Showing 1,381 - 1,400 results of 1,483 for search 'Karthi~', query time: 1.94s Refine Results
  1. 1381

    A data pipeline for secure extraction and sharing of social determinants of health. by Tyler Schappe, Lisa M McElroy, Moronke Ogundolie, Roland Matsouaka, Ursula Rogers, Nrupen A Bhavsar

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…We compared DeGAUSS to a third-party vendor geocoding tool available at Duke Health using a cohort of adult patients referred for abdominal transplant from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2022. …”
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  2. 1382

    Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumlulukta Yeni Nesil Atık Toplama Kampanyaları: İnegöl Belediyesi Örneği by Melih Zafer Arıcan, Fatma Sürgen

    Published 2024-06-01
    “…Bu sebeple yapılan çalışma literatüre katkı sağlaması açısından önemlidir. Çalışma sonunda İnegöl Belediyesi’nin dijital kanallar aracılığı ile kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk projeleri gerçekleştirdiği, günlerce hatta aylarca toplanamayan geri dönüşüm miktarının birkaç günlük kampanya ile toplandığı, kampanya sonrasında geri dönüşüm bilincinin oluştuğu bu sebeple özel dönüşüm atıklarının toplanmaya devam ettiği verileri elde edilmiştir.…”
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  3. 1383

    Determining the Amount of Earthquake Displacement Using Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (D-InSAR) and Satellite Images of Sentinel-1 A: A Case Study of Sarpol-... by Jacob Cherian

    Published 2022-04-01
    “…So, it’s essential to identify height changes occurring on Earth due to these movements. Detecting these changes in the extent of field operations requires a lot of time and money; hence, satellite technology can be used to eliminate the limitations of field operations. …”
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  4. 1384

    Development of the SPREAD framework to support the scaling of de-implementation strategies: a mixed-methods study by Gert P Westert, Rudolf B Kool, Simone A van Dulmen, Patrick P T Jeurissen, Danielle Kroon

    Published 2022-11-01
    “…These determinants are potential targets for various parties to facilitate the scaling of de-implementation strategies. …”
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  5. 1385

    2023 Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçim Sürecinde Siyasal Söylem: Meral Akşener Örneği by Ayşe Çelikbaş Aykut

    Published 2024-06-01
    “…Siyasi krizin nedeni Millet İttifakı’nın ortaklarından İyi Parti Genel Başkanı Meral Akşener’in ittifaktan seçime çok yakın bir tarihte ayrılması ve tekrar ittifaka geri dönmesidir. …”
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  6. 1386


    Published 2023-12-01
    “…The main barriers, as per our study, are the paucity of interactivity between the parties and drawbacks in the method adopted for teaching. …”
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  7. 1387

    Editorial by Jörg Tremmel, Edward Page, Konrad Ott

    Published 2009-10-01
    “…Well-established distributive justice principles can be applied to the problem of allocating the absorptive capacity of the earth's atmosphere in a broadly analogous fashion to the problem of the just division of other scarce resources (food, water, shelter) between households. …”
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  8. 1388

    Eminönü Yeni Cami Hünkâr Kasrı’nın Yıkılmasının 1930’lu Yıllarda Gündeme Gelmesi ve Türk Basınındaki Tartışmalar by Serdar Sezer Şimşek

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…İstanbul’un Eminönü semtinde 1597-1663 yılları arasında inşa edilen Yeni Cami, tarihi değerinin yanı sıra, Eminönü meydanında bulunması sebebiyle şehrin en görünür yapılarından biridir. …”
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  9. 1389
  10. 1390

    Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model dengan Penambahan Variabel Eksternal by Ria Andriani, Arief Setyanto, Asro Nasiri

    Published 2020-05-01
    “…Dalam rangka pengelolaan akademik, sebelum mengikuti perkuliahan mahasiswa wajib untuk mengisi KRS. KRS (Kartu Rencana Studi) berfungsi untuk mengelola mata kuliah yang akan diambil pada Semester yang bersangkutan oleh mahasiswa, pengisian KRS dilakukan menggunakan akun yang telah diberikan oleh pihak kampus dengan cara masuk menggunakan identitas berupa Nomor Induk Mahasiswa dan kata sandi, mahasiswa dapat melakukan pengisian Kartu Rencana Studi dari manapun dengan informasi yang telah disediakan pada website, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa Sistem KRS merupakan penjembatan antara mahasiswa dengan pengelola dalam hal ini bagian akademik di Universitas Amikom.  …”
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  11. 1391

    Supramolecular Organic Framework with Multidimensional Storage Spaces for Ultrahigh-Capacity Iodine Capture from Seawater by Lijuan Feng, Jun Zhang, Jiacheng Zhang, Xuewen Cao, Zhanhu Guo, Yihui Yuan, Ning Wang

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…Seawater is the largest iodine reservoir on Earth, but efficient chemical methods for recovering iodine from seawater are still lacking. …”
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  12. 1392

    Groundwater Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment using a Dar-Zarrouk Parameter in a Proposed Aboru Residential Estate, Lagos State, Nigeria by M.A. Ayuk

    Published 2020-01-01
    “…Isoresistivity and Isopach maps were generated and Total Longitudinal Unit  Conductance, S of the earth materials overlying the aquifer was computed and the aquifer protective capacity (APC) map was generated. …”
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  13. 1393

    Cifras da língua: a poética e o desbabelizar de Antonia Torreão Herrera by Gabriela Lopes Vasconcellos de Andrade

    Published 2022-01-01
    “…La discusión principal se centrará en el término “debabelizar”, partiendo de una reflexión teórica sobre el lenguaje y su configuración utilizando los conceptos suplementarios de Jacques Derrida y el pensamiento de Jacques Rousseau y Jean Starobinski, así como el concepto de grado cero de Roland Barthes. Para Herrera, el grado cero es la literatura misma, el lenguaje como pertenencia y desgarro. …”
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  14. 1394


    Published 2013-01-01
    “…e ste artículo presenta los resultados de la investigación, llevada a cabo en el municipio de l eón, g uanajuato, que tiene como obje - tivo identificar el perfil de la persona participante promedio en los comités de vecinos de los municipios; esto es, determinar su perfil sociodemográfico con el fin de corroborar la hipótesis de una parti - cipación mayoritaria de las mujeres como integrantes y liderezas de dichos comités. u na de las facultades de estas figuras de participa - ción es elegir a representantes para consejos de políticas públicas, principalmente para la integración de los “ c onsejos de d esarrollo m unicipal” que tienen una partida presupuestaria federal y pla - nean y autorizan el plan anual de obra pública municipal. e n estos consejos en que comparten la mesa con las principales autoridades municipales, los liderazgos de las mujeres ciudadanas descienden abruptamente frente a los liderazgos masculinos, por lo que se evidencia el fenómeno conocido como “techo de cristal”, principal obstáculo para el empoderamiento y el ejercicio pleno de la ciuda - danía de las mujeres. s e vislumbra como explicación la disolución de la línea divisoria entre el espacio público y privado de las mujeres, en donde gozan de efectividad política hasta ciertos niveles en donde el liderazgo sí corresponde a los estereotipos y roles masculinos tradicionales.…”
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  15. 1395

    Regulation of the Employment Status of Seafarers by Boris Jerman

    Published 2024-01-01
    “…In the past, their position was less than envious, since they, as a party in the working relationship, were clearly under the authority of the shipowner and were very poorly informed about their rights. …”
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  16. 1396

    Whole Genome Sequencing Reveals Substantial Genetic Structure and Evidence of Local Adaptation in Alaskan Red King Crab by Carl A. St. John, Laura E. Timm, Kristen M. Gruenthal, Wesley A. Larson

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…ABSTRACT High‐latitude ocean basins are the most productive on earth, supporting high diversity and biomass of economically and socially important species. …”
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  17. 1397

    Çağatay Türkçesindeki Mental Fiillerde ‘Çok Katmanlılık’: Ali Şir Nevâyî Örneği by Selda Sandalyeci

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…Saray mensuplarının ve yüksek zümrelerin Farsçayı çok iyi bilmelerine ve Farsçayı çok iyi kullanan şair ve yazarların yetişmesine rağmen Hüseyin Baykara ile Ali Şir Nevâyî devrinde herkes Türk dilinden bahseder olmuş, Farsça hayranlarına karşı Türkçe savunulur hâle gelmiştir. Özellikle Ali Şir Nevâyî ile bu dönem, Çağatay edebiyatının sanat ve millî ruh bakımından en yüksek dereceye ulaştığı dönem olmuş ve Çağatay edebiyatı bu dönemde klasik bir hâl almıştır. …”
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  18. 1398

    Kobiety w misji ewangelizacyjnej pierwotnej wspólnoty chrześcijańskiej by Jan Klinkowski

    Published 2023-03-01
    “…Z dużym prawdopodobieństwem dom Marty, Marii i Łazarza kształtowany był wokół wielkiego umiłowania studiowania tekstów świętych, co umożliwiało kobietom szersze poznanie ówczesnej refleksji teologicznej. …”
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  19. 1399

    Identification of Subsurface for Grounding Installation System Using Geoelectrical Method: Case Study of Waru Substation, Sidoarjo, East Java by Khoirunida Anisatu Ainun, Rochman Juan Pandu Gya Nur, Bahri Ayi Syaeful

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…Therefore, information on soil resistivity values is needed that can be used as a reference for related parties to carry out development, which is to determine the grounding locations. …”
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  20. 1400

    Molecular mechanisms induced by phase modifiers used in hydrometallurgy: consequences on transfer efficiency and process safety by El Maangar, Asmae, Prévost, Sylvain, Dourdain, Sandrine, Zemb, Thomas

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…Liquid–liquid (L/L) extraction is a promising method for recovering rare-earth elements from electrical and electronic waste. …”
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