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Suggested Topics within your search.
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- Moral and ethical aspects 3
- Professional ethics 3
- Study and teaching (Elementary) 3
- Study and teaching (Secondary) 3
- Teachers 3
- Teaching 3
- Training of 3
- Academic writing 2
- American poetry 2
- Application software 2
- Biochemistry 2
- Classroom environment 2
Published 2021-06-01“… This article addresses the challenge of teaching theory to people who view theorising sceptically. …”
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Czy wiara decyduje o normach moralnych?
Published 2013-11-01“…Accepting baptism signifies acceptance Christian morality and Christian teaching. The modern world wants to constrain Christian faith to the private sphere. …”
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Language integration of forced and economic migrants in Croatia, Jezična integracija prisilnih i ekonomskih migranata u Hrvatskoj
Published 2024-12-01“…Special emphasis is placed on the current practice and future needs for teaching and testing Croatian as L2 regarding forced migration (refugees, asylum seekers and asylees) and the increasing economic migration, which Croatia is currently experiencing. …”
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Jak nauczyciele i uczniowie rozwiązują zadania matematyczne, czyli o poprawnych i niepoprawnych rozumowaniach
Published 2016-04-01“… The teaching and learning of mathematics is done mainly by solving specially selected tasks. …”
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Feedback strategies in distance education: a survey of university students
Published 2023-12-01“…Screen-mediated teaching at the university level has necessitated a redesign of learning environments across various dimensions, encompassing epistemological, relational, and pragmatic aspects. …”
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Metodyka jako praktyka kulturowa (archetypowa). Ku źródłom zmiany w dydaktyce
Published 2015-03-01“…This article is an introduction to the discussion on the essence of teaching methodology and the changes in its forms in contemporary culture. …”
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Postawy twórcze dzieci w młodszym wieku szkolnym – tendencje zmian
Published 2018-09-01“…The authors examine the level and dynamics of the development of creative attitudes in the course of school education (the first 3 years of early school teaching). Creative attitudes include: divergent thinking, creative motivation, and strategies of coping with difficult tasks (intrapersonal and interpersonal strategies). …”
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Doświadczanie rzeczywistości szkolnej przez uczniów edukacji początkowej
Published 2020-03-01“…For that purpose, the experience of 387 children was examined in the following areas: possibilities of carrying out tasks in group work; the presence of outdoor education in school’s everyday life; the participation of experts from outside the school in the implementation of school tasks; using students’ various teaching resources, including multimedia, and undertaking research tasks. …”
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Vietnamese immigration in Poland: issues of education and integration for children
Published 2016-09-01“…These points of interest were primarily treated as the additional research connected with our teaching practices. It was conducted as an empirical study with three non-standardised interviews with the families, informal observations, and group discussions. …”
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A sociologia e a escola em debate nos Encontros Nacionais sobre o Ensino de Sociologia na Educação Básica
Published 2015-01-01“…Created as a space of reflection, training and sharing of learning experiences, research and modes of implementation of sociology in the curriculum of Brazilian states, the National Meetings on the Teaching of Sociology in Basic Education (ENESEB) cannot be understood without taking into account the implementation of Sociology in the Brazilian high school curriculum. …”
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Renal Failure in Pregnancy: Case Reports and Review of the Literature
Published 2015-12-01Get full text
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The vision of divine light in Saint Gregory Palamas's theology
Published 2015-12-01“…The present study represents a synthesis of Saint Gregory Palamas’s teaching on the vision of Divine Light as it was articulated in the debate with his adversaries. …”
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Rozwiązywanie zadań tekstowych przez studentów – przyszłych nauczycieli edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
Published 2022-12-01“…It comprised 392 students of pedagogy with teaching specialization. The main research method was a competency test, and the technique was document analysis. …”
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Cyril of Alexandria's critique of the term Theotokos by Nestorius Constantinople
Published 2012-12-01“…He persisted in calling the Virgin Mary Christotokos. This teaching jeopardised the salvation of the human race. …”
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Poemas entre músicas: dialogia melopoética e(m) uma didática contemporânea
Published 2011-01-01“…Referring to hearing music and literary reading, the teaching aims to understand students as individuals represented by a strong dialogic ethical and aesthetic reception. …”
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Lęk przed matematyką przyszłych nauczycieli edukacji przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej. Jak uczyć, kiedy sama się boję?
Published 2016-04-01“…Numerous studies indicate that a teacher’s maths anxiety as well as teaching methods may be one of the causes of maths anxiety in children. …”
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4-H Volunteer Training Series—4-H Cloverbuds Program: 4-H for Younger Members
Published 2015-08-01“…This 5-page fact sheet describes the best management practices 4-H faculty and volunteers should use when teaching and interacting with this age group. Written by Amanda Squitieri and Sarah Hensley, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, June 2015. 4H369/4H369: Volunteer Training Series—4-H Cloverbuds Program: 4-H for Younger Members ( …”
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Editorial: Exploring the multifaceted relationship between human health and urban nature in times of crises
Published 2025-02-01Get full text
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Oor die teologiese inhoud van die Belydenis van Belhar
Published 2012-12-01“…Regarding the Confession of Belhar, the theological content consists in three confessional claims (each including allusions to the false teaching that is implicitly thereby unmasked and rejected) within the broader framework of an introduction and conclusion, involving key theological claims as well, respectively about the nature of the church and the lordship of Jesus Christ. …”
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Exploring gender differences in vocational education and training through the lens of neuroscience
Published 2025-04-01“…This review highlights the significance of adapting teaching methods to accommodate diverse learning styles and preferences, summarizes practical training strategies and the role of emotional regulation in educational experiences, as well as discusses the necessity of addressing gender inequalities in vocational education.…”
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