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Helicobacter pylori promotes intestinal flora imbalance and hepatic metabolic disorders under arsenic stress
Published 2025-01-01“…Environmental arsenic contamination is a serious issue that cannot be ignored, since arsenic levels in drinking water frequently exceed safety standards, and there is an increased prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. …”
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Complicated history with huge potential: Israeli-Japanese relations’ development
Published 2024-10-01“…Moreover, Japan’s Prime Minister Abe Shinzō relied on positive past experiences to foster increased contacts between Tokyo and Jerusalem. Economic considerations and dependence on external energy resources have played a crucial role in the political and diplomatic sphere for both states. …”
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Published 2019-12-01“…Data were obtained from Ortho tumor patient database, and contacting them by phone or home visit. Results: Osteosarcoma patients was found mostly in 2015, while the least in 2008, with trend increasing by time. …”
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Natural indigo toxicity for aquatic and terrestrial organisms
Published 2025-01-01“…The data of this study can be used to guide other indigo toxicity studies and provide information that can be used in preliminary risk assessment evaluations of environmental compartments, such as aquatic sediments and indigo contaminated soils.…”
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GLOBALIZAÇÃO E DIVERSIDADE CULTURAL: o caso do Manguebeat na música brasileira contemporânea
Published 2014-04-01“…Outra questão discutida é o debate sobre o potencial de destruição das culturas locais pela indústria cultural globalizada dos grandes conglomerados transnacionais. O contato com os produtos dessa indústria levaria à perda daquelas culturas. …”
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Comparative functional analysis of a new CDR1-like ABC transporter gene in multidrug resistance and virulence between Magnaporthe oryzae and Trichophyton mentagrophytes
Published 2025-02-01“…MoCDR1 disruption caused hypersensitivity to multidrugs, and impaired conidiation, appressorium formation, and pathogenicity. …”
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Diálogos com variação e incerteza: crianças no jogo de perguntas e respostas estatísticas
Published 2022-07-01“…Sob a perspectiva da pesquisa narrativa, contamos a história de uma experiência de sala de aula vivida por uma professora e vinte e cinco crianças de um primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental em uma escola da Rede Pública Municipal de Florianópolis – SC - Brasil. …”
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Contribuições de Paulo Freire para uma compreensão do trabalho com a modelagem na formação inicial de professores de matemática
Published 2014-01-01“…Diante desse cenário, estudos apontam a importância, para o futuro professor de Matemática, do contato com a Modelagem em sua formação inicial. Nesse sentido, esse artigo1 tem como objetivo apresentar contribuições de parte da obra de Paulo Freire para uma compreensão do trabalho com a Modelagem na formação inicial de professores de Matemática. …”
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Lendo e escrevendo com crianças dos anos iniciais: experiências com histórias infantis e matemática
Published 2022-07-01“…Oportunizou a resolução e a elaboração de situações-problemas, o contato com diferentes gêneros textuais como as cartas e os poemas e o trabalho interdisciplinar. …”
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Crystal plasticity modeling for grain size and texture effects on laser shock clinching of ultra-thin foils
Published 2025-03-01“…The results show that greater strain in copper foils occurs in the region contacting the inner wall of the perforated sheet. The strain evolution follows a consistent pattern independent of grain size: an initial rapid rise in an extremely short time, followed by a continuous rise at about 0.1/μs, peaking around 1 μs post-laser impact and then stabilizing. …”
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Smart Filter Performance Monitoring System
Published 2023-02-01“…Without air filters, the occupants might suffer from polluted air, and expensive industrial equipment could be damaged by contaminants. However, air filters are installed and operated with a limited performance monitoring system, and the efficacy of air filters is unknown after replacement. …”
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Microplastic and human health with focus on pediatric well-being: a comprehensive review and call for future studies
Published 2025-01-01“…Adolescents are frequently exposed to MPs through the consumption of food contaminated with MPs and the use of plastics in food packaging. …”
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Gestión de recursos humanos y globalización
Published 2006-01-01“…Esto plantea un reto a las formas actuales de gestionar recursos humanos, que buscan por un lado, el aumento de la productividad y por el otro, el aumento de la calidad de vida en el trabajo, siempre dentro de los preceptos éticos de acuerdo a los nuevos enfoques de corte humanista, bajo el supuesto de que si se mejora el nivel de vida en el trabajo, se contará con un trabajador más sano, dispuesto, motivado y, por tanto, productivo.…”
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Any Long-term Effect of the Beirut Port Explosion on the Airborne Particulate Matter?
Published 2023-03-01“…Hence, the results imply that investigations of the chemical contaminations in soil and water are urgently needed. …”
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Reimagining Global Health: Accelerating Change for a Sustainable Future
Published 2025-01-01“…In 2023, an interdisciplinary group of global health experts from five continents convened a plenary panel at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) annual conference entitled “Reimagining Global Health for the 21st Century.” …”
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On the Issue of Foreign Policy Activities of Buddhists of the USSR in the Context of the Religious Policy of the Soviet State (1950s–1970s)
Published 2024-05-01“…At present, when there is an intensification of cultural exchanges, political and economic contacts between Russia and Asian countries, it may be useful to study the experience of the history of relations between Buddhist organizations of different countries in international non-governmental organizations in the post-war decades. …”
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Leituras e Escritas em Educação Matemática
Published 2022-07-01“…Estou aberto e em processo permanente de formação em contato com meus pares. …”
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Assessing food safety and hygiene practices in old age homes in Mangaung and Lejweleputswa regions, free state
Published 2025-02-01“…Although participants demonstrated a good understanding of personal hygiene, proper food handling, sanitation, and microbial contamination prevention, a gap remained between knowledge and practical application.DiscussionThe findings highlight the need for improved food safety measures in old age homes. …”
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An Assay System for Plate-based Detection of Endogenous Peptide:N-glycanase/NGLY1 Activity Using A Fluorescence-based Probe
Published 2025-01-01“…Despite the development of non-radioisotope-based assay systems such as those using S-alkylated RNase or fluorescent-labeled glycopeptides as substrates, these methods are incompatible with crude enzyme sources, primarily due to the degradation of reaction products by contaminating endogenous proteases. We previously developed an assay system using a 5-carboxyfluorescein-labeled glycosylated cyclo-heptapeptide (5FAM-GCP), a substrate remarkably resistant to endogenous peptidase activity. …”
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Called to the missional frontline in a turbulent world: The role of theological education
Published 2025-01-01“…Results: The study finds that the AFMI is an African Pentecostal Church that exists in all six continents and has members all over the world that is prepared in those contexts to fulfil their missional mandate. …”
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