Showing 301 - 320 results of 519 for search 'Boruch~', query time: 1.75s Refine Results
  1. 301

    Dead Wood: Key to Enhancing Wildlife Diversity in Forests by Holly K. Ober, Patrick J. Minogue

    Published 2007-11-01
    “…Minogue, explains how snags, logs, and brush piles provide important resources for wildlife, how these habitat elements can be created, and how much dead wood to provide. …”
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    Dead Wood: Key to Enhancing Wildlife Diversity in Forests by Holly K. Ober, Patrick J. Minogue

    Published 2007-11-01
    “…Minogue, explains how snags, logs, and brush piles provide important resources for wildlife, how these habitat elements can be created, and how much dead wood to provide. …”
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  3. 303

    Edukacja dziecka ku ponadczasowym wartościom – rozważania na przykładzie współczesnej "Baśni o perle" Anny Gibasiewicz by Anna Józefowicz

    Published 2019-03-01
    “…Fairy tale about pearl) I refer to psychoanalytic interpretations of folk tales made by Bruno Bettelhaim and archetypal critique by Alicja Baluch. Reading fairy tales to the contemporary child still can perform a „miraculous and useful” role in his social and emotional development. …”
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    Die verhouding van die godsdienste tot mekaar. Hoër konsensus, godsdiensekumene en dialoog van nader bekijk. by P. Verster

    Published 2022-09-01
    “…Heinrich Ott stands for maximum consensus, Hans Küng for religious ecumenism and Dawid J Bosch for dialogue. These viewpoints are judged and it is shown that reconciliation is crucial to the relationship among religions. …”
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    Designing multi-function rapid right angle set slurry compositions for a high pressure-high temperature well by Pooria Kianoush, Mostafa Gomar, Nasser Keshavarz Faraj Khah, Seyednooroldin Hosseini, Ali Kadkhodaie, Shahaab Varkouhi

    Published 2025-12-01
    “…A blend of additives—including 3 % boric acid as a dual-functioning dispersant and 1 % latex materials—enhanced dispersing properties, compressive strength, and gas migration resistance. …”
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  7. 307

    Tożsamość kapłańska według Jana Pawła II by Jerzy Swędrowski

    Published 2020-07-01
    “…To spotkanie i dialog jest rodzeniem ku wspólnocie wiary, która obejmuje ludzi otwartych na realizm codziennej rzeczywistości i na wieczność Bożych przeznaczeń. Dar kapłaństwa służebnego staje się szczególnym narzędziem dla Kościoła, w którym głoszenie słowa i sprawowanie sakramentów wiodą do autentycznego i osobistego spotkania z Bogiem. …”
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  8. 308

    Duchowość osób konsekrowanych w świetle adhortacji Jana Pawła II Vita consecrata by Jerzy Wiesław Gogola

    Published 2014-09-01
    “…Trzy cechy charakterystyczne duchowości osoby konsekrowanej określają jednocześnie jej tożsamość: osoba oddana przez śluby rad ewangelicznych Bogu; osoba komunii z Bogiem i braćmi oraz prorok-świadek wielkich dzieł Bożych, które realizują się w słabym człowieku. Całość wieńczy krótka synteza, która może stanowić jedynie pewną wskazówkę na temat tej złożonej rzeczywistości i zaproszenie do budowania tej syntezy na płaszczyźnie egzystencjalnej przez poszczególne osoby konsekrowane i ich wspólnoty.…”
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    Could flavonoid aglycones prevent the absorption of flavonoid glycosides by inhibiting sodium-dependent glucose transporter-1 in the small intestine? by Katrin Sak

    Published 2023-08-01
    “…In this commentary article, an interesting paradox is presented: while the ingested flavonoid glycosides can be absorbed by means of sodium-dependent glucose transporters (SGLTs; SGLT1) located in the brush border membrane facing the lumen of the small intestine, certain flavonoid aglycones are able to inhibit these shuttle proteins. …”
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  11. 311


    Published 2024-01-01
    “…Çalışmada ise yolcunun bagaj için ücret ödeme borcu ve bagaj hakkında doğru bilgi verme yükümlülüğü ele alınmış ayrıca TTK md. 1254/I’de taşıyanın yolcunun bagajı üzerindeki hapis hakkı hükmünün uygulanabilir olup olmadığı uygulanabilirse de hangi şartlarda uygulanabileceği ele alınmıştır.…”
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  12. 312

    Estimating the Cost-Effectiveness of Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) Therapy with an Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor or Docetaxel in Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Furnback W, Wu E, Koh CYC, Nino de Rivera Guzman JF, Kruhl C, Kotecha R, Wang BC

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Wesley Furnback,1 Elizabeth Wu,1 Cloe Ying Chee Koh,2 Jorge Fernando Nino de Rivera Guzman,2 Christian Kruhl,3 Rupesh Kotecha,4 Bruce CM Wang3 1Real Chemistry, New York, NY, USA; 2Novocure, Inc, Portsmouth, NH, USA; 3Novocure GmbH, Root, Switzerland; 4Department of Radiation Oncology, Miami Cancer Institute, Baptist Health South Florida, Miami, FL, USACorrespondence: Bruce CM Wang, Novocure GmbH, Neuhofstrasse 21, Baar, 6340, Switzerland, Email [email protected]: Lung cancer remains a leading cause of cancer-related mortality. …”
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    Prymas Stefan Wyszyński – „antysemita”, „rasista” i „faszysta”. Historia podwójnej manipulacji tekstami z „Ateneum Kapłańskiego” by Ewa K. Czaczkowska

    Published 2019-01-01
    “…Od tego momentu informacja ta zaczęła żyć własnym życiem – powielana była na różnych forach, portalach, a także w publicznej telewizji. …”
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  17. 317

    Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology by Elliot Gould, Hannah S. Fraser, Timothy H. Parker, Shinichi Nakagawa, Simon C. Griffith, Peter A. Vesk, Fiona Fidler, Daniel G. Hamilton, Robin N. Abbey-Lee, Jessica K. Abbott, Luis A. Aguirre, Carles Alcaraz, Irith Aloni, Drew Altschul, Kunal Arekar, Jeff W. Atkins, Joe Atkinson, Christopher M. Baker, Meghan Barrett, Kristian Bell, Suleiman Kehinde Bello, Iván Beltrán, Bernd J. Berauer, Michael Grant Bertram, Peter D. Billman, Charlie K. Blake, Shannon Blake, Louis Bliard, Andrea Bonisoli-Alquati, Timothée Bonnet, Camille Nina Marion Bordes, Aneesh P. H. Bose, Thomas Botterill-James, Melissa Anna Boyd, Sarah A. Boyle, Tom Bradfer-Lawrence, Jennifer Bradham, Jack A. Brand, Martin I. Brengdahl, Martin Bulla, Luc Bussière, Ettore Camerlenghi, Sara E. Campbell, Leonardo L. F. Campos, Anthony Caravaggi, Pedro Cardoso, Charles J. W. Carroll, Therese A. Catanach, Xuan Chen, Heung Ying Janet Chik, Emily Sarah Choy, Alec Philip Christie, Angela Chuang, Amanda J. Chunco, Bethany L. Clark, Andrea Contina, Garth A. Covernton, Murray P. Cox, Kimberly A. Cressman, Marco Crotti, Connor Davidson Crouch, Pietro B. D’Amelio, Alexandra Allison de Sousa, Timm Fabian Döbert, Ralph Dobler, Adam J. Dobson, Tim S. Doherty, Szymon Marian Drobniak, Alexandra Grace Duffy, Alison B. Duncan, Robert P. Dunn, Jamie Dunning, Trishna Dutta, Luke Eberhart-Hertel, Jared Alan Elmore, Mahmoud Medhat Elsherif, Holly M. English, David C. Ensminger, Ulrich Rainer Ernst, Stephen M. Ferguson, Esteban Fernandez-Juricic, Thalita Ferreira-Arruda, John Fieberg, Elizabeth A. Finch, Evan A. Fiorenza, David N. Fisher, Amélie Fontaine, Wolfgang Forstmeier, Yoan Fourcade, Graham S. Frank, Cathryn A. Freund, Eduardo Fuentes-Lillo, Sara L. Gandy, Dustin G. Gannon, Ana I. García-Cervigón, Alexis C. Garretson, Xuezhen Ge, William L. Geary, Charly Géron, Marc Gilles, Antje Girndt, Daniel Gliksman, Harrison B. Goldspiel, Dylan G. E. Gomes, Megan Kate Good, Sarah C. Goslee, J. Stephen Gosnell, Eliza M. Grames, Paolo Gratton, Nicholas M. Grebe, Skye M. Greenler, Maaike Griffioen, Daniel M. Griffith, Frances J. Griffith, Jake J. Grossman, Ali Güncan, Stef Haesen, James G. Hagan, Heather A. Hager, Jonathan Philo Harris, Natasha Dean Harrison, Sarah Syedia Hasnain, Justin Chase Havird, Andrew J. Heaton, María Laura Herrera-Chaustre, Tanner J. Howard, Bin-Yan Hsu, Fabiola Iannarilli, Esperanza C. Iranzo, Erik N. K. Iverson, Saheed Olaide Jimoh, Douglas H. Johnson, Martin Johnsson, Jesse Jorna, Tommaso Jucker, Martin Jung, Ineta Kačergytė, Oliver Kaltz, Alison Ke, Clint D. Kelly, Katharine Keogan, Friedrich Wolfgang Keppeler, Alexander K. Killion, Dongmin Kim, David P. Kochan, Peter Korsten, Shan Kothari, Jonas Kuppler, Jillian M. Kusch, Malgorzata Lagisz, Kristen Marianne Lalla, Daniel J. Larkin, Courtney L. Larson, Katherine S. Lauck, M. Elise Lauterbur, Alan Law, Don-Jean Léandri-Breton, Jonas J. Lembrechts, Kiara L’Herpiniere, Eva J. P. Lievens, Daniela Oliveira de Lima, Shane Lindsay, Martin Luquet, Ross MacLeod, Kirsty H. Macphie, Kit Magellan, Magdalena M. Mair, Lisa E. Malm, Stefano Mammola, Caitlin P. Mandeville, Michael Manhart, Laura Milena Manrique-Garzon, Elina Mäntylä, Philippe Marchand, Benjamin Michael Marshall, Charles A. Martin, Dominic Andreas Martin, Jake Mitchell Martin, April Robin Martinig, Erin S. McCallum, Mark McCauley, Sabrina M. McNew, Scott J. Meiners, Thomas Merkling, Marcus Michelangeli, Maria Moiron, Bruno Moreira, Jennifer Mortensen, Benjamin Mos, Taofeek Olatunbosun Muraina, Penelope Wrenn Murphy, Luca Nelli, Petri Niemelä, Josh Nightingale, Gustav Nilsonne, Sergio Nolazco, Sabine S. Nooten, Jessie Lanterman Novotny, Agnes Birgitta Olin, Chris L. Organ, Kate L. Ostevik, Facundo Xavier Palacio, Matthieu Paquet, Darren James Parker, David J. Pascall, Valerie J. Pasquarella, John Harold Paterson, Ana Payo-Payo, Karen Marie Pedersen, Grégoire Perez, Kayla I. Perry, Patrice Pottier, Michael J. Proulx, Raphaël Proulx, Jessica L Pruett, Veronarindra Ramananjato, Finaritra Tolotra Randimbiarison, Onja H. Razafindratsima, Diana J. Rennison, Federico Riva, Sepand Riyahi, Michael James Roast, Felipe Pereira Rocha, Dominique G. Roche, Cristian Román-Palacios, Michael S. Rosenberg, Jessica Ross, Freya E. Rowland, Deusdedith Rugemalila, Avery L. Russell, Suvi Ruuskanen, Patrick Saccone, Asaf Sadeh, Stephen M. Salazar, Kris Sales, Pablo Salmón, Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar, Leticia Pereira Santos, Francesca Santostefano, Hayden T. Schilling, Marcus Schmidt, Tim Schmoll, Adam C. Schneider, Allie E. Schrock, Julia Schroeder, Nicolas Schtickzelle, Nick L. Schultz, Drew A. Scott, Michael Peter Scroggie, Julie Teresa Shapiro, Nitika Sharma, Caroline L. Shearer, Diego Simón, Michael I. Sitvarin, Fabrício Luiz Skupien, Heather Lea Slinn, Grania Polly Smith, Jeremy A. Smith, Rahel Sollmann, Kaitlin Stack Whitney, Shannon Michael Still, Erica F. Stuber, Guy F. Sutton, Ben Swallow, Conor Claverie Taff, Elina Takola, Andrew J. Tanentzap, Rocío Tarjuelo, Richard J. Telford, Christopher J. Thawley, Hugo Thierry, Jacqueline Thomson, Svenja Tidau, Emily M. Tompkins, Claire Marie Tortorelli, Andrew Trlica, Biz R. Turnell, Lara Urban, Stijn Van de Vondel, Jessica Eva Megan van der Wal, Jens Van Eeckhoven, Francis van Oordt, K. Michelle Vanderwel, Mark C. Vanderwel, Karen J. Vanderwolf, Juliana Vélez, Diana Carolina Vergara-Florez, Brian C. Verrelli, Marcus Vinícius Vieira, Nora Villamil, Valerio Vitali, Julien Vollering, Jeffrey Walker, Xanthe J. Walker, Jonathan A. Walter, Pawel Waryszak, Ryan J. Weaver, Ronja E. M. Wedegärtner, Daniel L. Weller, Shannon Whelan, Rachel Louise White, David William Wolfson, Andrew Wood, Scott W. Yanco, Jian D. L. Yen, Casey Youngflesh, Giacomo Zilio, Cédric Zimmer, Gregory Mark Zimmerman, Rachel A. Zitomer

    Published 2025-02-01
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  18. 318

    Minimally Invasive Approaches for Combined Gynecologic Surgeries: Our Three Years Clinical Experiences by İlknur İnegöl Gümüş, Önder Sürgit, Aysel Uysal, Serap Simavlı, Ayla Eser, İkbal Kaygusuz

    Published 2015-08-01
    “…RESULTS: The most common combination of procedures was laparoscopic hysterectomy and laparoscopic Burch colposuspension (18 patients). Blood loss was positively correlated with number of ports. …”
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    Therapeutic effects of Salvadora persica (Miswak) on patients with mild to moderate gingivitis. by Kawa F. Dizaye, Zainab Yalman Othman

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…Group 1 used S. persica chewing stick only; group 2 used toothbrush only; group 3 used both S. persica and toothbrush, group 4 used S. persica mouthwash and toothbrush; while group 5 used chlorhexidine mouthwash and tooth-brush. The patients’ mouths were examined, recording clinical indices before and after four weeks from the administration of treatments. …”
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  20. 320

    Batman, Gotham ve İbn Haldûn: Batman Begins’in Siyasal ve Toplumsal Anlatısının İbn Haldûncu Bir Değerlendirmesi by Enes Şahin

    Published 2022-05-01
    “…Burjuva sınıfının müntesibi bir aileden gelen Bruce Wayne’in bu sınıfın varoluşsal kaynağı olan şehri yani Gotham’ı içinde bulunduğu yozlaşmadan kurtarmak için burjuva süper kahramanına dönüşmesinin hikayesini konu edinen film, siyasetin toplumsal cephesi ve medeniyetin mahiyet ve keyfiyeti üzerine çeşitli tartışmalar yürütür. …”
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