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- Geography 5
Impulsiveness among Undergraduates from the United Arab Emirates and Jordan: Role of Socio-demographic Variables
Published 2023-07-01“… # OBJECTIVE This study investigated the differences in impulsiveness between undergraduates of different gender, academic specializations, and academic years at three private universities in the United Arab Emirates and Jordan. # METHOD The research design of the study was a survey in nature. …”
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Comparisons of performances of structural variants detection algorithms in solitary or combination strategy.
Published 2025-01-01“…Numerous algorithms for short-read SV detection exist, but none are universally optimal, each having limitations for specific SV sizes and types. …”
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Adam Smith y la escuela del sentido moral. Continuidad y ruptura en la comunidad moral y política
Published 2013-01-01“…Al pasar de una figura universal y abstracta, a una concreta y real, el sistema de la simpatía permite pensar en la continuidad que hay entre la comunidad moral y la comunidad política y también en su ruptura, cuando la segunda se convierte en el espacio que permite manejar la exclusión que puede generar la primera. …”
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Lutas sociais e educação: os (des)caminhos dos Projetos Político-Pedagógicos
Published 2018-11-01“…As pautas das lutas da educação defendem a instituição de um sistema de educação universal, público, democrático e de qualidade em correlação com os direitos da cidadania. …”
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The Students’ Reflective Abstraction in Implementing MBKM
Published 2025-01-01“… Learning from the obstacles faced by other universities whose nature is administrative wise, currently questions still arise regarding the implementation of MBKM, which is about how the abilities will be developed by students who take part in the MBKM program, especially their hard skills, Reflective Abstractions. …”
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As contradições do direito à saúde no capitalismo:
Published 2020-07-01“…Na contemporaneidade, a saúde vem sendo pactuada na concepção mercadológica, passando a constituir um mecanismo de contradição e, principalmente, de negação de direitos, contrariando o fato de estar ancorada ao princípio universal, participativo e descentralizado. Ao fim da leitura, pode-se apreender que a atuação do Estado capitalista pautado no neoliberalismo vem impulsionando desmonte dos direitos arduamente conquistados pela classe trabalhadora, com reflexos nefastos na política de saúde. …”
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A TEORIA DO VALOR DE WINDELBAND E RICKERT: fundamentos temporais de uma teoria do conhecimento
Published 2014-04-01“…Por outro lado, nenhum projeto de conhecimento científico (aqui entendido como universal e atemporal) poderia se fundar confortavelmente num terreno tão precário - de algum modo este presente terá que se mostrar transcendente em relação às fraturas temporais que ele percebe ser sua própria condição de possibilidade. …”
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Effect of eDNA metabarcoding temporal sampling strategies on detection of coastal biodiversity
Published 2025-02-01“…However, we have limited knowledge of whether samples collected during discreet temporal periods depict holistic ecosystem changes over longer time spans.MethodsHere, we show how eDNA community structure varies across repeated sampling events at different temporal scales ranging from years to months to days at an Arctic coastal site, Churchill (Canada), using metabarcoding analyses of water eDNA samples with four universal primer pairs (two primers in COI and two in the 18S rRNA).ResultsDaily variations were highly dynamic and less structured, likely due to the stochastic nature of estuarine ecosystems, but there was a clear annual consistency in eDNA communities with a high proportion of shared taxa between years. …”
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A proposta da Base Nacional Comum Curricular e o debate entre 1988 e 2015
Published 2015-01-01“…Besides these agencies and agents, the various organizations of social movements, economic groups, scientific associations and universities were invited and/or volunteered to participate in the processes of the development of curriculum proposals. …”
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Obispos, clérigos y fieles en pie de guerra, Antioquia, 1870-1880
Published 2010-01-01“…Muestra los procesos de fortalecimiento de la Iglesia regional en el contexto de las tensiones de la Iglesia universal con el liberalismo, fundada en sus vínculos de cohesión, sus acendradas mentalidades católicas y sus positivas relaciones con el Estado conservador antioqueño. …”
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Successful Surgical Treatment of “Complex” Abdominal Echinococcosis
Published 2024-01-01“…Due to the peculiarities of the course of helminthiasis and the pronounced variability of the lesion, it is extremely difficult to develop universal and effective treatment algorithms. The presented clinical observation demonstrates an example of the successful use of special surgical tactics for the treatment of “complex” echinococcosis of the abdominal cavity with good long-term follow-up results.…”
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Insect size responses to climate change vary across elevations according to seasonal timing.
Published 2025-01-01“…Our analysis further reinforces the need to move beyond expectations of universal responses to climate change to consider how environmental exposure and sensitivity vary across elevations and life histories.…”
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Tiempo y libertad en lo educativo. Algunas notas latinoamericanas sobre el Manifiesto por la educación de Biesta y Säfström / Time and freedom in Education. Some Latin American not...
Published 2018-05-01“…Finalmente, se comparten los principios centrales de Biesta y Säfström, pero se opone a una articulación temporal de corte universal que restringe caminos divergentes a formas diversas de libertad en el ámbito educativo. …”
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Notas sobre las piezas de la colección arqueológica recolectada por E. Ménard de Saint-Maurice, médico de la Compañía del canal de Panamá
Published 2009-01-01“…El contenido del artículo sitúa la actividad de Ménard en el marco delas expediciones realizadas con el fin de abrir la ruta geoestratégica de comunicación.Se presenta además el estudio científico realizado por él, en donde da cuenta delhallazgo de objetos cerámicos, hachas de piedra y petroglifos y se da informaciónsobre la colección arqueológica que formó durante las exploraciones en Chiriquí yque fue expuesta en la Exposición Universal de París del año 1878. Algunas piezasfueron ubicadas y fotografiadas en el Museo Nacional de la Cerámica, en Sèvres,Francia y ahora se dan a conocer para información de los interesados en los estudioshistóricos, arqueológicos y patrimoniales de esta región panameña.…”
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Inovação social: rumo a uma mudança experimental na política pública?
Published 2010-01-01“…The Nordic countries show a trend of active support from the state to civil society but in Brazil theemergence of social entrepreneurial principles starting from the end of the 1980s, with the universalization and democratization of public policy. …”
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De organografía, organología y etnolaudería como propuesta para el estudio de los instrumentos musicales tradicionales
Published 2024-08-01“…Most studies are focused on the instrument approached as an inanimate material object, classifiable and described under a universal and homogenizing model. In this article, a review of the traditional musical instruments studies in Mexico is presented in order to expose my own methodological proposal —different from organology and organography— for the study of the instrument from an approach called “ethnolaudery,”which proposes the study of musical instruments based on traditions and from a processual perspective; looking at musical instruments as a piece of culture and inside specific cultures; considering the diverse contexts of production (according the corporal, material, and symbolic dimensions); and focusing on the specialized crafters of string instruments: violeros, vigoleros, lauderos, guitarreros, ebanistas, setimuriecha, guitarrachiketl, kuachichiketl, p´as b´ometik, etc.…”
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Human Rights and Democracy: Can the President's Constitutional Disobedience Be Used as Grounds for Impeachment?
Published 2024-07-01“…Nevertheless, the President went ahead and issued Presidential Regulation Number 113 of 2021, which constitutes a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the 1945 Constitution. …”
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Higher-dimensional Willmore energy as holographic entanglement entropy
Published 2025-01-01“…Abstract The vacuum entanglement entropy of a general conformal field theory (CFT) in d = 5 spacetime dimensions contains a universal term, F(A), which has a complicated and non-local dependence on the geometric details of the region A and the theory. …”
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