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Maximum Dry Unit Weight and Optimum Moisture Content Prediction of Lateritic Soils Using Regression Analysis
Published 2023-03-01“…Soils compaction with experimental tests is a pivotal facet in the selection of materials for earth constructions. Due to the time limitations and concerns of finishing resources, it is obligate to develop some relationships for predicting compaction parameters such as maximum dry unit weight (γdmax) and optimum moisture content (ωopt) from easily estimated index properties. …”
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An improved Fully Homomorphic Encryption model based on N-Primes
Published 2019-10-01“…The physical distance between the users and providers allows third parties to be capable of accessing the data which threats the privacy of the users. …”
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Results of a modified Delphi consensus on the optimal testing pathway for oesophago-gastric cancer care in the UK
Published 2025-02-01“…Six domains of focus were agreed on and used to develop. 36 agreed statements were developed into a Likert survey, which was distributed by a third party (M3 Global Research). Completed surveys were analysed to produce an arithmetic agreement score for each statement. …”
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Perancangan Data Warehouse Untuk Menunjang Akreditasi Program Studi
Published 2022-10-01“…Abstract Accreditation is required by every university as a form of quality assessment from external parties. In the accreditation process, data is required to fill out forms according to the required standards. …”
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Assessing the Impact of Sustainable Construction Practices on Project Performance.
Published 2024“…The general response from both parties were analyzed, high scored mitigation measures were discussed; awareness and education should be implemented, innovation and technology adoption; industry collaboration and partnerships, certification and standards, performance monitoring and reporting, and providing incentives were identified as the most effective strategies in implementing sustainable construction practices on construction projects. …”
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Thesis -
Sources of Students Strikes in Secondary Schools in Kisoro Municipality Kisoro District.
Published 2024“…Effective resolution strategies included fostering open communication through forums, mediation by neutral parties, strengthening student representation, implementing regular feedback mechanisms, and enforcing fair policies. …”
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Associations between brominated flame retardants exposure and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Mediation analysis in the NHANES
Published 2025-01-01“…PBB153, PBDE28, PBDE209, and PBDE153 exhibited the highest importance for NAFLD and were potential risk factors worthy of concern. Additionally, mediation analysis showed that absolute neutrophil cell count (ANC) and lymphocyte count (LC) (inflammation markers) have significantly mediated influences on the correlations of PBB153, PBDE85, and PBDE28 with N AFLD risk. …”
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Published 2022-01-01“…It was developed based on the Xilinx Artix-7 programmable logic matrix. A Digilent Arty A7 development board was used due to its design and experimentation facilities. …”
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Perencanaan Coverage Jaringan 5G Berdasarkan Propagasi Rugi Rugi Lintasan dan Shadowing
Published 2021-03-01“…Perencanaan jaringan 5G dilakukan melalui menghitung jari-jari sel dengan model propagasi rugi-rugi lintasan dengan pengaruh shadowing, menghitung coverage, menghitung jumlah lokasi menara rooftop, dan pemetaan pada google earth. Hasil analisis adalah jari-jari yang dihasilkan adalah 70,4479 m dengan luas coverage 0,0129 km2. …”
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விவேக சிந்தாமணி கூறும் மானுட விழுமியங்கள் / Human Values in Viveka Cintamani
Published 2025-01-01“…The climatic changes on Earth, caused by the rotation of the Sun and the planets, instilled in humans a sense of order. …”
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Cretaceous Limestone Dolomitization and Argument of Its Mg2+ Sources: Exampling the Bekhme and Qamchuqa Formations in the Zagros Collision Belt
Published 2024-06-01“…Seventh is the contradictory notion of hydrothermal dolomitization among the most recent study published in the Science journal which atributed dolomitization to normal temperate on earth surface. In the present study, the source of the Mg is argued and its presence is attributed to the warmth of the Arabian platform (plate) near the equator during the Cretaceous period. …”
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Published 2024-07-01“…Örneğin internet aracılığıyla birine siber zorbalık uygulayarak o kişiye karşı cinsel taciz suçunu işlemek mümkündür. Bazı ülkeler ceza kanunlarında siber zorbalığı bir suç olarak düzenleyerek bu fiili önlemeyi amaçlarken; bazı ülkeler ise siber zorbalık sonucunda kanunlarında yer alan bir suç oluşursa o suça göre fiili cezalandırma yolunu tercih etmiştir. …”
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Peningkatan Performa Pengenalan Wajah pada Gambar Low-Resolution Menggunakan Metode Super-Resolution
Published 2024-02-01“… Kartu Tanda Penduduk Elektronik (KTP-el) merupakan identitas wajib bagi penduduk Indonesia. …”
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Review of communication optimization methods in federated learning
Published 2024-12-01“…Traditional cloud-centric distributed machine learning, which trains models or optimizes model performance by collecting data from participating parties, is susceptible to security attacks and privacy attacks during the data exchange process, leading to consequences such as a decline in overall system efficiency or the leakage of private data. …”
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Link Scheduling in Satellite Networks via Machine Learning Over Riemannian Manifolds
Published 2025-01-01“…Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites play a crucial role in enhancing global connectivity, serving a complementary solution to existing terrestrial systems. …”
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Antiguas perspectivas en el discurso moderno: tópicos literarios en la búsqueda de la paz
Published 2024-11-01“…Para respaldar estos argumentos, el análisis se centra en la representación de la «locura del amor» en una serie de televisión iraní llamada Shahrzad (2015), dirigida por Hassan Fathi, y en la obra teatral estadounidense A Electra le sienta bien el luto (1931) de Eugene O’Neill. …”
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Published 2024-11-01“…The article contains the results of the study of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, which has attracted the attention of many geophysicists for decades, including in the form of field disturbances recorded by the equipment of artificial Earth satellites. This particular variant of the KMA is considered in the paper. …”
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Care coordination across healthcare systems: development of a research agenda, implications for practice, and recommendations for policy based on a modified Delphi panel
Published 2023-05-01“…Agreed practice recommendations included educating external professionals about issues specific to the patients in the main healthcare system, educating professionals within the main healthcare system about the roles and responsibilities of all involved parties, and helping patients better understand the pros and cons of within-system and out-of-system care. …”
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Published 2021-06-01“…A modern system for monitoring the economic use of flood-prone areas should be based on the use of Earth remote sensing data. The analysis of satellite images, being a laborious task, can be automated through the use of specially trained convolutional neural networks of semantic segmentation based on the algorithm proposed in this article. …”
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Pemanfaatan Tanah Aset Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Barat Melalui Perjanjian Bangun Guna Serah (Build Operate Transfer)
Published 2025-01-01“…The build operate transfer (BOT) agreement is documented in Agreement No. 17.020/L/1990, agreed upon by both parties on August 27, 1990. The implementation of the agreement occurs in three stages: 1) Construction (Build), 2) Utilization or Management (Operate), 3) Handover (Transfer). …”
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