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An untargeted metabolomic analysis of acute AFB1 treatment in liver, breast, and lung cells.
Published 2025-01-01“…AFB1 is synthesized by Aspergillus flavus and is known to widely contaminate foodstuffs, particularly maize, wheat, and groundnuts. …”
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EVALUACIÓN in vitro DE Lactobacillus gasseri CON CARACTERÍSTICAS PROBIÓTICAS SOBRE Staphylococcus aureus
Published 2016-01-01“…Materialesy métodos: se evaluó la susceptibilidad de ambas cepas a diferentes antibióticos; el efectode inhibición de L. gasseri y su sobrenadante sobre S. aureus; el crecimiento de la cepaláctica a diferentes pH, temperaturas, sales biliares y bilis bovina; se estableció la cinéticade fermentación y en ella se determinó conteo de microorganismos viables en placa,pH, consumo de azúcar, consumo de proteína y porcentaje de ácido láctico; medianteHPLC-DAD se determinaron péptidos y ácido láctico; y en el caso de aminoácidos en elsobrenadante, se determinó mediante HPLC-PDA. …”
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Investigating the Efficiency of Coffee Husks in Bio-Retention Model for Storm Water Treatment.
Published 2024“…A bio-retention is the storm water Best Management Practices (BMP) designed to capture and treat the runoff using the natural properties of soil and plants to remove contaminants. Storm water from rooftops, paved areas, bare soil and sloped lawns transports eroded soil, animal wastes, litter, salts, pesticides, fertilizers, oil and grease and other potential pollutants which flows directly into the streams and rivers. …”
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Design of a Solar Dryer for Tomatoes.
Published 2025“…The solar dryer aims to reduce post-harvest tomato losses, improve drying efficiency, minimize contamination, and offer a cost-effective solution, particularly for small-scale producers and regions with limited resources. …”
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Lessons learned from implementation of the Workload Indicator of Staffing Need (WISN) methodology: An international Delphi study of expert users.
Published 2022“…We sent three email iterations to 23 purposively selected WISN expert users across 21 countries in five continents. Thematic analysis of each round was done simultaneously with data collection. …”
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Differentially expressed transcript isoforms associate with resistance to tuberculin skin test and interferon gamma release assay conversion.
Published 2023-01-01“…Using gene level analytic methods, we previously found distinct monocyte transcriptional responses associated with resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection defined as persistently negative tuberculin skin test (TST) and interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) reactivity among highly exposed contacts (RSTR phenotype).<h4>Objective</h4>Using transcript isoform analyses, we aimed to identify novel RSTR-associated genes hypothesizing that previous gene-level differential expression analysis obscures isoform-specific differences that contribute to phenotype.…”
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The mcpC mutant of Salmonella enteritidis exhibits attenuation and confers both immunogenicity and protective efficacy in mice
Published 2025-02-01“…BackgroundSalmonella enteritidis (SE) is a Gram-negative, facultative anaerobic intracellular pathogen that not only causes disease and mortality in livestock and poultry but also contaminates animal-derived products, leading to foodborne illnesses in humans. …”
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Association between cadherin-related family member 3 rs6967330-A and human rhinovirus-C induced wheezing in children
Published 2025-02-01“…The rs6967330-A variant was related to a high incidence of the three concave signs (P = 0.047), asthma exacerbation (P = 0.025), a higher risk of HRV-C infection determined by the dominant model (OR 1.91, 95% confidence interval 1.05–3.48; P = 0.033), and a high proportion of wheezing (56.67%) in patients infected with HRV-C. …”
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Assessing molecular changes underlying isopropylated phenyl phosphate (IPP)-induced larval sensorimotor response deficits in zebrafish
Published 2025-01-01“…Toxicological information on this important legacy contaminant is limiting. Using zebrafish, our prior whole embryonic RNA-seq data revealed disruption of gene sets enriched for DNA methylation, neurotransmitter synthesis, retinoic acid signaling and eye development. …”
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One stage transanal versus one stage laparoscopic-assisted transanal endorectal pull-through in managing Hirschsprung’s disease in pediatric age group; a retrospective study
Published 2025-02-01“…Moreover, the frequency of defecation, constipation, enterocolitis, anastomotic stricture, and continence were assessed. Results The age at operation was significantly lower (p < 0.001*) in patients of Group A (13.95 ± 18.18) than in patients of Group B (32.03 ± 16.20). …”
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Published 2014-04-01“…Como resultado dessa situação, a globalização contém as condições para uma nova crise de legitimação. …”
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Epidemiología y efecto de las parasitosis internas en la recría bovina en la región del pastizal serrano del noroeste argentino (NOA)
Published 2017-01-01“…En cada período se formaron tres grupos de terneras: GTM con tratamiento mensual (moxidectin: 200 mcg/kg), GTL con el tratamiento del establecimiento al inicio del ensayo (albendazole: 10 mg/kg en A y doramectina: 200 mcg/kg en B) y GST sin tratamiento antihelmíntico. Se realizó conteo de huevos por gramo de heces (hpg) y coprocultivos para diferenciación de géneros y se registró la ganancia de peso vivo (GPV). …”
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Bloodstream infections at a tertiary hospital in the Gambia - a one-year retrospective study
Published 2025-02-01“…Results A total of 645 patients had blood cultures drawn during the study period with 260 (40%) positive results. Contaminants were identified in 28 cases (4%). The majority were drawn from neonatal or paediatric patients (360/645, 56%) and overall primarily in intensive care units (406/645, 63%). …”
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Association Between Walking Speed and Urinary Incontinence in the Older Women. Which Patients Should be Referred to Geriatricians?
Published 2020-03-01“…Mini-Mental State Evaluation and Mini Nutritional Assessment scores were not statistically different between the continent and incontinent group. CONCLUSION: Whenever urinary incontinence is detected in an older woman, geriatrician referral should be considered since urinary incontinence is associated with decreased walking speed, Handgrip strength test, Activities of Daily Living, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living or increased Geriatric Depression Scale; any of which is a symptom or result of at least one geriatric syndrome. …”
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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Carbon Emission of Garden Pavement
Published 2025-01-01“…Although glued stone pavement is rich in color and can be put together freely, the carbon emission of epoxy resin binder as a chemical product contained in glued stone pavement is more than 10 times higher than that of ordinary inorganic materials. 6) Maximize the use of granular pavement. …”
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Combined characterization of pore structurein deep medium-rank coal using mercury intrusion and liquid nitrogen adsorption methods and its pore fractal characteristics
Published 2025-01-01“…The pore structure parameters (specific surface area and pore volume) determined by mercury intrusion and liquid nitrogen adsorption methods showed a non-linear concave curve variation with increasing burial depth. …”
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Machine Learning Does Not Improve Humeral Torsion Prediction Compared to Regression in Baseball Pitchers
Published 2022-04-01“…Age, arm dominance, injury history, and continent of origin were collected as well as preseason shoulder external and internal rotation, horizontal adduction passive range of motion, and humeral torsion were collected each season. …”
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Sero-epidemiological Study of Toxoplasma gondii among Pregnant Women in Akre City
Published 2020-12-01“…Many previous studies were suggested this pathogen transmits by ingesting of undercooked or raw meat contaminated with the oocytes of this parasite. The study aimed to show the seroreactivity of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies among pregnant women and to evaluate association of studied risk factors with infected cases. …”
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Telomerase inhibiting phytochemicals derived from Blumea eriantha for cancer treatment: A comprehensive computational analysis
Published 2025-02-01“…The phytochemical also exhibited a robust binding affinity mediated by consistent magnesium metal ion interactions involving key residues such as Asp251, Asp252, Ile252, and Asp343, along with additional hydrogen bonding and water-mediated contacts that enhance its stability and selectivity. …”
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The effect of educational intervention based on the mobile application on women’s knowledge, attitude, and practice on microplastics and health: study protocol for a randomized con...
Published 2025-02-01“…Abstract Background The pervasive issue of microplastic (MP) contamination is undeniable. The primary solution to this global problem lies in significantly reducing the amount of plastic entering the environment. …”
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