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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social conditions 31
- Social aspects 26
- Social service 22
- Research 17
- Economic conditions 16
- Methodology 15
- Women 14
- Social sciences 13
- History 12
- Sociology 12
- Management 10
- Politics and government 10
- Sociolinguistics 8
- Evaluation research (Social action programs) 7
- Information technology 7
- Moral and ethical aspects 7
- Philosophy 7
- Social policy 7
- Social psychology 7
- Economic policy 6
- Government policy 6
- Social justice 6
- Social media 6
- Study and teaching 6
- Cultural pluralism 5
- Economic development 5
- Ethnic relations 5
- Evaluation 5
- Mass media 5
- Social life and customs 5
Coronectomy versus total odontectomy of impacted lower third molars with close relation tothe inferior alveolar canal: An open clinical trial.
Published 2023-06-01“…Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 19). Conclusion: Coronectomy is a predictable way to preserve IAN in cases with intimate relationship between the inferior alveolar nerve and symptomatic impacted wisdom tooth, where high risk of IAN injury is suspected. …”
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The effect of psychosocial stimulation on the development, nutrition, and treatment outcomes of hospitalised children with severe acute malnutrition in Southern Ethiopia: a cluster...
Published 2025-01-01“…Children in the intervention group showed significantly better scores in Personal Social (p=0.001, effect size=0.77), Fine Motor (p=0.001, effect size=1.87), and Gross Motor (p=0.001, effect size=0.78) developmental domains from baseline to end line. …”
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QUIET WARRIOR – Rationale and design: An ancillary study to the Women's IschemiA TRial to Reduce Events in Nonobstructive CAD (WARRIOR)
Published 2025-03-01“…It will assess clinical, social, and coronary artery variables, including plaque characteristics and markers of inflammation. …”
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Verbal fluency and semantic association deficits in children with in birth nonprogressive neuromuscular diseases
Published 2025-02-01“…Additionally, the findings underscore how social and cultural contexts may be affected by motor impairments. …”
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Functional effects of operations for malignant gastric neoplasms: prevention, diagnosis and treatment of post-gastrectomy disorders
Published 2018-08-01“…Ultimate goals in treatment of postgastrectomy disorders and their complications in patients after extensive gastrointestinal surgery include improvement in quality of life, social and professional rehabilitation.…”
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Determinant Factors in Purchasing Decisions on Uncertified Halal Food Products: Study on Indonesian Students in Taiwan
Published 2024-08-01“…Subjective norms also demonstrate a notable impact, reflecting the influence of social expectations and support from important reference groups. …”
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Aspectos bioéticos en la vulnerabilidad en el acceso a la atención a la salud bucal de pacientes adultos en cuidados paliativos en Uruguay 2023
Published 2024-12-01“…Se detectan disparidades en la vulnerabilidad en salud bucal, destacando carencias en conocimientos y comunicación. La dimensión social muestra la mayor vulnerabilidad. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos respaldan la necesidad de intervenciones educativas, mejoras éticas y estrategias de atención equitativa. …”
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Stress factors among physiotherapy students at a university in Gauteng, South Africa
Published 2025-01-01“…Statistical analysis was conducted using IBM Corp’s Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Software version 25. Results: The median age of participants was 22 years (iqr ± 3.8) with 69.0% of them being females. …”
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Published 2024-09-01“…Ensuring sustainable social, professional, and educational communication between dispersed participants in the educational process has become essential to crisis management. …”
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Propuesta metodológica para la identificación de zonas de atención prioritaria en materia de despoblación aplicada a la provincia de Badajoz (Extremadura)
Published 2022-07-01“…En Europa y especialmente España, los principios básicos dirigidos a alcanzar una cohesión económica, social y territorial se ven obstaculizados por la incidencia de fenómenos como la despoblación y el progresivo envejecimiento, muy afianzados en los espacios más rurales. …”
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Published 2023-06-01“…The process of providing students with a licensed software product taking into account different levels of hardware (personal computers, laptops, tablets) is also resource-intensive. The lack of a social environment for students is another disadvantage of distance education. …”
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Deep Learning-Based Feature Extraction Technique for Single Document Summarization Using Hybrid Optimization Technique
Published 2025-01-01“…Presently, the exponential growth of unstructured data on the web and social networks has made it increasingly challenging for individuals to retrieve relevant information efficiently. …”
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Study protocol for an observational cohort study of heat stress impacts in pregnancy in The Gambia, West Africa [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]
Published 2025-02-01“…The key objectives of the study are to 1) map exposure to heat stress in the cohort and understand what environmental, social and community factors increase the risk of extreme heat exposure; 2) assess the impact of heat stress on maternal health, e.g. heat strain, subjective psychological well-being, sleep and activity level; 3) evaluate how heat stress impacts placenta structure and function; 4) determine how chronic heat exposure impacts birth outcomes; and 5) explore the epigenetic changes in the placenta and infant by heat stress exposure per trimester. …”
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The Relationship between the Depression and Anxiety Stress Survey Questionnaire, Salivary Cortisol and Heart Rate Variability
Published 2024-11-01“…Differences in cortisol levels between baseline and post-trier social stress tests were recorded as changes in cortisol after stress (CCAS). …”
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Sentiment analysis of the Hamas-Israel war on YouTube comments using deep learning
Published 2024-06-01“…Therefore, in the world, a lot of opinions are available on various social media sites, which must be gathered and analyzed to assess the general public’s opinion. …”
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Implementing a rapid geographic range expansion - the role of behavior changes
Published 2023-09-01“…Great-tailed grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus) are a social, polygamous species that is rapidly expanding its geographic range by settling in new areas and habitats. …”
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The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in HIV/AIDS Prevention in Rwamucucu Sub-County Rukiga District.
Published 2023“…Challenges faced by Faith-Based Organizations in HIV/AIDS prevention they include; Social stigma, Inadequate funding, Tension, Un clear faith-based objectives, Sexual violence, and Poor communities and they can be solved by the strategies in place to strengthen FBOs in HIV/AIDS prevention as they include; Policy measures to facilitate the HIV/AIDS prevention, Government awareness, Increase in the provision of textbooks, Gender sensitivity concern, Education and Improving access and prevention of HIV/ AIDS Prevention. …”
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Thesis -
A 5-year Retrospective Review of the Presentation Pattern and Management outcomes of Uterine Fibroids in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital.
Published 2024“…The case files of women who were managed for uterine fibroid during this period were obtained from the hospital’s Health Records department to extract relevant information. The social, demographic, and clinical data of the subjects were extracted using a designed proforma. …”
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Assessing the Impact of Covid19-Pandemic on the Household Income in Kamuganguzi Sub-County Kabale District.
Published 2024“…Large-scale testing is necessary to address the pandemic and treat the sick, as without it, the economic and social impact is likely to be prolonged and exacerbate the problem. …”
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Thesis -
Lessons from Deborah’ Inspiration and Implications on the Plight of Women Leadership in A Male Dominated Society: Significances for Today’s World
Published 2024“…The Jewish culture was a male-dominated society yet women had great roles and contributions in the social, economic, religious, and political fields. …”
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