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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Study and teaching 39
- English language 10
- Study and teaching (Higher) 9
- Education 5
- Foreign speakers 5
- Research 5
- Rhetoric 5
- Educational leadership 4
- History 4
- Report writing 4
- education 4
- Criminal law 3
- Curricula 3
- Curriculum planning 3
- Educational technology 3
- Effective teaching 3
- Geography 3
- Mathematics 3
- Moral and ethical aspects 3
- Professional ethics 3
- Study and teaching (Elementary) 3
- Study and teaching (Secondary) 3
- Teachers 3
- Teaching 3
- Training of 3
- Academic writing 2
- American poetry 2
- Application software 2
- Biochemistry 2
- Classroom environment 2
Published 2019“…As a matter of necessity, universities are therefore required to embrace ICT adoption in teaching/learning and administrative activities. This study discusses the concept of ICT, perceptions of stakeholders in the effectiveness of ICT adoption, educational services management and ICT, as well as strategies for effective ICT use in educational services management.…”
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Book chapter -
Information and Communication Technology in Ugandan Higher Education.
Published 2019“…As a matter of necessity, universities are therefore required to embrace ICT adoption in teaching/learning and administrative activities. This study discusses the concept of ICT, perceptions of stakeholders in the effectiveness of ICT adoption, educational services management and ICT, as well as strategies for effective ICT use in educational services management.…”
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Book chapter -
Security of Physical Library Materials and Utilisation: A Case Study of National Teachers College Kabale.
Published 2023“…National Teachers College Library manages wide range of information resources accessible to the students and lecturers to support teaching and learning. The college library faces theft of collection, abuse such as mutilation, defacing of documents. …”
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Thesis -
Performance of Secondary Schools in Rukungiri District.
Published 2020“…Lack of motivation by teachers and students delayed fees payment and remittance of teachers due allowances, inadequate teaching materials and limited strategies to improve academic performance by school authorities and students level of discipline were said to be some of the main reasons why schools perform averagely and poorly at UCE. …”
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Thesis -
Ecology of schooling: Enabling school environment for student engagement in Uganda’s Universal Secondary Education
Published 2020“…Government shouldalsorecruit experienced and quality teachers into the USE schools, as well as constructing modern science laboratories to support the teaching of science disciplines.…”
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Article -
Report on Visitation by National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) Inspection of Health Sciences Finalists and E-Learning (ODEL) Readiness
Published 2023“…This visitation occurred as a response to the request by the Vice Chancellor in her letter dated 23rd September 2020 to NCHE to come for inspection and clearance for students’ teaching and learning. In the same meeting, Kabale University School of Medicine (KABSOM) and e-learning Team gave presentations on COVID -19 preparedness and ODeL Model readiness respectively. …”
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Other -
Pengembangan Aplikasi E-Learning Edu IT : Pembuatan Aplikasi Ujian Essay Online serta Upload Download Materi Kuliah
Published 2021-10-01“…Abstract The world of education is now many who use technological sophistication and internet based, such as the process of teaching electronic learning/which is known as e-learning. …”
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Article -
Insights into simulation-based learning: student and faculty experiences in a PharmD program in Saudi Arabia
Published 2025-02-01“…Faculty considered simulation to be a significant teaching tool that enhances information retention and sharpens students’ skills. …”
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Article -
Planetary health education in undergraduate medical education in Germany: results from structured interviews and an online survey within the national PlanetMedEd Project
Published 2025-02-01“…In contrast to mandatory educational activities, student involvement was reported for the majority of electives and was significantly associated with transformative learning objectives.InterpretationDespite a steady rise in teaching activities, mandatory Planetary Health Education remains insufficiently integrated into undergraduate medical education in Germany. …”
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Article -
Positive Discipline: Behavioral Management Skills for Parents and Teachers Part 3—Fostering the Parent–Child and Teacher–Student Relationship to Build Responsibility
Published 2015-08-01“… Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I learn. …”
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Article -
A diferença como política de resistência e de ressignificação da subjetividade feminina em campos de saberes masculinos
Published 2017-01-01“…This article analyzes narratives of women teachers inserted into the context of teaching Catholicism in a traditionally masculine space structured to be unintelligible to women. …”
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Article -
Szkoły typu Open-Air: eksperymenty architektoniczno-pedagogiczne szkolnictwa w pierwszych dziesięcioleciach XX wieku
Published 2015-12-01“…Pedagogy is the theoretical foundation of teaching practice, implemented in an architectural space. …”
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Article -
Rapid review of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the digitalization of higher education
Published 2024-06-01“…The COVID-19 pandemic (new normal) presents a great opportunity for higher education institutions (HEIs) to be digital and technologically innovative in their teaching and learning process through digitization. …”
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Article -
Elementary school teachers’ understanding of unit fractions
Published 2022-12-01“… Teachers’ mathematical knowledge is critical for their teaching of mathematics. We investigated whether elementary teachers believe that a unit fraction, , results only from a whole equipartitioned into 1/n parts. …”
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Article -
Biological therapy for inflammatory bowel disease: cyclical rather than lifelong treatment?
Published 2024-06-01Get full text
Article -
Gra pozorów i złudzeń we wczesnoszkolnej edukacji polonistycznej
Published 2014-12-01“…The goal of this paper is to determine the areas of inefficiency of educational influences in the field of Polish language education in teaching early primary school children. Three areas require a fundamental change: language training focused on the implementation of the knowledge of the language structure, training the skills of written expression, and developing attitudes that make up the culture of being in a diverse information environment. …”
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Article -
The Effect of Sociocultural Factors on Maternal Short Psychiatric Status and Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Published 2015-12-01Get full text
Article -
Pre-service science teacher’s opinions on virtual labs and their use in biology
Published 2024-06-01“…According to pre-service teachers, biology, cells, and the study of onion skin and bacteria are only a few examples of virtual laboratory applications that can be used in science teaching. They emphasized that it included biology-related themes, offered opportunities for lab work, dispelled misconceptions, and allowed students to use a microscope.…”
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