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Bacteraemia in a Nigerian hospital: Implementing antimicrobial resistance surveillance
Published 2025-02-01“…Implementing surveillance in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is challenging. Aim: To investigate bacteraemia and describe AMR surveillance. …”
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Experimental study on in-situ simulation of rainfall-induced soil erosion in forest lands converted to cash crop areas in Dabie Mountains.
Published 2025-01-01“…Its occurrence frequently triggers ecological crises, including soil degradation and water contamination. It is of great scientific and practical significance to study the factors influencing the mechanism of soil erosion occurrence. …”
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Synergistic effects of allantoin and Achyranthes japonica-biochar profoundly alleviate lead toxicity during barley growth
Published 2025-01-01“…The present research introduces a novel use of biochar obtained from the weed Achyranthes japonica to enhance the growth of plants in Pb-contaminated soil. An experiment was performed with 7 treatments: Control, Pb2+ (10 mg kg−1) only, biochar (4 %) only, allantoin (4 g kg−1) only, biochar combined with Pb2+, allantoin combined with biochar, as well as a combination of allantoin and biochar with Pb2+. …”
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Analyse des besoins langagiers des étudiants de français sur objectifs spécifiques à l’Université de Kabale.
Published 2024“…Les résultants de la présente étude ont révélé que la majorité des étudiants étaient des débutants qui n’avaient jamais appris formellement le français même si la plupart d’entre eux avaient déjà eu des contacts informels avec des francophones. Ils avaient choisi d’apprendre le français en raison de sa pertinence pour leur carrière et l’importance de la langue française tant au niveau régional qu’international. …”
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Spatial and temporal variations of faecal indicator bacteria in Lake Bunyonyi, South‑Western Uganda
Published 2021“…Background Microbial water quality serves to indicate health risks associated with the consumption of contaminated water. Nevertheless, little is known about the microbiological characteristics of water in Lake Bunyonyi. …”
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Mejoramiento genético de alpiste: selección y evaluación de líneas de derivadas de la población marroquí PI284184
Published 2014-01-01“…En el presente trabajo se describe el proceso de selección de líneas puras derivadas de dicha población y se presentan los resultados obtenidos de la evaluación de siete de las líneas seleccionadas en base a su elevado peso de mil granos, (S4201, S4202, S4203, S4204, S4206, S4207 y S4208) comparadas con tres cultivares comerciales de referencia, de amplia difusión mundial (“Alden”, “Cantate” y “CDC María”). Los experimentos fueron realizados en los años 2011 y 2012 en la Chacra Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía de Azul, provincia de Buenos Aires. …”
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Effects of different rapeseed varieties on egg production performance, egg quality, hormone levels, follicle development, and thyroid function in hens
Published 2025-03-01“…A total of 600 laying hens at 33 wk of age were randomly divided into 5 treatments containing a control diet and 4 diets with 11.5% rapeseed. …”
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Published 2016-02-01“…Unfortunately, we cannot capture all the energy and progressive suggestions that occurred but hopefully the conference material contained here will provide readers with a sense of the occasion and inspire a commitment to future collaboration and research in this area. …”
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Adesão dos trabalhadores às ofertas da Universidade Aberta do Sistema Único de Saúde relacionadas com a temática da pessoa com deficiência
Published 2025-02-01“…Métodos: Trata-se de estudo observacional e transversal, na qual foram coletadas informações dos 255.411 matriculados, a saber: sexo, idade, gênero, raça/cor, escolaridade, país de nascimento, país atual, Unidade da Federação (UF) de contato (no caso brasileiro), profissão, curso realizado e data do ingresso no curso. …”
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Evidencia de procesos erosivos en la bahía El Ferrol en Perú, para el periodo 1974-2020
Published 2021-01-01“… [Introducción]: La bahía El Ferrol enfrenta erosión crítica desde la década de 1970; para contener el efecto destructivo de la zona urbana, se enroca la línea de erosión. …”
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Intervenciones parentales para el desarrollo lingüístico-comunicativo en preescolares con Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo: una revisión sistemática
Published 2023-06-01“… En el actual escenario sociosanitario enfrentado a raíz de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, múltiples actividades se han visto mermadas, e incluso, suspendidas por los largos periodos de aislamiento social y las medidas de cuidado para evitar contagios. En este sentido, muchas personas han dejado de recibir con la misma regularidad, o bajo las mismas circunstancias, sus tratamientos, incluyendo a niños con Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo (TND). …”
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A dextrorotatory residues-incorporated bioactive dodecapeptide against enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
Published 2023-06-01“…This molecule may be developed into a highly effective antimicrobial agent applied to prevent food contamination and associated infections.…”
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Adaptation of VegSyst-DSS for N, P and K recommendations for grafted tomato grown in perlite in Mediterranean greenhouses
Published 2025-04-01“…These systems are generally very contaminating. Unlike substrate-growing systems with recirculation of drainage, very few tools and strategies have been developed to optimize nutrient management for free-draining substrate. …”
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Physiological and multi-omics analysis revealed the mechanism of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to cadmium toxicity in green onion
Published 2025-01-01“…Collectedly, we for the first time revealed the mechanism of AMF alleviating the toxicity of Cd to green onion, providing a theoretical foundation for the safe production and sustainable cultivation of green onion in Cd-contaminated soils.…”
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Anti-constitutional activities and cover organisations of national-socialist movement in Klaipėda region in 1935-1937
Published 2006-06-01“…With their help, nazis were successfully restoring their movement in Klaipėda region. Contacts with Germany were restored and constantly strengthened using the newly formed agent network. …”
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Knowledge, attitude, and practice of beef providers and consumers regarding microbial safety measures along the supply chain in Mizan-Aman, southwest Ethiopia
Published 2025-02-01“…Majority of existing researches have been primarily focus on beef handlers’ microbial safety status at single level, rather than addressing the potential contamination factors in the supply chain. In this study both beef providers and consumers microbial safety status was assessed and will contribute evidences in public health protection strategies. …”
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The Clinical Utility of the Seated Wall Angel as a Test with Scoring
Published 2024-10-01“…The SWA test was scored 0 to 3 points bilaterally based on number of body contacts with the wall (i.e., elbows and fingertips, posterior fingers, posterior forearm). …”
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Calidad higiénico-sanitaria de dos sistemas de ordeño en fincas bovinas ubicadas en el sector Vuelta Larga, municipio Maturín, estado Monagas (Venezuela)
Published 2020-01-01“…Los resultados obtenidos para la variable BAM indican que el factor sistema de ordeño mostró diferencia altamente significativa (p ≤ 0,01); el sistema manual presentó el menor conteo con 5,24 Log10 UFC/ mL; mientras que para el factor condición de secado se constató diferencia significativa (p ≤ 0,05), ya que la aplicación de secado presentó la menor población de bacterias aerobias mesófilas con 5,25 Log10 UFC/mL. …”
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Ultrasonic characteristics of inserted central catheter related fibroblastic sleeve
Published 2025-02-01“…The fibroblastic sleeve originated from the site where the catheter contacted the vein wall and extended in a distal direction, with a thickness ranged between 0.7 and 5.6 mm. …”
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Five-year Survey of Bacterial Culture Isolates and Their Antibiogram in Pediatric Patients of Rural Tertiary Care Hospital of Central Gujarat
Published 2024-07-01“…A total of 1,380 cultures (from any site) were sent, of which 706 were positive, excluding contaminations. Pertinent details were entered into Microsoft Excel and analyzed. …”
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