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Wyjaśnienie dogmatu chalcedońskiego w VI wieku. Interpretacja osoby i natury przez teologów „neochalcedonizmu” według Aloisa Grillmeiera
Published 2022-03-01“…In this article, with the help of Alois Grillmeier’s analysis in his work Jesus der Christus, the author presents the efforts of the two most influential theologians who defended and deepened the teaching of the Council within the framework of the so called “Neochalcedonism” in the sixth century, Leontius of Byzantium and Leontius of Jerusalem. …”
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Land Judging and Homesite Evaluation -- Pointers for Coaches and Contest Officials
Published 2005-10-01“…Circular 242 should continue to serve as the basic teaching tool and official scoring guide for use in land judging and homesite evaluation activities throughout Florida. …”
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4-H Livestock Judging: Activity 4, What You See Is What You Get!
Published 2012-01-01“…It serves as a curriculum resource within the Florida 4-H program, specifically designed for teaching livestock judging to young people aged 11-18. …”
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Antecedents of an Inclusive Leader in Public Organizations: A Macro and Micro Perspective
Published 2025-01-01“…We examine these precursors in a broader context of community and society relevant to public administration with the aim to inform research, practice, and teaching in the field. …”
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Konstruktywistyczna edukacja do konstruktywistycznego nauczania. Redefinicja relacji teorii i praktyki w akademickim kształceniu nauczycieli
Published 2020-12-01“… In this article, I discuss adult learning models and their implications in the field of academic didactics addressed to teacher candidates, which seem adequate to thinking about teaching (learning) in school inspired by constructivist-interpretative paradigms (Klus-Stańska 2018). …”
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The future of education: “Freedom” as the foundation of the curriculum
Published 2024-06-01“…The findings and discussion relate to the determination of the 2020 independent curriculum, its differences from the previous curriculum, and its impact on teaching staff and students. One important outcome of the self-paced curriculum is the emphasis on developing cultural agility as an important skill for future professionals.…”
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4-H Livestock Judging: Activity 2, Different Strokes
Published 2012-01-01“…It serves as a curriculum resource within the Florida 4-H program, specifically designed for teaching livestock judging to young people aged 11-18. …”
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4-H Livestock Judging: Activity 1, Parts is Parts
Published 2012-01-01“…It serves as a curriculum resource within the Florida 4-H program, specifically designed for teaching livestock judging to young people aged 11-18. …”
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“Eu quero ser professor de Sociologia”: as influências da Sociologia no ensino médio em Cuiabá (MT)1
Published 2015-01-01“…In recent years we can see some changes in this course such as the introduction of the Institutional Program of Initiation into Teaching - PIBID/Sociology/UFMT, new approaches to supervised internship as well as a greater presence teachers qualified in Social Sciences at the local schools. …”
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Reflections on Educational Issues among Modern Language Students
Published 2019-03-01“…Finally, the students demonstrated that they could benefit from reflective practices despite not having started their teaching practicum. …”
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Baśniowe przestrzenie działania z perspektywy przyszłych nauczycieli
Published 2020-11-01“…These strategies may turn out to be so durable and resistant to change that they might survive university literary education and remain the starting point for students’ teaching practice. The research shows that the fairy tale can remain in them as the starting point for fun or a “background” for science, mathematics and language. …”
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The Relationship among Iranian EFL Teachers’ Professional Identity, Self-Efficacy and Critical Thinking Skills
Published 2019-03-01“…The present study aimed to explore the relationship among Iranian EFL teachers’ professional identity, their self-efficacy, and their critical thinking skills in their teaching process. To achieve the objective of the study, 75 EFL teachers participated in this study. …”
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Land Judging and Homesite Evaluation -- Pointers for Coaches and Contest Officials
Published 2005-10-01“…Circular 242 should continue to serve as the basic teaching tool and official scoring guide for use in land judging and homesite evaluation activities throughout Florida. …”
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Bezrefleksyjna codzienność refleksyjnych uczniów, czyli polska edukacja wczesnoszkolna z podręcznikiem w tle
Published 2018-05-01“…The research consists of the third-graders’ opinions about the textbook role and usefulness in the teaching process and the analysis of children’s experiences connected to the educational packets in the school practice. …”
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O możliwościach ekumenicznej współpracy katolików i luteranów nad kształtowaniem decyzji ustawodawcy polskiego w dziedzinie małżeństwa i rodziny
Published 2013-11-01“…It is possible in Poland, because the teaching of the Catholic Church and the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland about the marriage and the family have in terms of content much in common. …”
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4-H Livestock Judging: Activity 3, The Bottom Line
Published 2012-01-01“…It serves as a curriculum resource within the Florida 4-H program, specifically designed for teaching livestock judging to young people aged 11-18. …”
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Życie i twórczość Antoniusa de Butrio
Published 2025-02-01“…One of the Italian canonists whose works contributed to the development of science was Antonius Butrigarius, who lived at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries and was the author of exegetical writings on canon law (which were eagerly read and used in schools) and his teaching skills were highly regarded. His works were also well known in Poland, where the book collections of various libraries had steadily increased since the 13th century. …”
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Efektownie czy efektywnie? Analiza wizualnych właściwości podręczników do edukacji wczesnoszkolnej w kontekście rekomendacji poznawczych teorii uczenia się
Published 2022-12-01“… Textbooks have for years held a dominant position among the teaching resources used in the education system, being so common that it is difficult to imagine a school without them. …”
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Analiza uczniowskich błędów – narzędzie polityki edukacyjnej kraju?
Published 2014-09-01“…Error analysis has been in use as a tool of improving the mathematics teaching – learning process since the 30s of the last century. …”
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Życie i dzieło Marcina Lutra a spór wokół tez i narodzin Reformacji
Published 2013-07-01“…The purpose of this article is to show that the teaching of M. Luther and his struggle with visible religious abuses didn’t have to end in a split in the Church, because the reform movement was meant to be a renewal of Christianity.…”
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