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- City and town life 2
- Civil engineering 2
- Civil law 2
Perceived barriers to reaching equity in effective access to diagnosis and treatment for women with breast cancer in Chile
Published 2025-02-01“…Theoretical sampling guided the selection of diverse participant profiles, comprising breast cancer patients, healthcare professionals and a civil society leader. The strategies for the recruitment process included social networks, civil society organizations, health professionals, and the snowball technique. …”
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Published 2025-01-01“…They accused the military government of serious human rights violations, abuse of rule of law, suppression of the Media, frequent and irrational hiring and firing of judges and top civil servants. The article submitted that there is a marked difference between civil and military leaders in their leadership and management styles in conducting the affairs of the nation. …”
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Evolución de la protección penal del Derecho de Autor en Colombia
Published 2010-01-01“…Tratándose de una investigación básica aplicada, bajo un enfoque metodológico cualitativo, se rastreó y clasificó la información, que luego se sistematizó y analizó acorde con una pespectiva crítica; se utilizaron fuentes secundarias en el recorrido histórico de la legislación protectora de los derechos de autor para demostrar que su protección procede de leyes de carácter civil, que como tipo penal propiamente hablando es poco estudiado por la doctrina nacional y que al ser un tipo penal con reenvío a otra normatividad (civil) para poder definir su aplicación, lo convierte en una norma penal en blanco que viola muchas de las garantías del derecho penal liberal como lo es mínimamente el principio de legalidad, ahora que los derechos de autor tienen especial significación en el derecho penal socioeconómico por la magnitud de la piratería en el mundo moderno.…”
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Theoretical Review of Pay Restructuring in Uganda's Public Service Health Sector.
Published 2024“…Different service models are used to calculate wages. Similar cadres of civil servants receive different salary grades; and wage allocation receives more funding than other areas, such as development and supplies. …”
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Images of India in the Lithuanian press of Catholic missions, 1927–1940
Published 2023-12-01“…The analysis of periodicals revealed that the creation of images of India was influenced by the Christian tradition, the European orientalist attitude and the comparison of East-West civilizations. …”
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Gniew, współczucie, solidarność – w stronę politycznie i krytycznie zorientowanej pedagogiki emocji
Published 2016-09-01“…This paper will address an issue that is not often discussed in the context of civic and democratic education – the shaping of political emotions. …”
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Los deberes contractuales de información en materia de contratación a distancia ante la Ley 3/2014, de 27 de marzo, por la que se modifica el Texto Refundido de la Ley de Consumido...
Published 2016-01-01“…La omisión de estos últimos puede acarrear tanto sanciones civiles como administrativa, como veremos en este trabajo.…”
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Spirituality in a secular age: from Charlies Taylor to study of the Bible and spirituality
Published 2011-06-01“… This essay proposes that those engaged in the study of the Bible in relation to spirituality would benefit from awareness of Charles Taylor’s thinking in A Secular Age, which is a narrative not only about the emergence of the secular but also about the role of the spiritual in Western civilization. The essay indicates the significance of Taylor’s work for understanding the present context of the experience of spirituality. …”
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O możliwościach ekumenicznej współpracy katolików i luteranów nad kształtowaniem decyzji ustawodawcy polskiego w dziedzinie małżeństwa i rodziny
Published 2013-11-01“…Among other things the risks come from provisions of law that is drafted without regard for Christian roots of the European civilization. In the face of the situation, the Christian Communities are called to start an ecumenical dialog and to undertake a practical action to promote their common Christian paradigm of the marriage and the family that would be a pattern for a state legislator. …”
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Modern Art, National Culture, and Hispanophilia in Revista de Avance
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Teoria do discurso como semiótica dos fluxos
Published 2015-10-01“…O fluxo de justiça atravessa todo campo social, articulando ações legais, extralegais ou contralegais (desobediência civil, revolução, insurreição, guerra civil...), convergindo (judicialização do conflito) ou não para o sistema jurídico, subvertendo-o ou transformando-o. …”
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Un acercamiento a la fuerza pública en los estados de Cundinamarca y Santander, 1857-1885
Published 2011-01-01“…Se presentan las bases constitucionales que sostuvieron al cuerpo militar, y se analiza hasta qué punto lograron cumplirse, de tal forma que se pudo demostrar la doble dinámica en que funcionó el cuerpo armado del Estado, girando entre un carácter militar y sus funciones de control civil del orden público. Al conocerse la evolución del Ejército seccional, se pudieron comprender los resultados que dejó la experiencia federal en las instituciones nacionales, especialmente en la militar, demostrándose una vez más, que la irregularidad del presupuesto y la subordinación del poder militar al civil, generaron las mayores contradicciones del cuerpo armado. …”
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Mouth opening variables amongst the North Indian population
Published 2025-01-01“…Maximum mouth opening was measured using calibrated vernier calliper scale. This study was conducted in the Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, King George Medical University, Lucknow. …”
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The New Trend in the EU’s Migration Policy: Is Externalization Any Better?
Published 2024-12-01“… The highly dynamic security environment, characterized by numerous disturbances such as armed conflicts, civil wars, and political and social instability in various parts of the world, has led millions of people to flee their countries of origin – as of 2023, this number is 117,3 million. …”
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Informação, meio ambiente e atores sociais: mediação dos conflitos socioambientais
Published 2010-01-01“…At the same time, this study emphasizes practices of social actors in civil society and public managers in terms of decision making for other social and environmental practices, as well as attempts of public policies enforcement.…”
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Die rol van die NGK-leierskap in die aanloop tot die eerste demokratiese verkiesing in Suid-Afrika: 1990-1994
Published 2016-12-01“…By doing so, the leadership of the church, which became known for the Biblical foundation of the notorious policy of apartheid, played an important role while South Africa was on the brink of civil war. Their efforts contributed to a peaceful first democratic election in 1994. …”
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O Plano Diretor de Chapecó (SC) e a possibilidade de um pacto social à luz dos princípios do Estatuto da Cidade
Published 2008-01-01“…With the obligation to work out a Master Plan in cities with more than 20 thousand inhabitants, on the basis of instruments and participative principles defined by the City Statute, there is a need to establish a social pact between government, market and civil society on urban policy. …”
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Jogos eletrônicos e cultura mediada por computadores: paradoxos culturais e organizacionais advindos das inovações em tecnologias de informação
Published 2005-01-01“…On the other hand we are confronted with an old fact of our civilization that still persists: war. This article discusses a situation where these two sets of historical events come together. …”
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Published 2022-05-01“…It also explores the strategies and policies that the Nigerian government and civil society have adopted to cope with the effects of globalization and to enhance their participation in the global arena. …”
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LITIGO DE ALTO IMPACTO. Estrategias alternativas de ejercer el Derecho
Published 2008-01-01“…El ejercicio del litigio de alto impacto, como forma alternativa de ejercer el derecho, consiste en la estrategia de seleccionar, analizar y poner en marcha el litigio de ciertos casos que permitan lograr un efecto significativo en las políticas públicas, la legislación y la sociedad civil de un Estado o región; es un proceso de identificación, socialización, discusión y estructuración de problemáticas sociales, para a partir de allí promover casos concretos para alcanzar soluciones integrales a tales problemáticas sociales, y lograr cambios sociales sustanciales.…”
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