functioning in the objectivist approach to education. …”
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Neuroeducation meets virtual reality: theoretical analysis and implications for didactic design
Published 2024-06-01“…Neurodidactics seems to offer the most interesting insights into how participation in a virtual reality session can positively affect learning processes: this suggests that it is worth focusing on the learning processes that can be generated by this emerging technology. …”
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Czy pojawienie się technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w klasie szkolnej oznacza zmianę praktyk nauczania i uczenia się?
Published 2020-11-01“…This perspective focuses on both teachers’ practices and students’ learning activities in the classroom and how tablet technology is integrated into teaching and learning practices. …”
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Published 2020-03-01“…The results of the data analysis of the second cycle of learning with the application of the suggestopedia method, obtained data; 37 students scored above 70 and mastery learning 92.5%. …”
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O rozumiejąco-przeżyciowym podejściu do nauki czytania i pisania (na przykładzie strategii „Skuteczne zdziwienie. Wyzwalamy myślenie”)
Published 2023-09-01“…The findings revealed three categories of children’s learning: 1) by speaking (observing and experiencing linguistic behavior, elaboration – giving meaning to memories, generation – creating lasting memories, learning by questioning – formulating questions that are important from the child’s perspective, listening and exchanging ideas and opinions); 2) perceptual learning (using body intelligence, making analogies); and 3) learning by doing (creating model examples, contrasting cases. …”
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Relationship with place: a transformative and sustainable pedagogy for the planet
Published 2024-06-01“…Furthermore, natural environments are offered as an optimal context for the emotional and sensory-rich needs of learning experiences that transform eco-paradigms and develop land ethics. …”
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Kajian Strategi Pendidikan Vokasi Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Menghadapi Bonus Demografi
Published 2023-10-01“…To achieve the competence of ICT Vocational High School students, this can be done by: using problem-based learning, project-based learning, cycle 5E, genre pedagogic, education game, Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD), and blended learning as learning models, learning media that can be utilized in the form of e-learning, software simulation, metacognitive based, the use of qualified facilities in the laboratory, the curricula prepared include apprenticeship as a subject that must be followed by students, the use of learning tools through constructivism-based worksheets, the construction of vocational schools based on the concept of corporate school, the competence of teachers through pedagogic skills, social and personality that can support increased learning motivation which will affect student competence, and internship experience can increase the competency of SMK students. …”
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Published 2019-08-01“…The results of the research showed that (1) there are significant differences in learning outcomes between students taught by learning the HOTS-oriented Problem Solving model and students taught with conventional learning model ( at the 5% significance level) and (2) there was an increase in students' Problem Solving abilities with learning HOTS-oriented Problem Solving model with an increase in the results of the student's Problem Solving ability tests after being taught with learning HOTS-Oriented Problem Solving models, 44.08. …”
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Analisis Efek Augmentasi Dataset dan Fine Tune pada Algoritma Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Published 2023-08-01“…Kemajuan teknologi deep learning seringkali berbanding lurus dengan keterkaitan metode yang dapat diandalkan dalam penggunaan jumlah data yang besar. …”
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Application of principles of cognitive psychology in teaching: Perspectives from undergraduate medical and dental students.
Published 2025-01-01“…To optimize learning outcomes, institutions should consider adopting blended learning strategies, curricular innovations, and active learning methodologies (such as case-based, team-based, and problem-solving approaches) aligned with CP principles. …”
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Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Website pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Desain Grafis Menggunakan Model Pengembangan Four-D (Studi pada SMK Negeri 1 Rembang)
Published 2022-08-01“…Therefore, in this study the researcher develop a web-based learning media which accommodate online learning. The researcher developed a web-based learning media with Four-D development method (define, design, develop, and disseminate). …”
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Published 2019-09-01“…The conclusion of this study shows that there is a significant effect of learning using Problem Solving Fisika model on cognitive learning outcomes and critical thinking ability. …”
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Investigating the Influences of Self Esteem on Student’s Academic Performance in English Language: A Case Study of Secondary Schools in Rubanda.
Published 2024“…The least mentioned challenge was feelings of inferiority among students from disadvantaged backgrounds, which prevented them from actively participating in learning activities. For solutions to these challenges, the majority of respondents emphasized the importance of providing a supportive and conducive learning environment to foster positive attitudes and higher motivation toward English language learning. …”
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Thesis -
Survei Penelitian Metode Kecerdasan Buatan untuk Mendeteksi Ancaman Teknologi Serangan Siber
Published 2023-12-01“…Teknik dan metode baru machine learning dan deep learning terus dikembangkan oleh banyak peneliti untuk menangani serangan siber. …”
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