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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social conditions 31
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- Methodology 15
- Women 14
- Social sciences 13
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- Politics and government 10
- Sociolinguistics 8
- Evaluation research (Social action programs) 7
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- Moral and ethical aspects 7
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- Social psychology 7
- Economic policy 6
- Government policy 6
- Social justice 6
- Social media 6
- Study and teaching 6
- Cultural pluralism 5
- Economic development 5
- Ethnic relations 5
- Evaluation 5
- Mass media 5
- Social life and customs 5
Influencing Mechanisms of Ecosystem Services on Net Carbon Sink Efficiency and Spatial Differentiation Thereof: A Case Study of the Shanghai Metropolitan Area
Published 2025-01-01“…ObjectiveEcosystem services are the link between ecosystems and social systems. While effectively coordinating regional ecological, social and economic needs and promoting carbon sequestration and emission reduction, ecosystem services can be transmitted to surrounding areas to boost regional ecological space optimization. …”
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Phenomenology of Organizational Silence (Case Study Farhangian University)
Published 2024-09-01“…The communication theme includes external organizational interactions, one-way communication flow, visibility of a specific group, prevalence of informal relationships, use of social media within the university, and negative reactions to colleagues' comments. …”
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Evaluation de la qualité de vie des femmes souffrant d’une fistule obstétricale à Kinshasa [Evaluation of the quality of life of women with obstetric fistula in Kinshasa]
Published 2023-06-01“…They have a strong sense of physical (Mean = 2.68; SD =0.77), existential (Mean = 2.80; SD =1.06) and social well-being (Mean = 3.10; SD =0.92). Conclusion -obstetric fistula negatively affects the general and psychological well-being of women treated at the Fistula Clinic in Kinshasa. …”
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The Role of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in Promoting Access to Women's Education in Northwestern Nigeria: A Case Study of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)
Published 2024-12-01“…Faculties of Agric, Arts, Education Law and Management had enrolment figures of 134 (0.52%), 634 (2.53%), 3,921 (15.4%8), 98 (0.38%), 2,954 (11.66%) respectively while Faculty of Social Sciences had 3,311 (13.07%). Generally, Open and Distance Learning has given women tremendous opportunities to higher education in the region considering that over twenty-five thousand women registered for various programmes using the ODL during the period under review. …”
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Published 2017-07-01“…Eight themes were extracted according to the spesific purposes: (1) caring demand; (2) social stigma; (3) level of ASD severity; (4) life stressor of parent as a caregiver; (5) constructive coping strategies: seeking for information, formal support, spiritual approach, relaxation, and positif thinking (6) destructive coping strategies: physical and verbale action; (7) positive life meaning: change of the way of thinking and behavior, and (8) negative life meaning: stress feeling of having ASD children. …”
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Published 2024-09-01“…The data was analyzed by using statistical package for social sciences SPSS 20 version. A total of 104 study participants. …”
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Jewish national autonomy in Lithuania in 1919-1926th
Published 1996-12-01“…The representatives of the Lithuanian governmental delegation at the Peace Conference signed the letter-declaration (August 5, 1919), containing the obligation to respect and guarantee the rights of the Jews: complete equality before the law; the free use of their own language; the rights to control their own religious, educational, and social institutions; and an equitable share of public funds allotted to educational, religious, or charitable purposes. …”
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Cooperation in Latin America: the scientific psychology network
Published 2017-01-01“…Los intereses generales de cooperación se dividieron en cuatro grupos, de los cuales los temas más citados fueron salud, salud mental y psicología social. La forma de cooperación más frecuentemente señalada fue la participación en grupos de investigación latinoamericanos. …”
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La educación jurídica y la democracia en México bajo la perspectiva de John Dewey
Published 2014-01-01“…El objetivo general es analizar la educación jurídica democrática en la univer- sidad pública para determinar su grado de aplicación; lo anterior se justifica considerando la importancia que tiene la universidad pública como elemento indispensable en la formación de ciudadanos que se deben insertar en una dinámica social que incluye involucrarse en la política estatal. …”
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Health-related quality of life in hemato-oncology patients: role of informativeness and doctor-patient communication
Published 2024-05-01“… # Results Patients' sociodemographic data, the disease's determinants, the patients' information about their disease and the quality of doctor-patient communication predicted 26.8 % variance of global health status (*F* = 2.756, *p* \< .01), 35.7% variance of physical functioning (*F* = 4.196, *p* \< .01), 23.3% variance of role functioning (*F* = 2.291, *p* \< .05), 29.9% variance of emotional functioning (*F* = 3.215, *p* \< .01) and 27.9% of social functioning (*F* = 2.881, *p* \< .01). Predictors that significantly contributed to the change in variance of health-related quality of life were age, duration of diagnosis, the existence of comorbidity, frequency of hospitalization, talking with the psychologist after getting the diagnosis and information…”
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Gestión del conocimiento en el tercer sector: de la competitividad a la eficiencia organizacional
Published 2015-01-01“…Este estudio sugiere, para futuras investigaciones, determinar empíricamente el efecto que tienen variables como la gestión de personal, el uso de las TIC, y la innovación en la GC y en la eficiencia de organizaciones del tercer sector, de gran importancia en los países en vía de desarrollo, debido a que atienden necesidades sociales y económicas en las que los Estados son ineficaces, por lo que la GC puede generar aportes para sus objetivos organizacionales.…”
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A Clinically-Reasoned Approach to Manual Therapy in Sports Physical Therapy
Published 2023-02-01“…Participation may be impacted by pain and its influence on related factors such as training and competition performance, career length, financial earning potential, educational opportunity, social pressures, influence of family, friends, and other key stakeholders of their athletic activity. …”
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Policy Fragmentation, Women’s Land Rights and Governance in Zimbabwe
Published 2025-01-01Get full text
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Glocalization of Yoruba Omoluwabi Ideology
Published 2021-12-01“…The paper argues that Omoluwabi remains one great ideology in the Yoruba Ifa knowledge systems practice that possesses a capacity for gauging socially approved human relations of global magnitude; there is a plurality of poetics, not just one. …”
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Antioquia durante la federación, 1850-1885
Published 2008-01-01“…El “federalis mo conservador” que se construyó en Antioquia durante el régimen radical estuvo fundado básicamente en la defensa de la región, en un relativo aislamiento político del centro y de los demás Estados, en el cuidado de sus riquezas por parte de las élites de ambos partidos, en un apoyo irrestricto de la Iglesia católica y en el reconocimiento de su papel como institución de cohesión y ordenamiento social.…”
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Reacciones fisiológicas y neuroquímicas del alcoholismo
Published 2005-01-01“…No existe una causa simple, sino una interacción complicada de factores neuroquímicos, fisiológicos, psicológicos y sociales que originan y desarrollan esta grave enfermedad fármaco-dependiente. …”
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O amor lésbico e o silêncio na poesia de Mar Becker
Published 2023-01-01“…Destacamos, en particular, la resignificación del silencio: si bien, históricamente, las mujeres se han amado en silencio debido a la coacción social, Becker trabaja este silencio como uno que sólo es posible en la comodidad entre dos iguales que se reconocen; como un amor que no necesita estatus, jurisdicción o el apoyo del discurso dominante para legitimarse; que sobrevive aunque intenten empujarlo a las notas a pie de página de la historia; que se hace entender sin necesidad de explicarlo. …”
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Effects of Adulteration on Diesel Oil with Kerosene Fuel in Ghana
Published 2019-08-01“…The above parameters were analysed using both standard American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) methods and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 statistical tools. …”
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