Showing 15,761 - 15,780 results of 15,856 for search '"researcher"', query time: 0.09s Refine Results
  1. 15761

    Deteksi Dan Klasifikasi Hama Potato Beetle Pada Tanaman Kentang Menggunakan YOLOV8 by Daniel Geoffrey Manurung, Mohammad Ryan Pinasthika, Muhammad Azka Obila Vasya, Rania Aprilia Dwi Setya Putri, Agustinus Parasian Tampubolon, Rakan Fadhil Prayata, Septia Khoirin Nisa, Novanto Yudistira

    Published 2024-08-01
    “…The data used for training is divided into training, validation, and testing datasets using the PyTorch framework. The research results indicate that the developed model achieves an adequate level of accuracy in detecting and classifying potato beetles. …”
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  2. 15762

    Changes in alcohol consumption among Belgian adults participating in the internet-based one-month-abstinence campaign ‘Tournée Minérale’ by Annelies Thienpondt, Jelle Van Cauwenberg, Joris Van Damme, Gera E. Nagelhout, Benedicte Deforche

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…However, without comparison with a control group of non-participants or comparison points, we cannot simply attribute the changes over time to participation in TMC. Future research with a stronger study design is needed to rule out possible bias (e.g., selection bias, seasonal effects or regression to the mean) and to examine mechanisms and longer term effects of TACs.…”
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  3. 15763

    Pemilihan Strategi Implementasi Kesehatan Digital Pada Kelompok Pengambil Keputusan Menggunakan Metode Vikor by Sri Kusumadewi, Rahadian Kurniawan

    Published 2024-08-01
    “…Consequently, additional research utilizing complementary strategies is required to facilitate the successful implementation of digital health. …”
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  4. 15764

    Kombinasi Intent Classification dan Named Entity Recognition pada Data Berbahasa Indonesia dengan Metode Dual Intent and Entity Transformer by Zahra Asma Annisa, Rizal Setya Perdana, Putra Pandu Adikara

    Published 2024-10-01
    “…To overcome this problem, intent and NER classification can be combined using a multi-task learning mechanism in the form of a Dual Intent and Entity Transformer (DIET) model. The research was conducted by utilizing secondary data from Helpdesk TIK UB, designing DIET models using PyTorch and Transformers libraries, then evaluating DIET models using f1-score. …”
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  5. 15765

    Informasi Dini Terhadap Penyakit Kanker Payudara berbasis Telepon Pintar by Hesti Lina Wiraswati, Savira Ekawardhani, Sarasati Windria, Arina Al Khaq, Fauzia Nurfitri, Dini Wahyuni, Nadya Rachmawati, Rusdi Toriq Baasin, Annissa Retno Arimdayu, Annisa Retno Arimdayu

    Published 2022-08-01
    “…Objective: To provide information service about breast cancer, and an explanation also simulation of how to do BSE based on a smartphone-based app. Methods: The research consists of application design, collection of assets as a database source, application validation, and testing to 100 respondents using purposive technique sampling. …”
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  6. 15766

    Penerapan Hidden Markov Model (HMM) dan Mel-Frequency Cesptral Coefficients (MFCC) pada E-Learning Bahasa Madura untuk Anak Usia Dini by Ubaidi Ubaidi, Nindian Puspa Dewi

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…The implementation of MFCC and HMM as the learning tool to introduce the pronunciation of regional language vocabularies especially Bahasa Madura has never been done before. Therefore, this research is expected to help the young learners to be able to pronounce Bahasa Madura vocabularies properly.  …”
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  7. 15767

    Implementasi Algoritma Catboost Dan Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) Dalam Memprediksi Popularitas Game Indie Pada Platform Steam by Mohammad Teddy Syamkalla, Siti Khomsah, Yohani Setya Rafika Nur

    Published 2024-08-01
    “…Abstract   The increasing popularity of indie games in the gaming market requires indie game developers to compete to make their games attractive to users in various ways in order to increase their potential popularity. Previous research has tried to use logistic regression and random forest algorithms to forecast the popularity of indie games on the Steam platform, However, the model results using various methods are still low. …”
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  8. 15768

    Perancangan Perangkat Audit Internal untuk Sistem Keamanan Informasi pada Organisasi XYZ by Arif Rahman Hakim, Rizky Aditya Pratama Wijaya

    Published 2020-05-01
    “…In this paper, we conduct qualitative research to design audit tool using three methods in determining the audit criteria, the first is FMEA in risk analysis process, the second is ISO / IEC 27002: 2013 in control analysis process and the third is COBIT 5 in business process analysis. …”
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  9. 15769

    Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Aplikasi Sidawai Menggunakan End User Computing Statisfaction (EUCS) DAn Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) by Kiki Haerani, Khairul Imtihan, Wafiah Murniati

    Published 2024-08-01
    “…The quality of information on a system can have a big influence on the level of user satisfaction, and the objectives of using the system can be achieved when the system is used. Research was conducted to determine the level of user satisfaction and the level of gap between expectations and application performance. …”
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  10. 15770

    Father’s Perceptions of their Role and Involvement in the Family: A Qualitative Study in a Colombian Sample / Percepciones del padre sobre su rol e involucramiento en la familia: u... by Sonia Carrillo, Milton E. Bermúdez, Liliana Suárez, María Camila Gutiérrez, Ximena Delgado

    Published 2016-12-01
    “…Work-family conflict and the impact of the quality of the father-child relationship emerged as important categories in the fathers’ perceptions of their role and involvement in the family. In Colombia research on fathers is scarce and family policies mainly focus on mothers as the principal caregiver. …”
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  11. 15771

    Pemodelan Simulasi Sistem Dinamik untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Pendapatan Unit Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Islam Surabaya A.Yani by Anwar Romadhon, Erma Suryani

    Published 2020-05-01
    “…Another finding that needs to be considered is that the insurance receivables have increased, of course it needs more attention, and can be taken into consideration to change the payment system because according to the simulation results can maximize the amount of income. The location of research in the inpatient unit, Surabaya Islamic hospital, is expected from the results of simulation modeling can be used as an illustration or reference for top management of the hospital in making a decision as a business strategy. …”
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  12. 15772

    Key prognostic risk factors linked to poor functional outcomes in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Lili Lin, Senfeng Liu, Wei Wang, Xiao-kuo He, Muhammad Hibatullah Romli, Ruthpackiavathy Rajen Durai

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…This systematic review provides a comprehensive overview of the prognostic risk factors for poor functional outcomes in patients undergoing CVST, which can guide clinical decision-making and future research. Trial registration This systematic review and meta-analysis has been registered with INPLASY (International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols), and the registration number is INPLASY202480072. …”
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  13. 15773

    Analisis Sentimen Pada Sosial Media Twitter Terhadap Kualitas Jaringan Internet Telkomsel Menggunakan Ensemble K-Nearest Neighbour -Support Vector Machine by Muchammad Farchan Fachrudin, Cucun Very Angkoso, Doni Abdul Fatah

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…This sentiment analysis research uses machine learning algorithm models, namely K-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine, and KNN-SVM Ensemble which are majority vote-based and average-based. …”
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  14. 15774

    Pengukuran Kapabilitas Tata Kelola TI Sistem Informasi Tiras dan Transaksi Bahan Ajar Universitas Terbuka Menggunakan Cobit 5 by Denisha Trihapningsari, Dewi Agushinta R., Lintang Yuniar Banowosari

    Published 2021-10-01
    “…The recommendations for IT service governance policy activities obtained from this study are expected to become a reference for monitoring procedures and measuring IT capabilities in UT teaching material services that are more effective and implemented. This research produces measurement of IT process capability level in selected COBIT 5 domains, analysis of organizational conditions to achieve process capability level, improvement priority criteria, and recommendations for improvement for each process to achieve optimizing process capability level (level 5) in the near future. …”
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  15. 15775

    Analisis Perbandingan Metode Regresi Linier Dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Pada Layanan E-Government Menggunakan Metode WebQual Modifikasi by Frandika Septa, Anton Yudhana, Abdul Fadlil

    Published 2020-10-01
    “…The results of the questionnaire were processed and tested by an instrument with a validity test and a reliability test to prove the questionnaire was worthy of being used as further research material for data analysis. The results of data analysis are based on the percentage of user satisfaction with the SIMSARPRAS website service with three classifications, namely good, moderate and bad. …”
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  16. 15776

    Analisa Strategi Teknologi Informasi Pemasaran UKM Kuliner di Media Sosial Menggunakan Metode SWOT by Fahmi Ajismanto, Andika Widyanto

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…Qualitative data in this research is the form of questions asked to respondents using a questionnaire, then the data are quantified for in depth analysis. …”
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  17. 15777

    Metode Entropy-SAW dan Metode Entropy-WASPAS dalam Menentukan Promosi Jabatan Bagi Karyawan Terbaik di Cudo Communications by Sarwati Rahayu, Ahmad Juang Teguh Gumilang, Oktia Putri Bharodin, Firya Faturahman

    Published 2020-10-01
    “…The purpose of this research is to find the best alternatives and the best method between the Entropy-SAW method and the Entropy-WASPAS method for employee performance assessment. …”
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  18. 15778

    Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: Hospital-Wide Bacterial Species and Antibiograms to Inform Management at a Zonal Tertiary Hospital in Mwan... by Justine BN, Mushi MF, Silago V, Igembe Z, Muyombe J, Kishengena PP, Michael Jnr NS, Maganga MG, Massenga A, Tegete F, Massaga FA, Seni J

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Revisiting SSTIs treatment guidelines at BMC and inclusion of SSTIs in the on-going AMR surveillance in Tanzania are recommended.Plain Language Summary: Tanzania National Action Plan on combating resistant bugs is exclusively focused on urinary tract infections and blood stream infections despite enormous impact conferred by skin and soft tissue infections.Bugs which are resistant to commonly used antibiotics were found more among patients admitted in the hospital in contrast to those attending outpatient clinics.This study highlights a pressing need to develop treatment guidelines based on generated local research-evidence to foster favorable patients’ outcomes.Keywords: skin and soft tissue infections, antimicrobial resistance, surveillance, Tanzania…”
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  19. 15779


    Published 2024-12-01
    “…This study pays particular attention to the main conceptual provisions of the SS concept. These include research and innovation strategies of SS, the choice of the region as the main object of specialisation, the use of scientific, technological and economic specialisation, and the attribution of key assets and the possible potential for diversification of the international position of the region as a local node in global chains to the main criteria for choosing subject areas. …”
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  20. 15780

    Segmentasi Pelanggan Ritel Produk Farmasi Obat Menggunakan Metode Data Mining Klasterisasi Dengan Analisis Recency Frequency Monetary (RFM) Termodifikasi by Arief Wibowo, Andy Rio Handoko

    Published 2020-05-01
    “…Drug pharmaceutical product purchase transactions can be analyzed to determine customer segmentation based on purchase patterns. This research has successfully modeled the pharmacy retail customer segmentation with clustering data mining techniques. …”
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