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The synthesis of the Gospel and life as a goal of evangelization
Published 2024-06-01“…In implementing the prophetic purpose, it was emphasized that the proclamation of the Word of God is to illuminate and transform human existence. …”
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Nostra aetate – stages of creation, with a particular focus on paragraph no. 2… and the people involved in its development
Published 2014-11-01“…While there been many works on the theology of Nostra aetate, there are few studies that present in detail the major personages and stages, the crucial issues and opposing forces surrounding this prophetic document. This article seeks to address this lacuna. …”
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Does Black theology have a role to play in the democratic South Africa?
Published 2016-12-01“…Yet two decades into our democracy, poverty, racism, gender injustice, patriarchy, xenophobia, bad governance, environmental degradation, and so on need to be prophetically addressed with equal seriousness and simultaneously, for none of these issues can be left for some time in the future. …”
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The biblical view of humanity and the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities: the call and mission of the church
Published 2017-06-01“…The article concludes that the church has a missional call to serve as the home and prophetic voice for the marginalised in society. …”
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A transforming body: A post-exilic reading of Psalms 50 and 51 in the light of social norms communicated through the Leviticus sacrificial system and body imagery
Published 2021-12-01“…Situated between a collection of Korahite (42-49) and Davidic psalms (51-70[51-72]) in Book II of the Psalter (42- 72), Psalm 50 is considered to be part of the liturgy with a prophetic character. The psalm, with its strong focus on offering, brings about the renewal of Israel before God. …”
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Astrotheology: A proactive contextualization of novelty within space exploration
Published 2021-12-01“…I intend to challenge this reactive function of theology and propose that theology might be called to play a proactive, even prophetic role especially within the science and religion debate. …”
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Published 2018-12-01“…Instead of focussing on the more common reference to prophets such as Jeremiah who helped people cope with the traumatic experience of the Babylonian exile, I will pay attention to the very different message of Nahum to the Judeans who suffered under Assyrian tyranny. …”
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Published 2021-06-01“… Recent developments within South African Pentecostalism reveal that a number of pastors in new Prophetic Churches abuse religion and women and engage in other extreme practices of religion. …”
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The function of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" in Matthew's gospel
Published 2012-06-01“…It was discovered that the phrase may have four possible functions, namely (a) a system by which Matthew hoped to make the message of the particular passage unforgettable; (b) a prophetic anticipation of an aspect of the larger shape of history; (c) a linguistic device to increase the degree of emphasis or heighten the force given to the message of eschatological judgment; and (d) a literary connector holding together a number of specific passages of Scripture. …”
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Assessing the Place of Christo-Peace in Transforming the Life of Nigerian Christians
Published 2024-12-01“…It recommends the advancement of peace-based preaching, increased prayers for the advancement of prophetic gifts that are needed for Christian understanding of time and the management of the culture of corruption in the Nigerian Christian churches as paths to Christo-peace by Christians, bearing in mind that there are multiple crises undermining the reality of peace on earth.…”
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Religious faith traditions tussle with rampant corruption toward sustainable development: Search for the missing links in light of ubuntu
Published 2022-06-01“…The church has a moral and social obligation to fulfil its prophetic mission of fighting corruption. This article analyses how the church can influence the state apparatus in the fight against corruption. …”
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Spiritualiteit in het Lucasevangelie: verscheidenheid en gemeenschap
Published 2012-12-01“…This spirituality is messianic and prophetic. It is rooted in the orientation on God who has solidarity with the poor and the oppressed. …”
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Jezus, de unieke drager van Gods Geest
Published 2003-12-01“…In that way he was the unique Bearer of the Holy Spirit — in contrast with other bearers of the Spirit like prophets and apostles. …”
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Odnowa życia zakonnego w świetle Soboru Watykańskiego II i w nauczaniu magisterium Kościoła
Published 2012-12-01“…As you might notice a contemporary theology of religious life revolves around the following themes: the religious life as a gift to the Church and the world, religious consecration, radicalism in the imitation of Christ, the charismatic dimension of religious life, the contemplative dimension of religious life, prophetic presence in the world, witness to communion with God and man. …”
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