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An Examination of the Challenges Faced in the Implementation of the Competence Based Curriculum in Secondary Schools in Uganda.
Published 2024“…The study examined the challenges faced in the implementation of the competence-based curriculum in secondary schools in Uganda; A case study of Rukiga district following the objectives of the study which were to identify the methods used by secondary teachers in teaching the CBC, to examine the availability of materials (financial, library, physical, and instructional) used in competency-based curriculum in schools and to capture teachers’ suggestions for improvement. …”
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Thesis -
Conceptual model of sustainable development of pedagogical staff competences in quality assurance of higher education
Published 2025-02-01“…Thus, the authors proposed an innovative approach to improving the level of competence of teachers of higher education institutions, which is focused on the effective assimilation of learning outcomes not only directly by teachers, but also by students of academic groups in which these teachers teach.…”
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Nauczyciel wczesnej edukacji z krótkim stażem w zawodzie – praca w stanie wyjątkowym
Published 2023-06-01“…The results indicate that half the teachers surveyed were considering leaving school and changing professions. …”
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Niekompetentni kompetentni: o kompetencjach diagnostycznych nauczycieli edukacji wczesnoszkolnej/przedszkolnej
Published 2023-06-01“… The article outlines research conducted as part of a doctoral thesis and addresses the issue of insufficient diagnostic competencies among elementary education teachers. Based on the feedback from teachers who verbalized difficulties related to the diagnostic process during self-assessment, reflection was undertaken on diagnostic skills and directions for changing the current reality. …”
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Strategies for teaching English spelling and reading
Published 2018-05-01“…Based on the continuous one-month observation of the native English learners and their teachers in Northern Ireland and the non-native English young learners and their teachers in Slovakia, we are going to highlight the main differences in teaching how to read and write between native and non-native English learners from various points of view and suggest accommodations that may be beneficial for non-native learners and their teachers. …”
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Jak nauczyciele i uczniowie rozwiązują zadania matematyczne, czyli o poprawnych i niepoprawnych rozumowaniach
Published 2016-04-01“…Probably, some teachers teach in the same way as they were taught, unconsciously pushing their students to the path of faulty solutions. …”
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Effect of one Laptop per Child Policy on academic Performance in Social Studies in Ruhango District, Rwanda.
Published 2020“…Therefore the study was mainly based on data from 351 respondents including 36 teachers of social Studies; 288 P4 and P5 pupils from both Schools using and not using OLPC Laptops; 18 head teachers from both schools using and not using OLPC laptops and 9 Sector Education Officers (SEOs).The researcher adopted both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection through self- administrated questionnaire, interview guide, interpretations of the results in Social Studies and library search. …”
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Thesis -
Nauczyciele wychowania przedszkolnego i klas I–III wobec edukacji matematycznej z wykorzystaniem nowych technologii
Published 2021-06-01“… In this article, we present partial results of research aimed at identifying how pre-school education and primary school (grades I–III) teachers use new technologies resources in mathematics education. 110 teachers participated in the study. …”
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Performance of Secondary Schools in Rukungiri District.
Published 2020“…Lack of motivation by teachers and students delayed fees payment and remittance of teachers due allowances, inadequate teaching materials and limited strategies to improve academic performance by school authorities and students level of discipline were said to be some of the main reasons why schools perform averagely and poorly at UCE. …”
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Thesis -
The Impact of School Management Committee on Pupils' Academic Performance of P.L.E in Primary Schools in Bukinda Sub-County Rukiga District.
Published 2024“…The study was conducted in seven schools that were randomly selected in the sub country, the targeted respondents were Head teachers, District Education Officers, SMC members, teachers, and parents.…”
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Thesis -
Penentuan Guru Berprestasi Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan VIseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR)
Published 2022-12-01“…The weights of the criteria are used together with the results of filling out the questionnaire in VIKOR with alternative data for outstanding teachers to get alternatives for outstanding teachers. …”
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Performance of Secondary Schools in Rukungiri District
Published 2023“…Lack of motivation by teachers and students, delayed fee payment and remittance of teachers' due allowances, inadequate teaching materials, limited strategies to improve academic performance by school authorities, and students' level of discipline were said to be some of the main reasons why schools performed averagely and poorly at UCE. …”
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Mobile devices as support for students with special educational needs
Published 2018-06-01“…The article presents partial results of research conducted among forty eight teachers from four European countries, using tablets to work with students with special educational needs (SENs). …”
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Effects of Remedial Lessons on Academic Performance of Pupils in Upper Classes in Kyanamira Sub-County Kabale District.
Published 2024“…Data was collected from teachers, and head teachers, it was a sample total of 132 respondents. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluative study of the Kurikulum Merdeka learning system in Bandung Private Elementary Schools
Published 2023-12-01“…The sample used consisted of 26 respondents consisting of school principals, class teachers, and subject teachers at private elementary schools in Bandung City who implemented the Merdeka Curriculum starting in the 2022-2023 school year simultaneously from phases A, B and C. …”
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Mellom skrifta og barnet – tre barnehagelærarar sine strategiar i høgtlesing av bildebøker med få ord og med fleire ord
Published 2025-02-01“…The research utilizes two forms of empirical material: (1) Three ECEC teachers have filmed two reading sessions each – one of a book with fewer words and one book with more words, and (2) video-supported conversations with the teachers, offering reflections on the reading sessions. …”
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Bokvalg i norske barnehager - hva som leses sammen med barn og hvorfor
Published 2025-02-01“…It is important for the teachers that children experience the books as interesting, humorous, and exciting. …”
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Performance Contract System and Decentralised Education Service delivery in Kayonza District of Rwanda.
Published 2020“…The effectiveness of the system in education service delivery was found out to be influenced by factors such as teachers’ awareness and adoption of the system, motivation, level of happiness and commitment involvement of implementers at all levels, working environment, availability of resources and teachers attitudes on the importance of performance contract while the challenges in the implementation of the system were found to include limited awareness, dishonesty, low motivation, poor learning environment poor perception and adoption, lack of ownership of the process and poor evaluation criterion. …”
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