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Ciudadanía juvenil: una breve revisión
Published 2015-01-01“…Asimismo, permite caracterizar las parti - cularidades de la participación ciudadana juvenil, su forma de asumir tal compromiso con la sociedad a la que pertenece, las dificultades que enfrenta para ejercer su rol, los temas que movilizan sus esfuerzos y su forma de concebir el sistema.…”
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Utilizing the Novel Developed MLP Techniques to Survey Pile Subsidence via Optimization Algorithms
Published 2022-10-01“…The Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit network built in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was chosen to test the piles' settlement and earth properties algorithms. In the prediction process, the R2 value of MLP-AOA and MLP-BBO were obtained at 0.93 and 0.94, respectively. …”
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Implementation of the Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) Policy on Oil Palm Plantations in West Kalimantan
Published 2023-09-01“…Non-specific policy substance, information restrictions, governmental policies not supporting implementation, and probable distribution problems among the parties engaged in execution were only a few factors this study cited impeding the ISPO policy implementation in West Kalimantan.…”
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O retorno ao passado em Barco a seco e o jogo de construção e desconstrução narrativa
Published 2016-01-01“…Para entender esta contradicción, que genera la construcción y deconstrucción del ciclo narrativo, el ensayo centra su análisis en las ideas de Octavio Paz sobre las relaciones de la obra de arte con el tiempo, en la discusión que Andreas Huyssen propone sobre la musealización del pasado y en la teoría de la historia del Bastardo de Marthe Robert.…”
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Published 2024-09-01“…This study recommended establishment of mentorship groups, increment of women’s political education and empowerment, improve access to financial resources, introduction, and enforcement of affirmative actions as well as the encouragement of political parties to nominate women candidates for key positions. …”
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Correlations of Calcination Temperature with the Catalytic Properties of CuFe2O4 for the Synthesis of Green Fuels
Published 2025-02-01“…Spinel oxides are promising multifunctional electrocatalysts based on earth‐abundant elements. While NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4 have been widely studied for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), CuFe2O4 has been less investigated. …”
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Application of the Al-Barā'ah Al-Dhimmah Method According to Fiqh Law and Its Implementation in Current Legislation in Malaysia
Published 2024-05-01“…Findings also show that this principle is based on the Quran and Sunnah and can be applied in various branches of Islamic law, playing a significant role in realizing justice for parties involved in disputes, especially in the aspects of family matters, transactions, and crimes. …”
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Teknolojik Belirlenimcilik Bağlamında Teknoloji Odaklı Yaşam Kurgusu: Black Mirror Dizisi Örneği
Published 2021-06-01“…Araştırma sürecinde ve sonucunda, Black Mirror dizisinin, teknolojik belirlenimci bir dünya kurgusunu yansıttığı sonucuna ulaşılmış ve teknolojik belirlenimcilik yaklaşımının açıklanmasına katkı sağladığı ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Teknolojik gelişmenin birey hayatında belirlenimci bir rol üstlendiğini vurgulayan dizi, teknoloji odaklı yaşamın distopik bir yaşamı doğurduğunu izleyicisine sunmaktadır. …”
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Polyphonic discourses in the Hong Kong press: a diachronic analysis of media attitudes towards the One Country, Two Systems policy
Published 2025-02-01“…Ming Pao consistently adopted an impartial stance, representing OCTS as a topic for debate and covering the varying perspectives of different parties. Apple Daily acknowledged the framework of OCTS but criticised that it was distorted by the authorities. …”
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The Importance of Breakfast in Enhancing Students' Focus at School
Published 2023-05-01“…In conclusion, this information can be used as a benchmark by the relevant party to boost student achievement. …”
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Pulsed vector atomic magnetometer using an alternating fast-rotating field
Published 2025-02-01“…Operating in gradiometer mode, the magnetometer achieves a total field gradient sensitivity of 35 $${{{\rm{fT}}}}/\sqrt{{{{\rm{Hz}}}}}$$ fT / Hz (0.7 parts per billion) and angular resolutions of 6 $${{{\rm{nrad}}}}/\sqrt{{{{\rm{Hz}}}}}$$ nrad / Hz at a 50 μT Earth field strength. The noise spectra remain flat down to 1 Hz and 0.1 Hz, respectively. …”
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Living with Gorillas? Lessons from Batwa-Gorillas’ Convivial Relations at Bwindi Forest, Uganda
Published 2022“…Based on the content analysis of stories of Batwa’s historical relations with gorillas, unstructured interviews, ethnographic village stays, and empirical observations, we argue that open-mindedness—to learn from, to be affected by and affect our fellow dwellers on earth (human and non-human)—marks the starting point of convivial living. …”
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Ensino da matemática com textos infantis: a apropriação do conhecimento e a receptividade dos alunos
Published 2011-06-01“… Neste artigo relatamos como procuramos investigar as maneiras com que os alunos de 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental se apropriaram dos conteúdos específicos e sua receptividade diante da proposta de arti- cular matemática e histórias infantis. Constatamos que vários alunos foram receptivos ao trabalho pro- posto e agiram como sujeitos ativos, colocando-se em atividade. …”
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Published 2023-11-01“…Also, banks should further implement more policies that support increased lending to customers, especially the more credit worthy ones, in order to increase returns and performance. …”
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Sistem Informasi Manajemen Proyek Berbasis Kanban (Studi Kasus: PT. XYZ)
Published 2020-02-01“…XYZ merupakan sebuah perusahaan manufaktur peralatan rumah tangga dengan desain gambar tokoh kartun atau tokoh superhero berlisensi. Hal ini membuat PT. …”
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Literatura indígena para crianças: o desafio da interculturalidade
Published 2018-01-01“…Para eso, se recurre a la problematización teórica centrada en el concepto de transculturación, conforme a Canclini (2007), articulada a los estudios sobre literatura infantil y juvenil brasilera de Moratti (2001), Ceccantini (2010) y Martha (2016). Como objeto de análisis son abordadas las obras Paiquerê: el paraíso de los Kaingangs, de Cléo Busatto, y Karú Tarú: el pequeño chamán, de Daniel Munduruku, ambas editadas en 2009. …”
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Manhaj Ithbat Salaf Scholars in Interacting with Characteristics of Khabariyyah According To The Explanation Of Imam Abu Al-Hasan Al-Ash`Ari
Published 2023-11-01“…One of its main features is that it teaches the Sifat Khabariyyah's external meaning as worthy of Allah SWT by rejecting the existence of kayfiyyat (form, appearance, characteristics, and manner), without interpretation, without ta'wil (representation), without tamthil (equalisation), without tashbih (simulation), and denying the Sifat al-huduth (new attributes) like location, mass, movement, and displacement. …”
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Content and Dynamics of Nutrients in the Surface Water of Shallow Lake Mulehe in Kisoro District, South–western Uganda.
Published 2023“…The recorded overall WQI value places Lake Mulehe’s water quality into the ‘poor’ category in terms of worthiness for human consumption. The study, therefore, recommends continuous pollution monitoring and enforcement of local regulations to reduce pollution in the lake as a result of anthropogenic activities.…”
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Content and dynamics of nutrients in the surface water of shallow Lake Mulehe in Kisoro District, South–western Uganda
Published 2024“…The recorded overall WQI value places Lake Mulehe’s water quality into the ‘poor’ category in terms of worthiness for human consumption. The study, therefore, recommends continuous pollution monitoring and enforcement of local regulations to reduce pollution in the lake as a result of anthropogenic activities.…”
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Content and dynamics of nutrients in the surface water of shallow Lake Mulehe in Kisoro District, South–western Uganda
Published 2024“…The recorded overall WQI value places Lake Mulehe’s water quality into the ‘poor’ category in terms of worthiness for human consumption. The study, therefore, recommends continuous pollution monitoring and enforcement of local regulations to reduce pollution in the lake as a result of anthropogenic activities.…”
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