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Dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium): Biology and Control
Published 2011-09-01“…Many people think it is only unsightly, but it causes significant bahiagrass yield loss and can cause dehydration when ingested by cattle. This revised 3-page fact sheet was written by B. …”
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Healthy Living: Checking Blood Glucose
Published 2006-10-01“…It describes who needs to check blood glucose levels, how to do it, and when to do it. A chart is provided for keeping track of readings. …”
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Testimonio de testimonios de literatura mexicana de 1968
Published 2018-01-01“…, ¿por qué la olimpiada no ensombreció la protesta, sino que la cortó de raíz? ¿Cuántos testimonios en verso hubo contra la política prepotente y asesina de entonces? …”
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¿Contribuye la ganadería bovina de Costa Rica al incremento del metano atmosférico y al calentamiento global?
Published 2022-11-01“…[Objetivo]: En consecuencia, si el metano dura pocos años en la atmósfera ¿cuál es la contribución al incremento atmosférico de este gas que hace el hato bovino nacional? Para responder esta pregunta se realizó el presente trabajo. …”
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Published 2023-09-01“…The paper concludes by submitting thatthe government has a role to play in forming strong policies that will favour the production of cassava and processing it into garri, flour, bread, starch among others. …”
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Research on Safety Resilient Space Design Strategies in Coastal Zone
Published 2024-09-01“…This paper reviews the risks and challenges that need to be solved in building safety resilient urban areas in coastal zones, draws on the experience of coastal disaster prevention in similar areas abroad, and puts forward strategic suggestions for adapting to the safety resilient space design of China's coastal zones from three aspects of “resilient chathis-defense system-lifeline system”, with a view to providing references for the safety resilient space design of other coastal areas.…”
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Un documento inédito sobre Sebastián de Almonacid
Published 2025-01-01“… Sebastián de Almonacid es uno de los artistas más controvertidos y desconocidos de cuantos trabajaron en Castilla en la transición del cuatrocientos al quinientos. …”
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Converting the Beef Cow Herd to a Controlled Breeding Season
Published 2011-08-01“…This 4-page fact sheet describes a 3- to 4-year conversion program beef cattle producers can follow. Written by Tim Wilson, Cindy Sanders, Mark Warren, Matt Hersom, and Curt Lacy, and published by the UF Department of Animal Science, August 2011. …”
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Los cuadernos de Don Rigoberto de Mario Vargas Llosa
Published 1997-05-01“… Los cuadernos de Don Rigoberto son un canto al erotismo masculino latinoamericano. El protagonista, Don Rigoberto, es un burgués limeño cincuentón, muy parecido a los hombres de esta región geográfica, de una generación y de una clase social. …”
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Management of External Parasites with Forced-Use Dust Bags
Published 2009-07-01“…Butler, describes this safe, economical, and effective technique for managing external parasites on cattle in Florida — background, directions for hanging commercial dust bags, safety, cost of treatment, and effectiveness. …”
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Converting the Beef Cow Herd to a Controlled Breeding Season
Published 2011-08-01“…This 4-page fact sheet describes a 3- to 4-year conversion program beef cattle producers can follow. Written by Tim Wilson, Cindy Sanders, Mark Warren, Matt Hersom, and Curt Lacy, and published by the UF Department of Animal Science, August 2011. …”
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Management of External Parasites with Forced-Use Dust Bags
Published 2009-07-01“…Butler, describes this safe, economical, and effective technique for managing external parasites on cattle in Florida — background, directions for hanging commercial dust bags, safety, cost of treatment, and effectiveness. …”
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The Florida Bull Test 2012–2013
Published 2013-11-01“…By controlling the environmental factors and taking Expected Progeny Differences (EPD’s) into account, the data clearly emphasizes the dual importance of genetics and environment in all cattle types. This 9-page fact sheet presents the procedures, rules, and results of the 2012-2013 test. …”
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The Florida Bull Test 2012–2013
Published 2013-11-01“…By controlling the environmental factors and taking Expected Progeny Differences (EPD’s) into account, the data clearly emphasizes the dual importance of genetics and environment in all cattle types. This 9-page fact sheet presents the procedures, rules, and results of the 2012-2013 test. …”
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Antimicrobial drug use and its association with antimicrobial resistance in fecal commensals from cows on California dairies
Published 2025-02-01“…In conclusion, AMD usage practices and seasonal variations significantly influenced the AMR of E. coli and ES in the feces of dairy cattle.…”
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Propagation of two-particle correlations across the chaotic phase for interacting bosons
Published 2025-02-01“…We analyze the propagation of experimentally relevant two-particle correlations for one-dimensional interacting bosons, and give evidence that many-body chaos induces the emergence of an effective diffusive regime for the fully coherent correlation dynamics, characterized by an interaction dependent diffusion coefficient, which we estimate. …”
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Recruiting and Retaining Members in Agricultural Organizations
Published 2018-03-01“…The UF/IFAS PIE Center conducted membership surveys of the Florida Cattlemen’s Association and Florida CattleWomen to aid both groups in their membership efforts. …”
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Tropical Soda Apple: A Noxious Weed in Florida
Published 2006-09-01“…Jeffrey Mullahey, Jason Ferrell, and Brent Sellers, provides general information about this noxious weed, including description, biology, ecology, control, and precautions for shipping cattle. This version includes updated herbicide recommendations and a list of resources for further information. …”
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An Introduction to Annuities
Published 2014-07-01“…Although an annuity is purchased from a life insurance company, it serves a different purpose than life insurance. Below is a chart comparing life insurance to annuities. This 4-page fact sheet was written by Michael S. …”
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