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  1. 1821

    Cumbre de Sistemas Alimentarios de la ONU 2021: Desmantelando la democracia y restableciendo el control corporativo de los sistemas alimentarios by Matthew Canfield, Molly D Anderson, Philip McMichael

    Published 2022-07-01
    “…Este artículo sitúa la próxima Cumbre en el contexto de cumbres mundiales sobre la alimentación anteriores y analiza las preocupaciones expresadas por muchos miembros de la sociedad civil. Explica cómo la estructura y las formas actuales de reclutamiento de participantes y compromiso público carecen de transparencia y rendición de cuentas básicas, no logran abordar conflictos de intereses significativos e ignorar los derechos humanos. …”
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  2. 1822

    Cumbre de Sistemas Alimentarios de la ONU 2021: Desmantelando la democracia y restableciendo el control corporativo de los sistemas alimentarios by Matthew Canfield, Molly D Anderson, Philip McMichael

    Published 2022-07-01
    “…Este artículo sitúa la próxima Cumbre en el contexto de cumbres mundiales sobre la alimentación anteriores y analiza las preocupaciones expresadas por muchos miembros de la sociedad civil. Explica cómo la estructura y las formas actuales de reclutamiento de participantes y compromiso público carecen de transparencia y rendición de cuentas básicas, no logran abordar conflictos de intereses significativos e ignorar los derechos humanos. …”
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  3. 1823

    Stigma associated with mental illness: perspectives of judges and attorneys in Lebanon — a cross-sectional study by Rayan Mroué, Michele Cherro, Ghida Kassir, Elias Ghossoub, Nadia Dandan

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Most were females (62.8%) and worked as civil attorneys (47.4%). Only a minority received instruction on mental health or mental health law during training (10.7% and 8.8%). …”
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  4. 1824


    Published 2024-07-01
    “… It is a known fact, from the available data, that Nigeria as a nation is extremely riddled with corrupt practices, violence, crimes, and lack of peace, mutual faith and trust. Our civilization, ranging from population explosion, rapid technology advancement, knowledge expansion, industrialization, globalization, mobilization and influence of foreign cultures, is unconsciously conflicting with African moral principles that value human dignity, rights and responsibilities. …”
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  5. 1825

    Design of a Multi 2- Storied Hostel for Kabale University. by Opoya, Wilberforce

    Published 2023
    “…Structural design is the primary aspect of civil engineering. The very basis of construction of any building, residential house or dams, bridges, culverts, canals etc. is designing. …”
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  6. 1826

    Realidad sobre la Privacidad de los Datos Personales en Costa Rica by Viviana Rivera Barrantes

    Published 2019-07-01
    “… La privacidad está relacionada con cualquier información de la cual es dueña la persona, como por ejemplo, su nombre, su número de teléfono, su domicilio, su correo electrónico, sus fotografías o sus huellas dactilares, así como cualquier otro dato que sirva para identificarse, de manera que si se evidencia el acceso a los datos para una finalidad distinta a la requerida, su uso sería ilegítimo, incorrecto y la conducta, además de conllevar a consecuencias penales, civiles y disciplinarias, generaría secuelas administrativas, como multas o llamadas de atención, según determine la Agencia de Protección de Datos de los Habitantes (PRODHAB), por lo tanto, el presente artículo está relacionado con la privacidad y la protección de datos personales y su importancia en Costa Rica. …”
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  7. 1827

    Sinodalidad, democracia y democratización by Alessandro Caviglia

    Published 2024-09-01
    “…Seguidamente, presenta el lugar que ocupa la Iglesia católica dentro de la democracia constitucional de derecho, en tanto que es parte de la sociedad civil trasnacional y global. Para mayor precisión conceptual, la Iglesia será entendida en términos de comunidad que abraza una “doctrina comprehensiva razonable” que es el cristianismo. …”
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  8. 1828

    Non-support from the immediate boss is associated with stress and unsafety at work by Fredrik Iredahl, Elvar Theodorsson, Mike Jones, Tomas Faresjö, Åshild Faresjö

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Those with support or not did not differ in terms of age, education, civil status, smoking, or ethnicity. Those with non-support reported a higher extent (p < 0.001) of lower perceived health. …”
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  9. 1829

    Las dinámicas de la ciudadanía: posibilidades de una ciudadanía alternativa para la Comuna 10 de Medellín (Colombia) by William Ortiz Jiménez

    Published 2014-01-01
    “…Las dinámicas de la ciudadanía en la Comuna 10 de Medellín abre las po- sibilidades de una ciudadanía alternativa mediante la cual los empleadores, porque generan actividad laboral y público que gesta sus funciones en ella, logren acuerdos y pactos para procurarse los derechos civiles, políticos y constitucionales que les han sido esquivos por parte de la administración municipal. …”
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  10. 1830

    Estudo Comparativo dos Efeitos da Corrosão Acelerada em Concretos Convencionais e em Concretos com Agregados Reciclados by Luiz Felipe Brioschi Caliman, Vítor Roberto Martins Pereira Souza, Pedro Valle Salles, Érika Márcia Assis de Souza, Italo Matos Gomide, Hélio Augusto Goulart Diniz

    Published 2025-01-01
    “… Além do consumo de matérias-primas não renováveis, o crescimento no setor da construção civil provoca uma elevada geração de resíduos, danosos ao meio ambiente no contexto do descarte irregular. …”
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  11. 1831

    Territorial planning in times of crisis (2008-2022): paradigm shift and re-growth on the Coast of Alicante (Spain) by Rubén Alejandro Villar Navascués, Carlos Javier Baños Castiñeira, María Hernández Hernández, Jorge Olcina Cantos

    Published 2023-12-01
    “…Para ello se ha analizado información estadística oficial, documentos de planificación territorial a escala municipal y regional y se han realizado entrevistas con las partes implicadas (administración, sector privado, grupos de la sociedad civil, y expertos en planificación territorial y turística). …”
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  12. 1832
  13. 1833

    Alàgbà Adébáyọ̀ Fálétí as a Yorùbá Novelist by Lere Adeyemi

    Published 2021-12-01
    “… In their introduction to a book entitled: Yorùbá creativity, fiction, language, life, and songs, Falola and Genova (2005) assert that creativity among the ̣ Yorùbá has a long history and the traditions of oral histories, storytelling, performances and dramas are parts of fundamental habit of their civilization. In the pre-colonial era, the authorship of the stories in the folktales and in some poetic genres could not be claimed by any particular artist/artiste, but due to the influence of colonial rule, western literary traditions, among others, storytellers can claim authorship of their works today. …”
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  14. 1834


    Published 2023-06-01
    “…China is fond of calling this crisis a remnant of China’s civil war and a relic of the cold war. Indeed it is. …”
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  15. 1835

    The effects of circuit hydraulic weight interval training on body composition and progression of resistance in recreationally exercising pre- and postmenopausal women: an 18-week q... by Małgorzata Socha, Paulina Ćwieląg, Waldemar Andrzejewski

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…BackgroundThe lack of physical activity, stress, and unhealthy eating habits contribute to body mass disorders, which form the basis of most civilization diseases. Mature women are increasingly turning to fitness clubs to improve their physique and protect themselves from diseases and the progressive aging process. …”
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  16. 1836

    The position of Lithuanian parties towards Poland in 1920-1926: from modus vivendi to permanent confrontation by Andrius Grodis

    Published 2008-08-01
    “…The propagandistic campaign by the Lithuanian National Union and Social Democrats, which caused general tension in the country, as well as society's and the military's discontent with the Government and the governing political parties' inability to resist the pressure, reflected a lack of civic consciousness and inner political consolidation in the state taking its first steps in democracy. …”
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  17. 1837

    Diversity-Focused Undergraduate Premedical Enrichment Programs: The Impact of Research Experiences by Acevedo A, Babore YB, Greisz J, King S, Clark GS, DeLisser HM

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Ana Acevedo, Yonatan B Babore, Justin Greisz, Shakira King, Gabrielle S Clark, Horace M DeLisser Academic Programs Office, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USACorrespondence: Horace M DeLisser, Academic Programs Office, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Jordan Medical Education Center, 6th Floor, Building 421, 3400 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA, 19104-5162, USA, Tel +1 215-898-4409, Fax +1 215-898-0833, Email [email protected]: Many diversity-focused, premedical enrichment programs anchor around a mentored research experience. …”
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  18. 1838

    Performance of Sisal Fabre as Natural Geotextile to Reinforce Soil Layers on Unpaved Road. by Kyomugasho, Lilian

    Published 2024
    “…Natural geotextiles are strong synthetic fabric usually used in civil engineering construction projects such as high way that stabilizes loose soil. …”
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  19. 1839

    Authority and Moral Conflicts in the Films of Adébáyọ Fálétí: Àfọ̀njá, Gáà, Ṣawo Ṣẹ̀gbẹ̀rì and the Yorùbá Cosmopolis by Olayinka Agbetuyi

    Published 2021-12-01
    “…In Àfọ̀njá and Gáà that context is provided by the empire phase of Yorùbá civilization in which Yorùbá civilization was the dominant point of reference; in Ṣawo Ṣẹgbẹ ̀ rì ̀ the drama is situated in the context of postcolonial Nigerian city, in a nation that boasts large ethnic nationalities of which the Yorùbá are only one and in which Yorùbá culture is mediated by the postcolonial state with its symbol of the English language as the means of communication and its cultural spin offs. …”
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  20. 1840

    Network Pharmacology and Experimental Validation of the Therapeutic Effect of Baji Capsule on LPS-Induced Osteoporosis by Li Q, Li D, Tian C, Liu X, Wang H, Liu H

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Qian Li,1 Dinglin Li,1 Ciqiu Tian,2 Xiangjie Liu,1 Hui Wang,1 Hao Liu1 1Liyuan Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tongji Medical College of Science and Technology, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China; 2Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan, People’s Republic of ChinaCorrespondence: Hao Liu, Liyuan Hospital affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tongji Medical College of Science and Technology, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China, Email [email protected]: Osteoporosis is a common skeletal disease characterized by impaired bone microarchitecture, decreased bone mineral density and increased bone fragility, leading to a heavy physical and economic burden due to its greatly increased risk of fracture. …”
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