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Klasifikasi Ekspresi Wajah Menggunakan Covolutional Neural Network
Published 2024-12-01“…Hasil menunjukkan akurasi tertinggi sebesar 90.6% dengan learning rate 0.001 pada pembagian 85% data latih dan 15% data uji, melebihi model yang lebih kompleks. …”
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Kombinasi Feature Selection Fisher Score dan Principal Component Analysis (PCA) untuk Klasifikasi Cervix Dysplasia
Published 2020-05-01“…Dalam hal ini machine learning dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut. Akan tetapi, keakuratan machine learning bergantung pada fitur yang digunakan. …”
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Klasifikasi Teks Hadis Bukhari Terjemahan Indonesia Menggunakan Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (CRNN)
Published 2021-10-01“…This research uses a hybrid method in deep learning by combining a Convolutional Neural Network and a Recurrent Neural Network, namely Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN). …”
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Pengembangan Gim Simulasi Kehidupan untuk Peningkatan Literasi Grafik Menggunakan Framework DPE
Published 2023-12-01“…The solution offered in this study is an alternative to graphic learning using serious games as a learning resource. …”
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Badanie potencjału możliwości uczenia się dzieci – eksperyment nauczający
Published 2018-09-01“…Vygotsky, the transition from the study of existing learning culture products and the diagnosis of the zone of actual development, the exploration of the child’s learning potential, his/her susceptibility to teaching, estimation of the child’s proximal development and cognitive readiness; from organizing a research situation in which the child independently solves the problem to exploring the potential of a child to solve a problem in cooperation with an adult, finally from examining both the child and the context to the study of the child in the context. …”
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Gender and Sexuality in Mathematics Education: Queer High School Students’ Experiences in the United States
Published 2023-12-01“…Through thematic analysis, findings show that mathematics teaching and learning are still disconnected from students' Queer identities and the real-world, and Queer students see a divide between Queerness and mathematics, which in many cases causes their exclusion from the STEM fields. …”
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Projekt międzynarodowy „Digitally Improving Social and Emotional Skills of Primary School Teachers (DigiSEL)” dla nauczycieli edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
Published 2023-10-01“…The author collected information about the project and pointed out practical solutions in social-emotional learning. …”
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Perspectives on Image Aesthetic Evaluation Techniques
Published 2025-01-01“…Although deep learning technology can improve the accuracy of evaluation and has achieved some results in aesthetic evaluation tasks, the technology still faces challenges such as high subjectivity and poor diversity, and it is believed that with the progress of science and technology, these problems will be solved. …”
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Principles of Self-Regulation in EFL mediated by Dialogic Tutoring Sessions
Published 2019-07-01“… Students’ engagement and determination require the use of self-regulated learning strategies to facilitate adequate preparation. …”
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Positive Discipline for Youth
Published 2014-09-01“…While some are better behaved than others, they all need acceptance and the opportunity to learn. Especially in groups of mixed ages, experience, or interests, the challenge of a youth leader is to see that disruptive youth do not prevent others from learning or having fun. …”
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Positive Discipline for Youth
Published 2014-09-01“…While some are better behaved than others, they all need acceptance and the opportunity to learn. Especially in groups of mixed ages, experience, or interests, the challenge of a youth leader is to see that disruptive youth do not prevent others from learning or having fun. …”
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Miejsca kultury w antropologii i etnografii edukacyjnej
Published 2020-12-01“… The focus of this article is on culture as a central concept of educational anthropology – a subdiscipline of anthropology that focuses on the fields of education and learning as key aspects of social life. It begins with an introduction into how culture has been criticially conceptualized in anthropology and ethnography and then illustrates how educational anthropologists have used the concepts of culture and cultural critique to analyze educational processes in diverse sociocultural settings. …”
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Short-term power consumption forecasting using neural networks with first- and second-order differencing
Published 2024-10-01“…Recent advancements in machine learning, particularly long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, have addressed some of these limitations by leveraging neural network architectures capable of learning complex temporal dependencies. …”
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How I Grow: Months Nine and Ten
Published 2003-08-01“…Because she wants to explore, she is learning how to get around. Your baby’s curiosity is necessary and wonderful. …”
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