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Suggested Topics within your search.
- English language 50
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- Rhetoric 40
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- Report writing 31
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- Grammar 24
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- Anesthesia 18
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- Politics and government 17
- Economic development 16
- Problems, exercises, etc 16
- Biochemistry 15
- Handbooks, manuals, etc 15
- College readers 14
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- Mass media 13
- Microbiology 13
- Mathematics 12
- Moral and ethical aspects 12
- Social conditions 12
- Economic policy 11
Jordaan, G.J.C, Die binnewerk van Antieke Grieks. Die semantiek van grammatiese konstruksies. Handleiding vir eksegete en ander studente van Klassieke en Nuwe-Testamentiese Grieks
Published 2014-12-01“… Die outeur som self die inhoud (en waarde) van die boek op wanneer hy in sy voorwoord skryf dat die boek “meer as net nóg ’n Griekse grammatikaboek is. …”
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La estructura de la razón instrumental según Edmund Husserl
Published 2013-01-01Subjects: “…e…”
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Vestígios do topos do panegírico na poesia de Geraldo Carneiro
Published 2016-01-01Subjects: Get full text
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Sociologia, cultura e arte: um debate entre espaços e tempos
Published 2018-01-01“…Based on the volumes of the Brazilian anthropologist Gilberto Velho - Sociologia da arte; Sociologia da arte II; and Arte e sociedade - ensaios de sociologia da arte (1966, 1967 and 1977) - in light of the book A sociologia da arte (2008), of the French sociologist Nathalie Heinich, the article highlights Brazilian publications comprising thinkers of sociology of art and culture through space-time dialogues. …”
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Metodyka jako praktyka kulturowa (archetypowa). Ku źródłom zmiany w dydaktyce
Published 2015-03-01“…Two approaches to methodology are proposed: as a socially collective praxis, often unconsciously drawing on cultural practices, and as a so-called expert methodology – a collection of patterns of proper execution, which are a manifestation of the power/knowledge relation in the fi eld of education. Psychology and cognitive science reports confi rm that expert methodology is now losing its theoretical justifi cation. …”
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Honest to God and the South African churches in 2016
Published 2016-06-01“… The year 2013 was fifty years since the publication of Honest to God, by John A.T. Robinson (1919-1983), who was Bishop of Woolwich at the time. …”
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Building a Monthly Chronology of Recessions for the State of Espírito Santo
Published 2015-01-01“…On the other hand, in terms of median durations, it was noted that recessions tend to last less in the state than in the country, despite its greater relat ive volatility. …”
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The Future of Research in Strategy Implementation in the BRICS Context
Published 2017-01-01“…Implementing a new strategy implies in the alignment of resources and internal capabilities to the organizational reality, adjusting them to the needs or external impositions. Thus, this study aims to identify research suggestions on strategy implementation and relate them to the characteristics of the countries belonging to the BRICS, through a systematic review. …”
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The Migration Patterns and Identity of the Okun-Yoruba People of Central Nigeria
Published 2021-12-01“…It reveals how their long years of interactions with peoples of the confluence region were aided by the European delimitation of the area as part of the North, which has been the basis of sociopolltical agitation. …”
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Calvin's sudden conversion (subita conversio) and its historical meaning
Published 2004-01-01“…It was also the guidance and special providence of God, completing the Reformation. …”
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The Preliminary Design and Fabrication of a Manually Operated Briquetting Machine
Published 2013-07-01“…Compaction chamber contains twenty (20) moulding dies each having transmission rod, piston and ejector. The machine can produce twenty (20) briquettes at a time of about 50mm length and 28mm diameter. …”
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Eco-Innovation in Global Hotel Chains: Designs, Barriers, Incentives and Motivations
Published 2016-01-01Subjects: Get full text
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Benefit of Probiotics on Cardiovascular Health- A Narrative Review
Published 2024-10-01“…Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a leading cause of death globally and a prevalent cardiovascular disease (CVD) in which plaque buildup in artery walls results in inadequate blood flow. …”
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Migrações e periferias: o levante do slam
Published 2019-01-01“…Este artículo trata, de manera comparada, de la práctica de la poesía performática slam presente en las periferias de algunos países de Europa y Brasil. …”
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Memória social da Batalha do Jenipapo: trilhas e enredos patrimoniais em Campo Maior (PI)
Published 2011-01-01“…To this end, we approach the polyphonic and multiple work of social memory that takes place in the convergences and divergences between history, myth and tangible signs, as diffuse monuments, places of memory, in the city of Campo Maior (PI).…”
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Published 2020-06-01“…In this structure, hydrogen phosphonate anions are linked by pairs through O—H···O hydrogen bonds leading to anionic dimers. Each dimer is connected to its two neighbours through cations via N—H···O hydrogen bonds leading to infinite chains which are then connected by N—H···O hydrogen bonds giving rise to a layered structure. …”
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O laboratório em rede: fabricando transgênicos, construindo a sociedade
Published 2018-01-01“…We have conducted ethnographic observations and some interviews, through which is possible to describe how the laboratory carries the transgenic all over society. In the end, laboratories make the social a procedure. We analyze how this modus operandi attaches itself to the emergence of controversies surrounding this issue determining science's reach in the social realm.…”
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Four decades of research on religious tourism: prevalent themes and future research area
Published 2024-09-01Get full text
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Published 2017-09-01“…The input variables were: the amount of carbohydrates (X1), temperature (X2) and pH (X3) and the output variable was the autolyzed cells (Y). The optimal conditions for growth parameters of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were obtained for an amount of carbohydrates (glucose) of 46.8 g·L-1, a temperature of 30oC and a pH of 5.7. …”
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O setor elétrico entre a questão histórica e os problemas sociológicos
Published 2014-01-01“…The reflection on the electric sector involves understanding it in its complexity, i.e., from the economic, institutional and political point of view, taking into account its various actors (both private and public agents) and at the same time the responses given by the State to these movements, actors and pressures.…”
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