Showing 1,741 - 1,760 results of 1,858 for search 'CILIP~', query time: 1.26s Refine Results
  1. 1741

    Poetic Utterances and Socio-Political Commitment in Ọbasa’s Poems by Lere Adeyemi

    Published 2021-12-01
    “…The major findings of the study were that: the selected poems have diverse socio-political themes as related to traditional politics, colonial politics, Yorùbá civil wars, first world war, migration and the need to remember one’s home or country; some of the poems were used as viable tool for political education; while others were essentially to ignite political consciousness in the readers. …”
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  2. 1742

    "Gêneros da participação": Refletindo sobre limites e possibilidades da participação social na promoção da equidade de gênero e da diversidade sexual em âmbito estatal by Gustavo Gomes da Costa Santos, Olívia Perez, José Leon Szwako

    Published 2018-06-01
    “…Dentre os entraves destacam-se a baixa incidência da sociedade civil na definição, implementação e monitoramento das políticas públicas, o limitado impacto da participação social na conformação da agenda legislativa e a presença irrisória de mulheres e LGBT nas instâncias representativas e de decisão. …”
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  3. 1743

    Medios y elecciones 2012: viejos y nuevos desafíos para la comunicación política en México by Leticia Castillo Quiñónez

    Published 2014-01-01
    “…Después de una introducción al tema, en el primer apartado se revisan los antecedentes de dicho proceso, partiendo del contexto de enfrentamiento que desde 2007 vivieron los órganos electorales con los consorcios principales de televisión y radio del país, a consecuencia de la reforma del Código Fe - deral de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales (COFIPE). En la segunda parte, se aborda un suceso que es el epicentro de muchos análisis sobre los comicios de 2012; la irrupción del ciberactivismo y la emergencia del movimiento estudiantil #Yosoy132 y sus alcances en las agendas de medios e instituciones del país. …”
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  4. 1744

    As interfaces entre cooperativismo e economia solidária by Reni Luiz Stahl, José Odelso Schneider

    Published 2013-01-01
    “…Thus, forces of resistance or revolutionary movements of civil society organizations, welfare practices, mutualism, cooperativism and solidarity became eventually parts of the same project of Solidarity Economy.…”
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  5. 1745

    CAMPO E HABITUS NA PRODUÇÃO JORNALÍSTICA: o lugar de fala como determinante da agenda by Patrícia Bandeira de Melo

    Published 2014-04-01
    “…O pressuposto é de que a imprensa estabeleceu-se como vigilante do Estado para a esfera civil - uma espécie de 'cão de guarda'. Entretanto esse imaginário acerca do jornalismo, que se firmou na história, somente prevalece como verdade até onde permite a fonte jornalística que tern poder discursivo na imprensa, uma vez que, na prática de redação diária, o lugar de fala da fonte jornalística muitas vezes define que discurso vai figurar no jornal. …”
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  6. 1746

    Legal Transplants, Legal Survivals, and Legal Revivals: Towards a Reconceptualisation of The Circulation of Legal Forms in Time and Space by Rafał Mańko

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…However, his notion of a legal transplant conflates two quite different realities: on the one hand, the borrowing of legal forms from other, simultaneously existing legal systems (such as the transplant of the Swiss Civil Code to Atatürk’s Turkey) and, on the other hand, the rediscovery of old legal forms and their “borrowing” from long defunct legal systems (such as the rediscovery of Justinian’s Corpus Iuris Civilis by medieval lawyers in Western Europe, and the infusion of Roman ideas about contract law into existing customary rules). …”
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  7. 1747

    Comparison of CRISPR-Cas13b RNA base editing approaches for USH2A-associated inherited retinal degeneration by Lewis E. Fry, Lauren Major, Ahmed Salman, Lucy A. McDermott, Jun Yang, Andrew J. King, Michelle E. McClements, Robert E. MacLaren

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…In mice injected with PspCas13b constructs, usherin protein was successfully restored and correctly localized to the connecting cilium following RNA editing. These results support the development of transcriptome targeting gene editing therapies for retinal disease.…”
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  8. 1748

    Defect Detection in Concrete Structures Based on Characteristics of Hammer Reaction Force and Apparent Stiffness of Concrete by Koki Shoda, Jun Younes Louhi Kasahara, Qi An, Atsushi Yamashita

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…Concrete structures play a vital role in civil engineering. However, their deterioration poses a significant safety risk, making regular inspection essential. …”
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  9. 1749

    Spatial-temporal differentiation and influencing factors of ecosystem health in Three-River-Source national Park by Yanqin Wang, Huaju Xue, Aiqing Li, Xiaofan Ma, Ailing Sun, Jinhe Zhang

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Exploring the spatial–temporal differentiation and influencing factors of ecosystem health in national parks is a crucial foundation for promoting the construction of ecological civilization and the high-quality development of national parks. …”
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  10. 1750

    Impacts of high CDW levels on the chemical, microstructural, and mechanical behavior of cement-based mortars by M.L. Peixoto, S.D. Jesus, H.S. Cavalcante, B.S. Teti, R.C. Manta, N.B. Lima, H.C.B. Nascimento, S. Fucale, N.B.D. Lima

    Published 2025-07-01
    “…In this sense, the main goal of the present work is to examine the mechanical behavior of mortars produced with CDW due to their potential for introduction into the civil construction market. The mortars were made to evaluate the mechanical behavior and characterization tests of recycled and natural aggregates, consistency index, mass density, resistance to simple compression, x-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. …”
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  11. 1751

    Parasitic contamination of lettuce: comparison between establishments located in areas with high and low economic values by Gustavo Trentini Barancelli, Larissa Kochenborger, Fernanda Gracieli Machado Brum, Fabiana Tonial, Cassiano Mateus Forcelini

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Results: Parasitic forms were found in 80% of the samples, namely: ciliated cysts (probable Balantioides coli), larvae of nematode, Ascaris lumbricoides, cestode eggs, Giardia lamblia, Hymenolepis nana, Entamoeba coli, and Fasciola hepatica. …”
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  12. 1752


    Published 2014-03-01
    “…A partir del análisis de casos relacionados con la producción trasnacional de representaciones sociales de ideas tan diversas como “cultura e desarrollo”, “sociedad civil” y “libre comercio”, este texto procura contribuir a la elaboración teórica sobre cultura, comunicación y cambio social en el mundo contemporáneo. …”
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  13. 1753

    Carolina Maria de Jesus e Arthur Bispo do Rosário: uma poética de sucatas na construção da identidade artística by Raffaella Andréa Fernandez

    Published 2017-01-01
    “…Estos artistas expresan procedimientos artísticos y creativos de una potencia equivalente al de los movimientos del arte moderno y posmoderno, asumiendo en sus creaciones la ruptura y la colisión con los sistemas lingüísticos y visuales al incorporar los residuos, la basura y lo desechable en su arte creativo.…”
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  14. 1754

    Estatutos antidiscriminación y su desarrollo en Colombia by Carlos Parra Dussan

    Published 2007-01-01
    “…Así, lo primero que deben remover estas normas antidiscriminación es la Discriminación, entendida como toda distinción, exclusión o restricción arbitraria que tenga por objeto o resultado, consciente o inconsciente, menoscabar o anular el reconocimiento, goce o ejercicio de los derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales a una persona o grupos de personas en lo político, económico, laboral, social, religioso, cultural y civil o en cualquier otro ámbito. En esta perspectiva se mueven dos estrategias de intervención relativamente nuevas y que desde orígenes distintos van, sin embargo, convergiendo progresivamente. …”
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  15. 1755

    The periodisation of Lithuanian history in the context of social history by Alfredas Bumblauskas

    Published 2006-06-01
    “…Questions and arguments concerning the beginning of the Early New Ages in the history of Lithuania and the attitude towards Baroque as the civilization epoch of Lithuanian history help to ground the tripartite periodization of the Early History of Lithuania (1009-1795): the epoch of Paganism (1009-1387), the epoch of Europeanization (1387-1569), and the epoch of Baroque. …”
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  16. 1756

    Dimensión societal del desarrollo sostenible: Una obligación de todo tipo de organizaciones by Claudia Eugenia Toca Torres

    Published 2010-01-01
    “…Los actores de instituciones como el Estado, el mercado y la Sociedad Civil deben contribuir a la mejora de los niveles de desarrollo social y de calidad social de los países. …”
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  17. 1757

    Study of Regulatory and Institutional Framework for the Relocation of the National Capital in Indonesia by Arif Hidayat, Laga Sugiarto, Dewi Sulistianingsih, Bintang Rafli Ananta, Muhammad Abid A Syakur

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…The contribution of this study lies in offering actionable insights for both the government and civil society to assess and improve the policy’s implementation, ensuring its alignment with the broader vision of national development.…”
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  18. 1758

    Evaluation of the impact of the ecological environment damage compensation system on enterprise pollutant emissions by Zhaoyang Li, Yisong Li

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…The development of an environmental damage compensation framework is a critical innovation in ecological civilization reforms. This study considers the pilot policy for environmental damage compensation reform as a quasi-natural experiment, employing a difference-in-differences approach with emission data from listed companies between 2008 and 2017. …”
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  19. 1759

    Parasitic contamination of lettuce: comparison between establishments located in areas with high and low economic values by Gustavo Trentini Barancelli, Larissa Kochenborger, Fernanda Gracieli Machado Brum, Fabiana Tonial, Cassiano Mateus Forcelini

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Results: Parasitic forms were found in 80% of the samples, namely: ciliated cysts (probable Balantioides coli), larvae of nematode, Ascaris lumbricoides, cestode eggs, Giardia lamblia, Hymenolepis nana, Entamoeba coli, and Fasciola hepatica. …”
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  20. 1760

    Navigating global fashion policy: labor, environment, and future directions for sustainability by Meital Peleg Mizrachi

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…Key initiatives include the Bangladesh Accord, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains, California’s SB62 law, and the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. …”
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