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Is differential cleaning needed for SARS-CoV-2 beyond standard procedures? A systematic review
Published 2025-01-01“…Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of enhanced cleaning protocols for high-touch surfaces during COVID-19, focusing on cleaning products, concentrations, contact time, and recommended frequency. …”
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The impact of organised educational campaigns on understanding of needle sticks injuries and related post-exposure HIV/AIDS prophylaxis
Published 2025-01-01“…Even if it’s not medical waste, it can still happen if you touch garbage. Approximately 385,000 healthcare professionals stab themselves unintentionally each year. …”
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Published 2021-06-01“…The neural network was configured using the Python language and the PyTorch library. To select the best convolutional neural network configuration, various combinations of architectures and encoder types were tested for performance and accuracy. …”
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Evaluation of the cleaning efficacy of a normal toothbrush and a manual U shaped toothbrush in children aged 8–10 years: A randomized crossover trial
Published 2023-07-01“…Background: Plaque removal rates are influenced by toothbrush design as well as brushing methods. Aim: The study aimed to determine the efficacy of a manual U-shaped toothbrush when compared to a regular toothbrush in removing dental plaque from teeth in children aged 8–10 years. …”
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Efficacy and Safety of Bicyclol Treatment for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Results of a Cohort Study
Published 2018-09-01“…The study included 93 patients with NAFLD with the average age of 44 (38–49) years, having the stage of liver fibrosis and steatosis greater than the 1st according to FibroScan (FibroScan 502 TOUCH with CAP software). Patients were randomized into 2 groups: 1) the main group comprised 67 patients receiving 75 mg/day of Bicyclol for 24 weeks in combination with aerobic exercise and Mediterranean diet; 2) the comparison group (26 patients) prescribed of only aerobic exercise and Mediterranean diet for 24 weeks.Results. …”
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Design of a Mechanized Road Sweeper
Published 2023“…The major components of the proposed machine were drive wheels, gears, sweeping roller and disc brushes, dust filter, waste container, handle and frame. …”
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Oral health status, behavior and impact profile among naval personnel in the Malaysian naval armed forces
Published 2025-02-01“…Additionally, oral health behaviours were generally inadequate, with 12% of participants reporting infrequent brushing and 68.2% indicating limited use of interdental aids. …”
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Analysis of the Physicochemical Burden of Oyo State Fish Pond, Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria
Published 2015-07-01“…Other macroscopic observations showed that PHWW was slimy to touch, fowl smelling, dark in colour and had animal life forms such as maggots and flying insects residing in it. …”
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Mobile-Commerce Usage Challenges among University Students in Uganda: A Case of Kabale University.
Published 2020“…The results further showed that music, gaming and banking were most frequently accessed mobile services online however Cost of maintaining operating Internet, Preference for 'feel and touch' features of products, Security Challenges, Slow speed of the Internet, Lack of Credit Cards and Payment Systems were cited among the key challenges though skilled manpower was not a challenge to students. …”
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Sobór w Konstancji wobec Jana Husa i Hieronima z Pragi
Published 2016-01-01“…Z kolei Hieronim z Pragi był zaangażowany w powstający ruch narodowy w Czechach i głosił publicznie poglądy Jana Wiklifa. …”
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Environmental Surveillance and Transmission Risk Assessments for SARS-CoV-2 in a Fitness Center
Published 2021-09-01“…Moistened flocked nylon swabs were used to collect samples from high-touch surfaces. We did not detect SARS-CoV-2 by rRT-PCR analyses in any air or surface sample. …”
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The Effect of Banana Bacteria Wilt on The Socio-Economic Welfare of Farmers in Ruhinda Sub-County Rukungiri District .
Published 2023“…The highest number of respondents mentioned source of mulch for maintaining and improving soil fertility, the lowest number of respondents mentioned that the disease has led to increased poverty among households and the study continued on possible measures to control banana bacteria wilt in Ruhinda sub-county Rukungiri district, the highest number of respondents mentioned heating garden tools such as hoes, machete, knives and slashers over a fire until the metal is too hot to touch is also effective in killing the bacteria, the lowest number of respondents talked of timely removal of male buds with a forked stick is important in where insect vector that visit the diseased flower parts carry the pathogen. …”
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Thesis -
Influence of Branding on Consumer Behavior: Case of Manhattan Hotel, Kabale Municipality Kigongi.
Published 2023“…Regarding how a brand provides value, Manhattan Hotel Kabale ensures quality via the Manhattan DNA: five values set by the hotel company to incorporate with service delivery throughout all guest touch points. In addition, the hotel conducts internal and external checks to guarantee service quality. …”
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Uptake and 4-week outcomes of an ‘opt-out’ smoking cessation referral strategy in a London-based lung cancer screening setting
Published 2025-02-01“…Aggregate data on referral outcomes were obtained from each SSS individually.Results 33.7% (n=2090/6203) of individuals currently smoking tobacco consented to a practitioner-made ‘opt-out’ smoking cessation referral. 42.7% (n=893/2090) of these individuals resided in boroughs where SSS were not present or required self-referral. …”
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Published 2023-01-01“…Roma Hukuku’nda locatio conductio rei, tarafların karşılıklı ve birbirlerine uygun irade beyanları ile kurulan, belirli bir malı, belirli bir ücret karşılığında ve belirli bir süre için kullanmayı (res locata) ya da kullanıp ürünlerinden yararlanmayı (fruenda locata) sağlayan, tam iki tarafı borç altına sokan rızai bir sözleşmedir. Günümüz hukuklarında kira sözleşmesi ve ürün kirası sözleşmelerinin ayrı ayrı düzenlendiği görülürken; Roma’da locatio conductio rei her iki sözleşmeyi de içermekteydi. …”
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The Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test (CKCUEST) Performance in Elite Team Handball Players Playing with Shoulder Pain, Previous Pain, or No Pain
Published 2024-02-01“… # Study design Cross-sectional study # Methods Elite team handball players were recruited and performed the CKCUEST from which three different scores (raw, touch, and power) were calculated and compared among handball players playing with shoulder pain, previous pain, and no pain…”
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Examining the Challenges Faced by Women Employees in Tourism Industry in Kabale District.
Published 2024“…According to the findings, 100% of the respondents agreed that there were several roles of women employees in the tourism industry including: women are better at anticipating guests' requirements, and their feminine touch gives beauty and elegance to the hospitality, women reduce gender inequality in development, women can play a role in regional dances, agriculture, homestays, food and beverage services, and making souvenirs, women are the key to tourism sustainability as the key in disseminating knowledge about cultural values, women play a role in making family decisions to do jobs, the process of involving women in tourism is shaped by gender ideology in society. …”
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Thesis -
Pustelnik jako duchowy pielgrzym – próba pastoralnoteologicznej interpretacji „migracji ascetycznej” w oparciu o dokumenty Kościoła
Published 2017-10-01“…Stara się udowodnić, że niektóre formy życia mnichów przypominają duchową pielgrzymkę. Mnisi wykonują ruch w fizycznej sferze, odchodząc w odosobnione miejsce. …”
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Hubungan Asupan Zat Besi, Vitamin C, dan Persen Lemak Tubuh dengan Kejadian Anemia pada Remaja Putri di Pondok Pesantren Askhabul Kahfi Kota Semarang
Published 2024-12-01“…Data mengenai asupan zat besi dan vitamin C dikumpulkan melalui wawancara menggunakan SQ-FFQ, sementara mengukur persentase lemak tubuh, digunakan alat BIA Omron HBF-212, dan diagnosis anemia dilakukan dengan memeriksa kadar hemoglobin menggunakan EasyTouch GCHb. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji korelasi Gamma, dan analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik ordinal. …”
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SARS-CoV-2 infection rates and associated risk factors in healthcare workers: systematic review and meta-analysis
Published 2025-02-01“…Conversely, history of quarantine (OR 0.23; 95% CI 0.08–0.60) and frequent decontamination of high touch areas (OR 0.52; 95% CI 0.42–0.64) were protective factors against SARS-CoV-2 infection. …”
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