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- City and town life 2
- Civil engineering 2
- Civil law 2
The Effects of Economic Deprivation on the Welfare of Older Persons in Kabale District: A Case Study of Butanda Sub-County.
Published 2024“…To mitigate these impacts, the study suggested expanding social security schemes to non-civil servants, tailoring grants for older persons, and continuously providing skills training in productive ventures. …”
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Effect of Diseases on Livestock Animals in Kahungye Sub-County Kabale District.
Published 2024“…The findings revealed that colic (38%) and pneumonia (25%) were the most prevalent diseases among livestock, while coccidiosis (5%) was the least reported. …”
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Características demográficas y psicosociales de los agresores sexuales
Published 2010-01-01“…Las primeras que se describen son: el estado civil, el número de empleos, la edad del primer delito, y el parentesco con las víctimas. …”
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La economía social solidaria y la política social del nuevo gobierno federal
Published 2020-01-01“…Sólo bajo estas condiciones, la sociedad civil organizada podría hacerse responsable de la solución de sus propios problemas a nivel local, contando para ello con un fuerte y consistente apoyo del aparato gubernamental.…”
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O movimento de luta antimanicomial e os desafios em contextos de crise
Published 2018-02-01“…Como resultados temos que a emergência de uma pluralidade de movimentos sociais e mobilizações políticas, que permitiram que os diversos sentidos da emancipação fossem articulados com o projeto de uma democracia radical, tornou necessário estreitar o vínculo fundamental entre uma teoria crítica da sociedade e o quadro de problemas da teoria política, voltados aos estudos da esfera pública e da sociedade civil, da democracia e do direito. …”
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Hydrological Information related Existed Dam Sites Assessment using ArcGIS in Zawita District
Published 2022-06-01“…One of the critical pillars that sustain human civilization is meeting the water demand for different purposes like storage, electricity, flood control and others. …”
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An Assessment of Nigeria Security Sector Reform, 1999-2010
Published 2023-09-01“…Obasanjo administration and that security sector is those organisations, which have authority to use or order the use of force or the threat of force, to protect the state and its citizens, as well as those civil structures that are responsible for their management and oversight. …”
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Publicidades: Um argumento pragmatista
Published 2019-12-01“… A esfera pública é um conceito multiforme que se refere habitualmente ao espaço de comunicação e mediação entre Estado e sociedade civil. Para melhor compreender o significado deste conceito, Daniel Cefaï retorna à definição proposta por Jürgen Habermas em 1962. …”
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Mobilidade urbana, transporte e saúde na cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Published 2018-02-01“…Para mudança desse quadro é premente a participação da sociedade civil na definição da política municipal e metropolitana no setor. …”
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Universidade Distrital e Democratização da Educação Superior no Distrito Federal e Entorno
Published 2017-02-01“…Paralelamente à expansão da iniciativa privada na ES do DF, a insuficiência de vagas para ingresso na UnB cria demanda por outro espaço universitário público pela sociedade civil. A luta pela fundação de nova Universidade pública Distrital no DF ganha relevo, fortificada no protagonismo dos movimentos sociais. …”
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Incidencia de las tecnologías en la contratación: Marco Legal en Cuba
Published 2006-01-01“…El proyecto de Decreto-Ley sobre Normas generales para la práctica del comercio electrónico remite al ordenamiento tradicional en todas las cuestiones relativas a la perfección de los contratos, por lo cual resulta contradictorio que el Código Civil es omiso en varias de las instituciones propias de esta fase. …”
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Public Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Bay Ecological Restoration
Published 2024-09-01“…The implementation of ecological restoration based on public preferences is a key aspect of constructing beautiful bays and an important component of China's marine ecological civilization. This paper, based on the choice experiment method, takes the ecological restoration of Jiaozhou Bay as the research object and uses the RPL model to evaluate the public's preferences for the elements of bay ecological restoration, quantifying the public's preferences and willingness to pay for bay ecological restoration. …”
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Biblioteca, museu e arquivo Florestan Fernandes: A gênese intelectual de um sociólogo
Published 2021-01-01“…Nesse artigo relataremos as várias fases e peculiaridades desse acervo, compreendidas entre a visita da família do sociólogo à UFSCar até sua inauguração, processamento, disponibilização e reconhecimento pela sociedade civil e intelectual brasileiras. A estrutura desse artigo responderá a alguns questionamentos, como e o porquê desse acervo encontrar-se em São Carlos, tendo sido Florestan Fernandes professor da USP e residente em São Paulo e outras curiosidades sobre a coleção. …”
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The Pre-colonial Yoruba Education System: Catalyst Against Immorality
Published 2021-12-01“…Tis paper examines the effectiveness of this traditional system of education in the development of the pre-colonial Yoruba society especially in terms of moral diligence. The paper critically analyzes the system and concludes that a society that is morally bankrupt cannot develop, hence the need for a system of education that emphasizes moral training such as the Yorùbá traditional system of education as compared with the Western system of education, which lays emphasis on jobs. …”
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A digital twin framework with MobileNetV2 for damage detection in slab structures
Published 2025-02-01“… In this study, a digital twin framework is proposed for damage detection in a civil structure, which consists of a finite element model, neural networks, model updating methods, and signal processing. …”
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Published 2024-12-01“…It is noted the role of higher education institutions and civil society in business processes. The importance of academic partnerships and incubation programmes in business integration and co-operation is substantiated.…”
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Representaciones sobre la Independencia de las Provincias Unidas de Sudamérica en Tucumán a finales del siglo XIX
Published 2019-01-01“…La hipótesis que guía esta investigación sostiene que estos festejos patrios organizados desde la sociedad civil -en particular, las peregrinaciones patrióticas de la juventud llevadas a cabo durante la década de 1890- se instalaron como prácticas y fueron articulándose con acciones desplegadas por el poder político tendientes a construir una memoria colectiva homogénea sobre los orígenes de la nacionalidad, convirtiendo al recinto donde se declaró la Independencia en capital simbólico que permitió la proyección nacional de Tucumán. …”
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Orthogonal GARCH matrixes in the active portfolio management of defined benefit pension plans: A test for Michoacán
Published 2013-01-01“…En el presente artículo se prueba la utilidad de un proceso de administración activa de portafolios con matrices de covarianzas garch ortogonal ( ogarch ) en la reserva técnica de fondos de pensiones de beneficio definido, como es el caso de la Dirección de Pensio - nes Civiles del Estado de Michoacán. Esto, para lograr el objetivo de un rendimiento anual de 7.5% establecido en su estudio actuarial. …”
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The Mapping of Usrah Rabbani KIAS Module and Its Importance In Strengthening Students' Self-Identity
Published 2023-11-01“…The development of human identity through the formal education system is part of the main indicator of the civilization of a country. Thus, a comprehensive and sustainable education system and curriculum structure are very important. …”
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