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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Study and teaching 39
- English language 10
- Study and teaching (Higher) 9
- Education 5
- Foreign speakers 5
- Research 5
- Rhetoric 5
- Educational leadership 4
- History 4
- Report writing 4
- education 4
- Criminal law 3
- Curricula 3
- Curriculum planning 3
- Educational technology 3
- Effective teaching 3
- Geography 3
- Mathematics 3
- Moral and ethical aspects 3
- Professional ethics 3
- Study and teaching (Elementary) 3
- Study and teaching (Secondary) 3
- Teachers 3
- Teaching 3
- Training of 3
- Academic writing 2
- American poetry 2
- Application software 2
- Biochemistry 2
- Classroom environment 2
Design and Construction of an Electric Motor.
Published 2024“…It was made of two magnets, wood, nails, payan, insulated copper wire, soft board, cello tape, polythene, hammer, saw, batteries, and plastic lid to design a simple DC motor therefore this project promotes innovation, creativity, and hands-on learning in physics and engineering education, making it a teaching and learning aid for electromagnetism.…”
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Implementation of the hidden curriculum in the formation of the religious character of students
Published 2024-12-01“…The educational curriculum applied in Islamic boarding schools to educate students' character is limited to using a written curriculum system and a hidden curriculum applied in teaching activities at Islamic boarding schools. This study aims to explain the hidden curriculum policy (hidden curriculum in the Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi Islamic boarding school). …”
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Dyslipidemia among Patients with End Stage Renal Disease on Maintenance Hemodialysis
Published 2018-07-01“…Patients and Methods: A case-control study was conducted from February 2015 until August 2015 in Ibn-Sena teaching hospital on 100 participants (52 males and 48 females), 50 were patients with end-stage renal disease on regular hemodialysis and 50 were age and gender-matched apparently healthy subjects as the control. …”
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Revisiting teacher educators' training in Ethiopia: Implications for a new approach to curriculum development
Published 2023-06-01“… This study was a needs assessment study for developing MED curricula in Educational Sciences (teaching of mathematics and science subjects). It was aimed at understanding the current status of science and mathematics teaching particularly in Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia so as to identify the existing gaps in the preparation of primary school science and mathematics teachers and teacher educators for Colleges of Teacher Education (CTE). …”
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The Impact of Politics on Education Sector Performance in Burundi Sub-County Rubanda District.
Published 2024“…The Ministry of Education (MoE) and curriculum planners should include the teaching of politics and leadership skills from pre¬primary to the last level of education and make it compulsory to all levels of education. …”
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The Impact of ICT on Student's Academic Performance in Selected Secondary Schools in Kabale District: A Case Study of Katuna Town Council.
Published 2024“…The researcher concluded that; is ICT integration into the learning and teaching process and the whole system of education is a rather complicated process, new conceptions, strategies, plans and models have to be developed by the Ministry of Education and school administration which makes full use of the potential of new technologies. …”
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Assessment of Teachers’ Turnover and its Impact on Academic Performance in Government Aided Secondary Schools of Kayonza Sub-County Kanungu District.
Published 2025“…Respondents indicated that the frequent changes in teaching staff disrupt the continuity of learning, weaken teacher-student relationships, and ultimately hinder students’ academic progress. …”
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Przeszukując e-pustynię: po-krytyczny namysł nad e-podręcznikami dla edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
Published 2023-09-01“…E-textbooks, a relatively new teaching tool supporting early childhood education, symbolize a new educational space that may be unfamiliar and require an adaptation. …”
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Developing Urban Community Garden Projects
Published 2013-03-01“…Community gardens grow food for local consumption or sale and can also be used for teaching gardening and other skills This 7-page fact sheet provides a guide to individuals or groups interested in starting urban community gardens and includes information about how to identify garden sites, build partnerships, engage community members, and develop a project overview. …”
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4-H Volunteer Training Series—4-H Cloverbuds Program: 4-H for Younger Members
Published 2015-08-01“…This 5-page fact sheet describes the best management practices 4-H faculty and volunteers should use when teaching and interacting with this age group. Written by Amanda Squitieri and Sarah Hensley, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, June 2015. 4H369/4H369: Volunteer Training Series—4-H Cloverbuds Program: 4-H for Younger Members ( …”
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Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman
Published 2024-12-01“…This article aims to explain their dialogic encounter as an informal teaching and learning event against the backdrop of Jew-Samaritan relations and the status and roles of women in New Testament times. …”
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Using the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory to Strengthen Extension Programs
Published 2015-10-01“…This EDIS document is the fourth in the Teaching to Different Personality Types series, and provides a detailed explanation of the Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory (KAI) and how it can be used to assist in extension program development. …”
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Bridging Gaps and Building Futures: Establishing initial teacher education for Asian languages in Ireland
Published 2024-11-01“…It highlights the diversity in student cohorts, the demand for plurilingual and pluricultural awareness, and the need for alignment of teaching methodologies that would be effective in the Irish school context. …”
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Developing Urban Community Garden Projects
Published 2013-03-01“…Community gardens grow food for local consumption or sale and can also be used for teaching gardening and other skills This 7-page fact sheet provides a guide to individuals or groups interested in starting urban community gardens and includes information about how to identify garden sites, build partnerships, engage community members, and develop a project overview. …”
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Published 2012-12-01Get full text
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Configurações territoriais dos cursos de formação de professores de Sociologia no Brasil (1934-2017): disputas e implicações
Published 2019-01-01“…Deconcentration, in turn, is a result of complex changes stemming from recent disputes in the political field, the rise of reformist groups, the devaluation and the increasing precariousness of the teaching career, and the expansion of the demand for Sociology teachers in all Brazilian states.…”
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Portal Scholaris jako platforma cyfrowej edukacji wczesnoszkolnej – zmiana czy cementowanie utartych ścieżek dydaktycznych?
Published 2018-06-01“…An analysis of the content of portal showed a focus on technology being used to illustrate the content covered by the teaching program, limitation of openness to other communities and places on the internet, negligence of the communication between education entities and the hegemony of digital content for the teacher to reproduce. …”
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Participant Action Research (PAR) for early childhood and primary education: the example of the THRIECE project
Published 2020-06-01“…It presents the example of the Erasmus+ funded THRIECE (Teaching for Holistic, Relational and Inclusive Early Childhood Education) project, and drawing on the reflections of its participants, supports PAR as a respectful, inclusive, relevant approach to educational research that can lead to deep personal and intercultural learning. …”
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Published 2019-02-01“… The objective of this research is to explain how the Master and Mastery cards game improves students’ vocabulary acquisition and participation learning process of applying Master and Mastery cards game in teaching vocabulary for tenth-grade students of a vocational school. …”
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