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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Application software 2
- Computer-assisted instruction 2
- Education, Elementary 2
- Educational technology 2
- Effective teaching 2
- Elementary school teaching 2
- Internet in education 2
- Climate change mitigation 1
- Dictionaries, Juvenile 1
- Education 1
- Ethnoscience 1
- Primary school teachers 1
- Rural development 1
- Sustainable development 1
- Swahili language 1
Elementary School Class Teacher Strategy in Instruding Ideological Values Nahdlatul Ulama – Muhammadiyyah
Published 2025-02-01“… This research is designed to evaluate and analyze: (1) How classroom teachers formulate strategies to instill NU-Muhammadiyah ideological values in primary schools, (2) How the implementation of classroom teacher strategies in instilling NU-Muhammadiyah values in primary schools, and (3) How the evaluation of classroom teacher strategies in instilling NU-Muhammadiyah ideological values in primary schools. …”
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Effects of Remedial Lessons on Academic Performance of Pupils in Upper Classes in Kyanamira Sub-County Kabale District.
Published 2024“…The study was guided by the following objectives; To investigate the effect of remedial lessons on pupils' performance in primary schools and to examine challenges facing remedial lessons in primary schools in the Kyanamira sub-county. …”
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Gdy słowa wiodą na manowce. Krótka rzecz o pułapce polskiej metodyki
Published 2016-04-01“…The text is an attempt to analyse the language of the Polish core curriculum for primary schools and the language of teaching methodology, created by the core curriculum, as a source of stereotype thinking about school and the (im)possibility of change in the model of education. …”
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Assessing the Impact of Inclusive Education on Children with Disabilities in Kisoro Municipality.
Published 2024“…The objectives of the study were; to assess the socio-cultural factors affecting the use of inclusive education on children with disabilities in selected primary schools of Kisoro examine the economic factors affecting use of inclusive education on children with disabilities in selected primary schools of Kisoro Municipality and to examine the environmental factors affecting inclusive education on children with visual impairment in selected primary schools of Kisoro Municipality. …”
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The Relationship Between Parents' Literacy and The Learners' Competence in English Language: A Case Study of Kabale Municipality Kabale District.
Published 2024“…This study aimed at investigating the relationship between Parents' Literacy and the Learners' Competence in English Language in Selected Primary Schools in Kabale Municipality Kabale District…”
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Teacher Professional Development on Students Learning and Academic Performance: A Case Study of Selected Schools in Rubanda Town Council.
Published 2024“…A case study of selected schools in Rubanda town council following the study objectives which were; to establish the impact of teachers' professional development on pupils’ academic performance in primary schools in Rubanda town council, Rubanda District, to find out the challenge to teacher professional development in primary schools in Rubanda town council, Rubanda District and to identify the way of strengthening teacher professional development in primary schools of Rubanda town council, Rubanda District. …”
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Transfer of Teachers and Learners’ Performance in Kabarole District.
Published 2024“…This study investigated the correlation between teacher transfers and learners’ academic performance in government-aided primary schools in Kabarole District. The specific objectives were to determine the relationship between voluntary teacher transfers and learners' academic performance, to assess the impact of routine teacher transfers on academic performance, and to examine the effect of forced teacher transfers on learners' academic performance in government-aided primary schools within the district. …”
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Access to Primary Education By Children With Physical Disabilities in Bwambara Sub-County Rukungiri District.
Published 2024“…The specific objectives of the study were; To find out how are children with physical disabilities admitted to primary schools in Bwambara Sub-County, How accessible are primary schools to children with physical disabilities and how affordable are primary schools in Bwambara sub-county to children with physical disabilities. …”
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Telefony i komputery w codziennym życiu uczniów w młodszym wieku szkolnym
Published 2018-06-01“…The research was conducted among pupils from Class III and IV in two primary schools in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. The results of the research indicate the need to carry out preventive actions in the field of preventing cyber-dependences, with particular emphasis on the function of family relationships in the process of shaping the proper development of children. …”
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Teksty narracyjne uczniów w świetle morfologii Władimira Proppa
Published 2019-03-01“…Hence, nurseries and primary schools play an important role in children’s building narratives. …”
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„Uwspólnione” tworzenie sensu w interakcji dziecka z dorosłym
Published 2018-09-01“… This article demonstrates the results of the educational project “stimulating children’s thinking” carried out in some primary schools in a metropolitan environment (Lodz, Poland). …”
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Szkoła dla dziecka – cyfrowego tubylca. Postrzeganie szkoły przez uczniów edukacji wczesnoszkolnej – uczestników projektu „Wychować człowieka mądrego”
Published 2018-06-01“…The presented image is based on data collected through on-line questionnaires from 1,772 pupils from Classes I–III at primary schools taking part in the project of implementing the method of tutoring “Raise a wise man”. …”
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Curriculum Interpretation and Learners’ Attainment of Reading Skills in Uganda a Case of Selected Districts in Acholi Sub-Region
Published 2019“…Emphasizing instruction in local languages in government primary schools disadvantages learners when it comes to preparation for Primary Leaving Examinations. …”
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Portale społecznościowe w doświadczeniach ośmiolatków
Published 2018-06-01“…Focus participants were recruited from forty thirdgrade students from two selected primary schools. The results of the research presented in the text indicate a great interest on the part of the youngest generation in social networking sites. …”
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Niereligijni rodzice wobec instytucji szkoły
Published 2019-12-01“…Analysed statements of non-religious parents indicate that pre-schools and primary schools are to a large extent institutions strongly connected with declared religious values, which also leads to a negative perception of non-religious parents and their children. …”
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Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on School Dropout in Selected Primry Schools in Nyarusiza Sub-County Kisoro District.
Published 2024“…The study focused on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on school dropout in selected primary schools in the Nyarusiza sub-county Kisoro district. …”
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„Momenty wychowawcze” w projektowaniu procesu kształcenia kulturowej kompetencji dzieci
Published 2019-09-01“… The article presents the results of an educational research project implemented in the school year 2018/2019 in selected primary schools in urban environment (Łódź). The aim of the study was to diagnose Janusz Korczak’s “educational moments” in designing the process of developing cultural competence. …”
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Sztuki plastyczne w naiwnych teoriach uczniów edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
Published 2019-03-01“…The subject of it was based on third-graders’ statements from Warsaw primary schools concerning the interpretation and description of the term ‘visual arts’. …”
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Effect of one Laptop per Child Policy on academic Performance in Social Studies in Ruhango District, Rwanda.
Published 2020“…Among the challenges facing teachers was the time per week allocated to the course which is not enough for pupils in primary schools to cover the content and carry further Research to improve their knowledge in the subject. …”
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