Showing 401 - 420 results of 458 for search 'Kōkyo~', query time: 1.47s Refine Results
  1. 401

    The narrative of the woman caught in adultery (JN 7:53-8:1-11) re-read in the Nigerian context by C. U. Manus, J. C. Ukaga

    Published 2017-06-01
    “…With the synchronic study of the receivers as our methodology, we expose the narrative of the unnamed adulteress woman in John 7:53-8:1-11, in order to seek a theological grounding for women’s human rights in the context of Nigeria, where Boko Haram’s dehumanization of the Chibok girls and other women is rife, and explore the Nigerian history of women activists. …”
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  2. 402

    Testimonio de testimonios de literatura mexicana de 1968 by María Rosa Palazón-Mayoral

    Published 2018-01-01
    “…Ahora los grandes mexicanos reposan en hoyos; las protestas se amplían. Los poetas levantan la voz, en quejas aisladas, por los asesinados: Tlatelolco tres veces mártir no se olvida.…”
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  3. 403

    Posebnosti ugovaranja leasinga plovila u pravnom prometu u Republici Hrvatskoj by Marija Vidić, Miho Baće

    Published 2023-01-01
    “…Kritički se razmatraju različita rješenja koja su propisana putem općih uvjeta poslovanja leasing društava u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kako bi se potpuno analizirao doseg ugovornih strana u procesu ugovaranja, prethodno je potrebno općenito analizirati pravni okvir ugovaranja leasinga.…”
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  4. 404

    Àìgbọ́ àti àìlèsọ èdè Yorùbá àti àbáyọ fún àwọn ọmọ Yorùbá ní orílẹ̀-èdè Amẹ́ríkà by Fehintola Mosadomi

    Published 2021-12-01
    “…Apileko naa gba gbogbo awon omo bibi Naijiria ni imoran pe o ye ki won nifee ede Yoruba, ki won si gbaruku ti kiko ede naa, papaa nipase iranlowo fun awon akomolede Yoruba.  …”
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  5. 405

    Multiplekseri u primenjenoj elektronici by Željko Novinc

    Published 1990-09-01
    “…Jedan od osnovnih elemenata skoro svih složenijih telekomunikacionih i računarskih uređaja i uređaja automatskog upravljanja i kontrole jeste MX. Kako je primena najsavremenije elektronike sve prisutnija u OS, to se praćenju njenog razvoja i trenda mora posvetiti neprestana pažnja. …”
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  6. 406


    Published 2022-05-01
    “…The work argues that the civilian joint task force in its present form cannot effectively pursue its objective of ending Boko Haram insurgency and upholding the sovereignty of Nigeria and the call for community policing will only create more problems except it draws from the experiences of china’s maritime militia. …”
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  7. 407

    Diversity of Water Insects in Conventional and Organic Rice Cultivations in Padang City by Hasmiandy Hamid, Martinius Martinius

    Published 2017-12-01
    “…The purpose of this research was to study the community of aquatic insects in two difference cultivations (organic and conventional) and sub districts (Koto Tangah dan Pauh) in Padang City. Purposive random sampling method was used. …”
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  8. 408

    Posljedice Brexita za pomorsko pravo Europske unije by Zoran Tasić

    Published 2023-01-01
    “…Sve to upućuje na zaključak kako je London bio i ostao dominantna jurisdikcija za rješavanje međunarodnih pomorskih sporova. …”
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  9. 409

    Sistemske rešitve jezikovnega vključevanja učencev in dijakov priseljencev v teoriji in praksi by Mihaela Knez

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…Namen članka je predstaviti, kako je potekalo umeščanje začetnega učenja slovenščine kot drugega jezika v slovenski sistem vzgoje in izobraževanja, v kolikšni meri so šole zakonodajne spremembe vpeljale v prakso, s katerimi težavami so se pri tem srečevale oz. se še srečujejo, kje se še vedno kažejo pomanjkljivosti obstoječega sistema, v sklepu članka pa tudi razmisliti o mogočih izboljšavah. …”
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  10. 410

    Dimenzioniranje cevi artiljerijskog oruđa pomoću računara by Ljubiša Tančić

    Published 1990-01-01
    “…U radu su korišćeni polazni podaci za konkretno oruđe (radi testiranja odabrane teorije), a izlazni parametri korektno potvrđuju kako postavljenu teoriju, tako i unutrašnju i vanjsku trasu cevi, pa se mogu pouzdano koristìti za dalje analize.…”
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  11. 411
  12. 412

    Elektronički komutirani motor kao element suvremenog elektromotornog pogona by Nikola Terzija, Drago Ban

    Published 1990-09-01
    “…Po principu rada to je sinhroni motor bez obzira na to kako ga nazivaju u literaturi. Uz zadržavanje visoke pouzdanosti (eliminacija mehaničkog kolektora i četkica) dobivaju se vrlo dobre energetske, vanjske i regulacijske karakteristike. …”
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  13. 413

    Insecurity and the State’s Humanitarian Intervention in Northern Nigeria by Emmanuel Achus Jah, Yunusa Abare Kallah, Tanko Shawulu Paul

    Published 2022-12-01
    “… Insecurity in Northern Nigeria has become hydra-headed and wide spreadas it protracts. With Boko Haram insurgency in the North East, Armed Banditry in the North West and Pastoralists’Militias in North Central notwithstanding the inundated ethno-religious violent conflict in the region, an appreciable part of the population is currently displaced thereby needing prompt humanitarian intervention. …”
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  14. 414

    Àrífàyọ Ìmọ̀ Abínibí nínú Oríkì Orílẹ̀ Mẹ́tàdínlọ́gbọ̀n tí Adébóyè Babalọlá kọ by Duro Adeleke, Adeola Mobolaji

    Published 2021-12-01
    “…Lara imo abinibi ti a ri naa ni ise ona sise, ile kiko lona ibile, aso hibun ati ise tewe-tegbo.  …”
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  15. 415

    Feasibility Study of Hybrid Photovoltaic (PV)-Generator Set Power Plant at Palm Oil Mill by Ramadian Saputra, Marhama Jelita

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…Kuko Palm Oil Mill, currently not interconnected with PLN electricity, relies on diesel-fueled generators of 1100 kVA and 650 kVA to meet its electrical needs. …”
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  16. 416

    Meteosenzor u sistemu za upravljanje vatrom tenka by Srboljub Krštenić

    Published 1990-05-01
    “…Poželjno je da dozvoljene granice maksimalnog odstupanja merene od stvarnih vrednosti za intenzitet bočnog vetra budu definisane u odnosu na veličinu koja se meri (intenzitet bočnog vetra), kako je to u predlogu dato. Predložene maksimalne granice odstupanja merenih meteoroloških parametara od stvarnih vrednosti određene su tako da greške merenja meteoroloških parametara imaju, sa jedne strane, što manji uticaj na smanjenje tablične verovatnoće pogađanja, a sa druge strane, da je moguće izvršiti tehničko-tehnološku realizaciju meteosenzora.…”
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  17. 417


    Published 2023-12-01
    “…The historical backdrop reveals the emergence of groups like Boko Haram and militant factions in the Niger Delta, underscoring the importance of understanding the roots of this enduring crisis. …”
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  18. 418

    Effect of Indoleacetic Acid and Zinc Sulphate Application on Growth and Some Physiological Parameters of Cowpea (Vigna sinensis Savi) Plants by Ikbal Muhammed Gharib Tahir, Sargul Ahmad Khudur, Arol Mohsen Anwar

    Published 2019-06-01
    “…This study was conducted in Koya city, Iraq on cowpea (Vigna sinensis Savi) plants California black eye variety by factorial experiment including the effects of foliar spraying of Zinc Sulphate ZnSO4.7H2O (ZS) or the plant growth regulator Indoleacetic Acid C10H9NO2 (IAA). …”
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  19. 419

    Pagidarì, Adébáyọ̀FálétìRe’lé Poo! by Báyọ̀ Ọmọlọlá

    Published 2021-12-01
    “…Ká fọgbọn i ́ ̀bi ́lẹ ṣeè to, ̀ Ká fa komo ̀ ó ̀kun yọ, Giwa ́ ́ ni baba. …”
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  20. 420

    On the Imperative of Language for Understanding African Art by Rowland Abiodun

    Published 2021-12-01
    “…I was gratified that, by and large, all the panelists endorsed my premise on the fundamental importance of language in Yorùbá art studies. The first paper by Moyọ Okediji was a pleasant surprise. Even though this possibility has always existed, as I had taught a course in Yorùbá art entirely in Yorùbá language at the University of Ifẹ (renamed Ọba ̀ ́fẹmi Awo ́ ́lọẃ ọ University) in ̀ the 1980s1 , no one was expecting that his entire contribution to the roundtable discussion would be presented in Yorùbá language. …”
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