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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Study and teaching 39
- English language 10
- Study and teaching (Higher) 9
- Education 5
- Foreign speakers 5
- Research 5
- Rhetoric 5
- Educational leadership 4
- History 4
- Report writing 4
- education 4
- Criminal law 3
- Curricula 3
- Curriculum planning 3
- Educational technology 3
- Effective teaching 3
- Geography 3
- Mathematics 3
- Moral and ethical aspects 3
- Professional ethics 3
- Study and teaching (Elementary) 3
- Study and teaching (Secondary) 3
- Teachers 3
- Teaching 3
- Training of 3
- Academic writing 2
- American poetry 2
- Application software 2
- Biochemistry 2
- Classroom environment 2
An Overview on The Pandemic Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak
Published 2020-05-01“…This review showed that urgent steps for the current time to secure life of millions peoples is to quarantines people at home and governmental authorities have to take the responsibilities of this steps and to encourage people to stay at home and teach them the self-prevention is a better treatment for all humanities. …”
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Creative Marketing and Financial Performance of Small Medium Enterprises in Rwanda: A Case Study of Selected Businesses in Nyamata Town.
Published 2023“…Basing on the findings and conclusion it is advised that social protection programs be implemented to teach individuals how to earn, spend, save, and invest their money as well as how to borrow money and protect it.…”
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Thesis -
Role of National Teachers’ Organizations on The Performance of Teachers: A Case Study Of Rubanda District.
Published 2024“…Some respondents that when discipline breaks down in school, the safety of teachers and students is jeopardized, turning the school environment into a dangerous place to teach or learn, some respondents agreed that the core among them is the limited classroom language opportunities for the learners to practice the language, some respondents agreed that teachers’ trade unions should keep up the fight for better salaries as better remuneration has been shown to improve job satisfaction. …”
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Thesis -
Role of National Teachers’ Organisations on the Performance of Teachers: A Case Study of Rubanda District.
Published 2024“…Some respondents that when discipline breaks down in school, the safety of teachers and students is jeopardized, turning the school environment into a dangerous place to teach or learn, some respondents agreed that the core among them is the limited classroom language opportunities for the learners to practice the language, some respondents agreed that teachers’ trade unions should keep up the fight for better salaries as better remuneration has been shown to improve job satisfaction. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluation of a pilot family planning educational seminar and subsequent attitudes towards family planning among Muslim communities in Tanzania.
Published 2025-01-01“…Muslim religious leaders reported feeling equipped by an educational seminar to teach about FP to their communities. These data highlight the high potential of trusted religious leaders to build knowledge about FP, which could address women's current unsatisfied demand for FP and promote maternal and child health in Muslim communities in Tanzania.…”
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Published 2024-12-01“…The administration of the ATCS involved 117 experts – educational professionals (11 professors who teach courses concerning algorithms and computer science, 23 practicing teachers of informatics, 35 students in the 3rd year of Informatics teacher training program, and 48 master students of informatics). …”
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Assessing the Effects of Tourism Activities on the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Among Communities of Rubanda DistrictUganda.
Published 2024“…Incorporating cultural studies into school curricula to teach younger generations about their heritage, some respondents also showed that storytelling remains a vital method of preserving history and culture, some respondents agreed that the crafting of items like baskets, mats, and pottery is common in Rubanda. …”
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Thesis -
Examining the Role Played by Remand Homes Towards Curbing the Rate of Juvenile Delinquency in Kabale Municipality.
Published 2025“…In addition to this religious institutions and the media should become more flexible to attract the attention of the young generation and teach them how to become law-abiding citizens.…”
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Thesis -
Shortening duration of untreated illness in young people with first episode eating disorders: protocol of a randomised controlled feasibility trial of a smartphone friendly multi-m...
Published 2025-02-01“…This tool aims to improve knowledge about EDs, increase motivation to seek treatment and teach early steps towards change or recovery, thus reducing DUED. …”
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Aplikasi Pencarian Hadis Menggunakan Vector Space Model Dengan Pembobotan TF-IDF Dan Confix-Stripping Stemmer
Published 2023-07-01“…Abstract Hadith is the second source of Islamic teachings after the Al-Qur'an. Its position is after the Qur'an, before Ijma 'and Qiyas. …”
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Guidance and Counselling and Learners’ Discipline in Kasese District: A Case of Selected Government-Aided Secondary Schools in Bukonzo County.
Published 2024“…Teachers should not only teach for academic purposes but should always cater for the learners’ holistic development. …”
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Thesis -
Guidance and Counselling and Learners’ Discipline in Kasese District: A Case of Selected Government-Aided Secondary Schools in Bukonzo County.
Published 2024“…Teachers should not only teach for academic purposes but should always cater for the learners’ holistic development. …”
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Thesis -
The Influence of Personal Norms and Tax Compliance Intentions on The Tax Compliance Behavior of MSME Actors
Published 2024-09-01“…Moral norms focus on behavior that is considered right or wrong from a moral or ethical perspective, are often related to a sense of personal responsibility or justice, originate from internal values, ethics, religion, or philosophy believed by the individual, and can vary from one individual to another, although they are often also influenced by certain religious or philosophical teachings. Three variables personal norms, intentions, and behavior, were used in this study. …”
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Call for Papers: Demography Prize for Young Researches 2016/2017
Published 2016-12-01“…., how do they correlate with alternative rankings, socio-economic or other, and what might this teach us? • What promising policy options are there for reducing existing injustices between the young and the old? …”
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Study on Innovative Practices to Promote Girls’ Retention and Transition to Secondary and Higher Learning Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Published 2024“…Introduce courses that teach life skills to learners in primary schools: This will enable learners to understand and manage the physiological, psychological, and emotional changes girls experience as they transition through the turbulent years of adolescence.…”
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Technical Report