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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Civilization 17
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- Economic development 7
- Politics and government 5
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- Economic aspects 4
- Economic conditions 4
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- Moral and ethical aspects 4
- Public administration 4
- Social conditions 4
- methods 4
- Civil war 3
- Mass media 3
- Medical economics 3
- Medicine 3
- Political aspects 3
- Social life and customs 3
- Anesthesia 2
- Appreciation 2
- Archaeology 2
- Automobiles 2
- Business enterprises 2
- Business ethics 2
- Children 2
- City and town life 2
- Civil engineering 2
- Civil law 2
Published 2016-01-01“…El objetivo particular del estudio es analizar las características que asume la reconfiguración del territorio de frontera entre México con Estados Unidos y sus nuevos procesos de gobernanza, donde los gobiernos multinivel (nivel trilateral, bilateral, federal, estatal, local y transfronterizo) y los organismos privados y de la sociedad civil están llamados a jugar un nuevo papel en el proceso de construcción de una región transfronteriza.…”
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The cathedral of modern civilisation. The Teatro Real of Madrid and the definition of the respectable new elite, 1850-1895
Published 2024-12-01“…I propose to study this space as a social element that helped to modulate the patterns of distinction of the elites and to disseminate codes of conduct linked to civility. …”
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Measles Outbreaks in Afghanistan
Published 2024-03-01“…Severe widespread poverty, decades of civil unrest, armed conflict, and recently coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, and lack of funding have been a huge obstacle to curb the disease. …”
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Legal Identity and 13th-Century English Ireland
Published 2021-11-01“…The court rolls also demonstrate that legal identity had different consequences in criminal proceedings than in civil, and that categories such as »the English« or »the Gaels« in medieval Ireland are too broad; the interaction of factors such as identity, freedom or unfreedom, gender, and social status have to be taken into account. …”
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Czy Muminki mogą zmienić współczesny świat? Na marginesie recenzji książki Hanny Dymel-Trzebiatowskiej Przechadzki po Dolinie Muminków. Perspektywa filozoficzno-literacka (2024)...
Published 2024-12-01“…Dymel- Trzebiatowska’s book treats the stories of the Moomins as a kind of philosophy of life, refers to broad existential-ethical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical contexts indicating the extraordinary timeliness and universality of the messages, axiological challenges and deeper meanings of Jansson’s stories, issues and themes relevant (including, for example, equality issues, feminist criticism, confronting the threats of modern civilization, environmental humanism, ageism, issues of communication and silence, notions of loneliness, rejection and the “struggle” for acceptance, but also irony and the role of theater), which makes it an important part of the discussion on contemporary humanistic education of children and adolescents in its broadest sense. …”
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Dimensionando la precariedad laboral en México de 2005 a 2015, a través del Modelo Logístico Ordinal Generalizado
Published 2019-01-01“…La evidencia empírica encontrada a través del Modelo Ordinal Generalizado muestra que en 2015 en comparación con 2005 se ha incrementado la probabilidad de que las condiciones laborales en México se precaricen, esto es que existe una mayor proporción de trabajadores que experimentan una disminución en el salario, una disminución en las prestaciones laborales y un aumento en las jornadas de trabajo, sin importar el sector productivo donde labore, el tamaño de empresa, la edad, sexo, estado civil y el grado educativo.…”
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Application of different hardware and software in the concept of digital pilot training and selection
Published 2025-01-01“…Introduction/purpose: In many military air forces and civil aviation organizations that use or own training aircraft equipped with a digital cockpit, training tools such as trainers and simulators are understood to a varying extent. …”
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Published 2022-12-01“…In this context, the energy security of a state becomes an important pillar of national, regional and global security, bringing safety, stability and well-being to consumers, as well as a cause of civil and/or armed conflicts. …”
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Published 2010-01-01“…Utilizando los aportes teóricos de Amartya Sen, el presente trabajo analiza la pobreza de mujeres indígenas de la Sierra Negra de Puebla, así como el desarrollo de capacidades en ellas a partir de su participación en la "Sociedad de Productores Indígenas Ecológicos Sierra Negra Sociedad Civil" (SPIESN, S. C.). La metodología utilizada fue cuanti-cualitativa: una encuesta, ocho entrevistas a profundidad, tres talleres participativos y observación participante. …”
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“Defendendo” a sociedade: um estudo sobre as trajetórias de oito juízes
Published 2020-01-01“…In order to do so, we concentrated ourselves on three main analytical dimensions: a) firstly, we addressed their social origin through the familial milieu; b) we then investigated their narratives on the civil service examination and professional expectations; c) we finally analyzed their stances on national politics and current public policies. …”
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Carrying the Torch Forward, Meeting the Future, and Advancing the Charge
Published 2025-01-01“…The authors discuss the importance of delivering equitable public service through knowledgeable civil discourse from a plurality of voices. The growth of JSEPA’s influence relies upon its inclusive contributions to the social equity discourse. …”
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É possível romper com a herança ibérica? Uma releitura da obra de Raymundo Faoro
Published 2019-01-01“…These actions are funda- mental for the author to construct his essentialist theory about the civilization formed in Portugal and inherited by Brazil. …”
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Os movimentos sociais na crise financeira global: questões e polêmicas
Published 2013-01-01“…It concludes that, despite the increased incidence of such social movements worldwide, the present context of economic recession still causes high unemployment rates in the countries most affected by the crisis, the environment remains threatened and most political parties suffer a big crisis of representation within civil society.…”
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Una interpretación constructivista del principio kantiano del derecho y de la idea del contrato original
Published 2013-01-01“…A continuación se hace un análisis del concepto de derecho y de los atributos que definen a la ciudadanía, a saber: la libertad, la igualdad y la independencia civil. En la última parte, se examina la concepción kantiana del contrato original y se trata de mostrar que hay, para Kant, deberes políticos tanto de derecho como de virtud.…”
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Conflicto de competencias en el ejercicio de los asuntos ambientales urbanos en el Área Metropolitana de Barranquilla
Published 2012-01-01“…Este documento describe algunas de las dificultades relacionadas con la colisión de competencias entre la autoridad ambiental regional con jurisdicción en el departamento del Atlántico (Corporación Autónoma Regional del Atlántico-CRA) y la autoridad ambiental urbana de Barranquilla (Departamento Técnico Administrativo del Medio Ambiente de Barranquilla-Bama, Damab), y a la vez aporta soluciones para resolverlas.…”
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La vejez que nadie imaginó: afectaciones a la preparación económica de las personas mayores de hoy y del mañana en el marco del conflicto armado en Colombia
Published 2018-01-01“…Este artículo muestra la forma en la que el conflicto armado en Colombia ha tenido consecuencias negativas sobre la preparación económica de las víctimas civiles. Los hallazgos son el resultado de una investigación que incorporó elementos cuantitativos y cualitativos y que privilegió la voz de las víctimas de tal confrontación. …”
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Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi dengan Metode WARD & PEPPARD Studi Kasus Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Boyolali
Published 2022-02-01“…Abstract The Boyolali Regency Population and Civil Registration Service is a government institution that serves population administration. …”
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Role of ICT in Teaching and Learning Integrated Science in Primary Schools in Central Division Kabale Municipality.
Published 2024“…Teaching and learning appear to enhance social cohesion, motivation, cultural identity, civic responsibility, engagement, and critical thinking skills—all factors contributing positively to academic achievement. …”
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The Enduring Conflict in Somalia: Analyzing the Dynamics of Instability and the Path to Sustainable Peace
Published 2025-01-01“…Rooted in colonial legacies and clan-based divisions, the conflict intensified under Siad Barre’s authoritarian regime and escalated into civil war following his ousting in 1991. The rise of militant groups like Al-Shabaab, external interventions, and weak governance have further complicated peace efforts. …”
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