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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social conditions 31
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- Methodology 15
- Women 14
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- Politics and government 10
- Sociolinguistics 8
- Evaluation research (Social action programs) 7
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- Moral and ethical aspects 7
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- Government policy 6
- Social justice 6
- Social media 6
- Study and teaching 6
- Cultural pluralism 5
- Economic development 5
- Ethnic relations 5
- Evaluation 5
- Mass media 5
- Social life and customs 5
Characterization of teaching practices that facilitate or limit student participation from a gender perspective. A case study for the training of physical education and mathematics...
Published 2023-01-01“…Si bien se percibe en los y las futuros docentes de Matemáticas y Educación Física una consciencia clara sobre las características de estas prácticas y la discriminación que está asociada a algunas de ellas, se plantean nuevos desafíos a partir de este estudio para formular cambios en la formación inicial docente que permitan a los y las jóvenes ser agentes de la transformación social que se requiere en materia de equidad de género en educación.…”
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Gastrostomy uptake in motor neurone disease: a mixed-methods study of patients’ decision making
Published 2020-02-01“…Other reported factors included: reducing carer burden, improving quality of life, increasing independence, continuing participation in social outings and gaining control.Conclusions Future research may give greater insight into how healthcare organisations can better facilitate gastrostomy decision making, to meet the needs of people living with MND. …”
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Artificial intelligence-driven ensemble deep learning models for smart monitoring of indoor activities in IoT environment for people with disabilities
Published 2025-02-01“…The support in longer-term care includes nursing, intricate medical, recovery, and social help services. The price is large, but advanced technologies can aid in decreasing expenditure by certifying effective health services and enhancing the superiority of life. …”
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Pastoral livestock farming constraints and adaptation strategies in response to institutional reforms in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa
Published 2025-02-01“…In Burkina Faso, the pastoral zone creation process began in 1980 to sedentarize livestock farmers, reduce social conflict, and strengthen livestock production. …”
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Taking stock of vaccine hesitancy among migrants: a scoping review protocol
Published 2020-05-01“…Studies published in English or French between January 1999 and December 2019 will be drawn from most or all of the following multidisciplinary databases: Africa-Wide Information, Allied and Complementary Medicine, Cochrane Library, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Embase, Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, International Bibliography of Social Sciences, Literature in the Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean, Medline, Proquest Theses/Dissertations, PsycInfo and Web of Science. …”
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Análisis bibliométrico de los trabajos de grado del área organizacional de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Santo Tomás
Published 2007-01-01“…Por último, se presento un valioso aporte metodológico, y es la inclusión del análisis de datos textual a la bibliometría, el cual revelo en primer lugar la relación entre la Psicología social y la Psicología organizacional; en segundo lugar se evidenciaron dos periodos donde las temáticas giran en torno a una visión clásica de la psicologia organizacional y en últimos 10 años un énfasis en una perspectiva critica de la psicologia de las organizaciones.…”
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Práticas colaborativas e a atuação dos bibliotecários multiplicadores da competência em informação
Published 2022-12-01“…Resultado: Entre os resultados, foi possível identificar que ações realizadas por multiplicadores da competência em informação podem se referir desde o desenvolvimento de habilidades para a busca e uso da informação, até atividades educacionais e culturais que permitam a reflexão e auxiliem os sujeitos no desenvolvimento de pensamento crítico sobre a sociedade e que os instiguem a entender sua condição de sujeito informacional e social. Para tanto, os bibliotecários realizam diversas parcerias, especialmente com quatro ênfases: educacionais, culturais, sociais e institucionais. …”
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Describing team development within a novel GP-led urgent care centre model: a qualitative study
Published 2016-06-01“…Eight key facilitating factors for the team were identified: appointment of leaders, perception of fair workload, education on roles/skill sets and development of these, shared professional understanding, interdisciplinary working, ED collaboration, clinical guidelines and social interactions.Conclusions A strong interprofessional team has evolved within the GP-led UCCs over time, breaking down traditional professional divides. …”
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Exploring the potential cost-effectiveness and societal burden implications of screening for fracture risk in a UK general radiography setting
Published 2025-02-01“…The analysis took the perspective of the National Health Service (NHS) and Personal Social Services in the UK. Results The results showed that screening with IBEX BH was associated with a gain of 0.013 QALYs and a cost saving of £109 per patient compared with usual care, making it a dominant (cost-saving) strategy. …”
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Reflexiones y desafíos sobre la importancia de la ética en la investigación socioeducativa
Published 2025-01-01“…Retos como la construcción colectiva del conocimiento; la necesidad de considerar las interseccionalidades de género, raza, clase social, etc.; el cuidado de todas las personas implicadas en los procesos de investigación. …”
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Self-Perceived Barriers to Pediatric Cancer Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cross-Sectional Multinational Study
Published 2025-02-01“…Further expanding measures of social support for affected families should be regarded as one of the main pillars to assure access to care.…”
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Published 2024-06-01“…The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the national assessment of the process of integration of Ukrainian school-age children using digital tools into the social and educational environment of Slovakia, identify problems and needs of subjects of the educational process, and provide relevant recommendations. …”
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Deterioro cognitivo, ¿indispensable evaluar en una comunidad tercermundista?
Published 2021-12-01“…El universo obtenido fue de 90 adultos mayores, con datos recolectados directamente en sus viviendas con el respectivo protocolo de distanciamiento social. La edad predominante de la población evaluada fue de 60 y 70 años; en cuanto al nivel de formación académica, se obtuvo que el 35.5% contaba con formación básica primaria, 36.6% con formación básica secundaria, el 3.33% sin escolaridad alguna pero con lectoescritura autónoma, el 14.44 % con formación superior universitaria (pregrado) y el 6.67%, con formación de posgrado; datos correlacionados con Chi2 de Pearson= 36.975 con un nivel de significancia p <0.001. …”
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Environmental Challenges Faced by a Kindergarten and a School in the Katima Mulilo Education Circuit
Published 2024-12-01“…A favorable educational environment – social, cultural, biological, and physical – plays a crucial role in achieving children’s academic goals. …”
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Health as the Main Value of Life in the Well-Wishes of the Mongolian peoples
Published 2024-11-01“…The aim of the study is to determine the nature of the implementation of the motif “health” in well-wishes of Buryats, Kalmyks, Mongols and Xinjiang Oirats, to consider the basis of general formulas — wishes aimed at ensuring strong health to a person from the moment of his birth, at his speedy and painless socialization, at his ability to work and usefulness for the family, clan and state. …”
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Retention in the Bukhali trial in Soweto, South Africa: a qualitative analysis using self-determination theory
Published 2025-02-01“…The main themes identified were external influences on the trial, trial implementing environment, controlled motivation and intrinsic autonomous motivation.Results Our findings highlighted the contextual issues influencing the trial, including participants’ socioeconomic circumstances, and the presence or absence of social support, the trial complexity and participant burden. …”
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Supporting older adults with mobility disabilities through voice-activated digital assistants and smart home technologies
Published 2025-01-01“…They had a significant reduction in loneliness after 5 weeks (p = .003), attributed to increased social connections and entertainment and viewing the voice-activated digital assistants as companions. …”
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Deterioro cognitivo, ¿indispensable evaluar en una comunidad tercermundista?
Published 2021-12-01“…El universo obtenido fue de 90 adultos mayores, con datos recolectados directamente en sus viviendas con el respectivo protocolo de distanciamiento social. La edad predominante de la población evaluada fue de 60 y 70 años; en cuanto al nivel de formación académica, se obtuvo que el 35.5% contaba con formación básica primaria, 36.6% con formación básica secundaria, el 3.33% sin escolaridad alguna pero con lectoescritura autónoma, el 14.44 % con formación superior universitaria (pregrado) y el 6.67%, con formación de posgrado; datos correlacionados con Chi2 de Pearson= 36.975 con un nivel de significancia p <0.001. …”
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Mental health and substance use among rehabilitation sciences students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Published 2025-02-01“…A mental health diagnosis in the past 12 months was significantly associated with alcohol use (AOR [adjusted odds ratio] = 4.02, 1.06–15.23), prescription medication used to manage academic/social stress (AOR = 5.74, 1.68–19.69), COVID-19 diagnosis (AOR = 5.51, 1.60–18.92) and physiotherapy programme (AOR = 12.35, 1.21–126.44). …”
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Secular trends of epidemiologic patterns of chronic kidney disease over three decades: an updated analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Published 2023-03-01“…Additionally, the increasing high-temperature-related death burdens in lower SDI regions should receive social attention.…”
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