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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Study and teaching 39
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- Moral and ethical aspects 3
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- Study and teaching (Secondary) 3
- Teachers 3
- Teaching 3
- Training of 3
- Academic writing 2
- American poetry 2
- Application software 2
- Biochemistry 2
- Classroom environment 2
The Angelology of Sergius Bulgakov
Published 2022-03-01“… Contemporary angelology is primarily an apologetic response to the negation of the existence of the angelic reality by liberal Protestantism. Bulgakov’s teaching about angels, on the other hand, arose as an indispensable part of the theological system. …”
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Embodied and hybrid pedagogies:
Published 2024-11-01“…Factors at play in ecumenical exposure include the content of the programme, the diversity of the student population, as well as the reflective and participatory practices of teaching, learning, and assessing in lived faith contexts. …”
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Święty Jan z Ávili doktorem Kościoła
Published 2012-12-01“…He also presents the most important ideas of his teaching: Christology, the concept of the Church, the cardinal virtues, especially the faith, the theory of prayer, asceticism, mystic and the development of spiritual life. …”
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Male Infertility: Causes and Current Developments in Diagnostic Work-Up
Published 2013-08-01Get full text
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Design and Construction of a Clinical Thermometer.
Published 2024“…The resulting prototype proved effective and is intended to serve as a teaching aid in educational institutions, demonstrating the principles and functionality of thermometers in scientific studies.…”
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Thesis -
PhD in Public Administration and Management (By Coursework and Research) (PHDPAM-CW&R)
Published 2022“…is designed for those seeking academic research and teaching careers as faculty or professors in the study of governance, public administration, management and administrative sectors within Universities but also as professional career managers and administrators for a wide range of organizational contexts.…”
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Nauka o szatanie i demonach w ujęciu Sulpicjusza Sewera
Published 2012-12-01“…This article presents the teaching of Sulpicius Severus († ca 360–420) on the spirits’ wickedness on the basis of his literary works. …”
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Learning to Shape Transformation – How Individual Schools can be Supported in Implementing a Newly Developed ESD Curriculum with Training Concept
Published 2024-12-01“…When implementing projects in the field of education for sustainable development (ESD), there is always a great need for further training and qualification for the teaching staff if ESD needs to be implemented systematically and school-wide in the lessons of all year groups and subjects. …”
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Deklarowane przekonania dotyczące uczenia się matematyki w czasach szkolnych przez kandydatki i kandydatów na nauczyciel(k)i edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
Published 2023-06-01“…The article also reflects on minimizing the transfer of such beliefs by students to future teaching practice. …”
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Philo's De Decalogo: educating to respect the socially disadvantaged
Published 2016-06-01“…In order to understand Philo’s teaching on this point within its proper perspective, this study highlights the following aspects of his interpretation of the Decalogue. …”
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The 'Consensus Genvensis' revisited: the Genesis of the Genevan consensus of divine election in 1551
Published 2004-01-01“…The doctrine of predestination was not a particularity of John Calvin’s, but a point of teaching the Scriptures, shared by the Genevan ministers. …”
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The learning environment as a space for changes
Published 2016-04-01“…This demands a personalized approach to the teaching/learning process, the consideration of new spaces serving to gain information and experiences, as well as making use of the dialogical nature of man to create a learning community. …”
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Church and State Relations in the Constitution of Malta
Published 2018-08-01“…However, lately, the relationship between the Church and the State has suffered as the state is becoming more liberal in orientation as evidenced by the enactment of laws which do not comply with the Catholic teaching of the Church’s magisterium. Hence, this opens different challenges to the Catholic Church in Malta not hitherto known to it. …”
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Uczenie się demokracji od dzieciństwa – kaprys czy potrzeba współczesności?
Published 2015-12-01“…Thus, the article raises the question of whether teaching children democracy, liberation behaviour, participation, but also responsibility, is a fantasy, a fiction, or a whim, which teachers and researchers who seek, and parents who reject authoritarianism are often accused of, or whether it is a necessity of the modern times and an expression of an awareness that it is essential wisely to prepare the younger generation for life in contemporary society. …”
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Using the True Colors Personality Assessment to Strengthen Extension Programs
Published 2015-10-01“…This EDIS document is the third in the Teaching to Different Personality Types series, and provides a detailed explanation of the True Colors™ personality assessment and how it can be used to assist in extension program development. …”
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Jak nauczyciele wykorzystują technologie komunikacyjne w pracy szkoły? Cyfrowe projektowanie dydaktyczne i teoria Pierra Rabardela w badaniach dydaktycznego potencjału urządzeń mob...
Published 2018-06-01“…This study, using a qualitative approach, aims at the tracing of the process of the implementation of tablets and robots to the didactic design at primary school, the tracing of progressive changes in the area of teaching and learning practices. The results show the dominating technological schemes developed by teachers: a) technologies function in a “closed” form – they are used for displaying ready content and structures to be identified or memorised and b) technologies are used by teacher as “open structures” constituting a collection of various tools subordinated to the intentions of the child as an active creator. …”
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Published 2023-08-01“… One of the cardinal roles of the university system besides teaching and community service is research. Research plays a vital role towards institutional and national development. …”
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Using the True Colors Personality Assessment to Strengthen Extension Programs
Published 2015-10-01“…This EDIS document is the third in the Teaching to Different Personality Types series, and provides a detailed explanation of the True Colors™ personality assessment and how it can be used to assist in extension program development. …”
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Using the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory to Strengthen Extension Programs
Published 2015-10-01“…This EDIS document is the fourth in the Teaching to Different Personality Types series, and provides a detailed explanation of the Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory (KAI) and how it can be used to assist in extension program development. …”
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Effect of Christian Religious Education Teachers' Competences on Students Engagement in Secondary Schools in Kabale Municipality.
Published 2024“…Teachers' competence is the sensible combination of content knowledge of subject matter, and verbal and communication ability to transfer proven methodologies in classroom teaching with a view of improving students' engagement in school learning activities. …”
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