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Kültür Endüstrisine “Yedinci Kıta”dan Bakmak
Published 2023-06-01“…Bu doğrultuda çalışmanın örneklemi olarak seçilen film, olay örgüsü ve kurgulanış biçimi ile karakterlerin içinde yaşadıkları sisteme karşı yabancılaştıklarını ve sahte tatminler tarafından oyalandıklarını gözler önüne sermektedir. …”
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Investigasi Hambatan dan Tantangan Penerapan Sistem Informasi Manajemen di Rumah Sakit
Published 2022-10-01“…Based on the domain analysis, the research identifies several problems that are the causes, namely poor infrastructure, commitment to human resources (HR), standard operating procedures (SOP) that have not been implemented, clarity of main tasks and functions, as well as ineffective supervision, supervision from parties. management that is not implemented as well as external systems as the cause of not optimal hospital management information system. …”
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Historical and projected forest cover changes in the Mount Kenya Ecosystem: Implications for sustainable forest management
Published 2025-06-01“…Land Use Land Cover (LULC) maps for 2000, 2014, and 2023 were classified using Random Forest (RF) in Google Earth Engine (GEE). Explanatory factors of LULC change (slope, aspect, population density, proximity to rivers, roads, and towns) were used to project LULC for 2035 using Cellular Automata and Markov Chain Analysis (CA-MCA).Six LULC types (open forest, closed forest, cropland, bareland, built-up, shrubland and grassland) were successfully classified with accuracies exceeding 82.5% and Kappa coefficients above 0.77. …”
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Association among financial toxicity, depression and fear of cancer recurrence in young breast cancer patient-family caregiver dyads: an actor-partner interdependence mediation mod...
Published 2025-02-01“…By demonstrating how financial toxicity and FCR are interlinked with depression in both parties, the study supports the development of we offer empirical support for developing comprehensive intervention strategies to alleviate mental distress and enhance mental health for patients and family caregivers.…”
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Togʿay Murod’ın “Otamdan Qolgan Dalalar (Babamdan Kalan Tarlalar)” Romanında Yer Alan Biçimbirimsel Yinelemeler
Published 2025-01-01“…Yazar, roman ve hikâye türünde verdiği eserlerle Çağdaş Özbek edebiyatının gelişmesine katkı sağlamış, bütün eserlerinde kendine özgü bir üslup ortaya koymuştur. …”
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Analysis of Gas Pipeline Failure Factors Based on the Novel Bayesian Network by Machine Learning Optimization
Published 2025-01-01“…Finally, the sensitivity analysis identified Other (Other external damage), third-party excavation damage, incorrect operation and fire or explosion as key influences on gas pipeline failure. …”
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Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation on Service Delivery in Uganda: A Case of Community Development Based Services in Kabale District.
Published 2023“…Lastly, in order for beneficiaries to embrace the project wholeheartedly and make decisions collectively in Kabale District, the report recommends that all interested parties participate in the participatory project decision-making. …”
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Thesis -
Inaugural Lecture
Published 2023“…Makara has done extensive research on governance issues: public sector reforms, constitutional-ism, election management, political parties, civil society, urban governance and local governance. …”
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Other -
Chief Isaac Oluwole Delano: The Man, His Time, and His Significance
Published 2021-12-01“…However, a severe injury sustained from an accident in 1947 led to his invalidation from the civil service. Worthy of note is the fact that he never blended into the civil service bureaucracy, as his principles and religious faith were constantly tested by various practices within the service. …”
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Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Students’ Academic Performance in Selected Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Ishaka Division Ishaka Municipality Bushenyi D...
Published 2024“…The study recommends that it is worthy to note that successful use of ICT as a stimulant to secondary school education depends to a large extent, on the supportive policy of the three tiers of government. …”
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Thesis -
Ladrão de galinhas: um diálogo sobre a estética no livro de imagem
Published 2019-01-01“…Se adoptó como metodología el abordaje cualitativo, tomando como referencia la semiótica de Barthes (2013b). Se utilizaron los conceptos de enunciado, desplazamiento y representación, partícipes en el proceso de significación textual, entendiendo que éstos contribuyen para que los demás atributos estéticos sean comunicantes eficaces en el goce de la literatura visual. …”
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Ordos Mausoleum of Genghis Khan: History and Modernity
Published 2024-11-01“…Last but not the least, constructive cooperation between the regional historical community, private business and the party-state administration of the Ordos urban district has borne fruit. …”
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Tylos pauzės psichoterapijos procese: sisteminė literatūros analizė
Published 2024-11-01“…Paradoksalu, tačiau kol kas itin daug dėmesio yra skiriama psichoterapijos verbaliniams aspektams, o neverbaliniai psichoterapijos procesai, kartu ir tylos pauzės, lieka už kadro. Mokslinė literatūra nepasižymi tylos pauzių fenomeno tyrimų gausa, tad šie tyrimai kol kas yra tik embriono stadijos. …”
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Godsdiens en Christelike teologie in die skadu van menslike outonomie: wetenskapsfilosofiese verkenninge
Published 2001-06-01“…Christianity, more particularly since modern times (dating from the 19th century especially), had to face up to rather extreme rationalistic views, more especially after the time of Barth. Sections 4 and 5 of this article deal with these trends as well as the opposition offered by theologians coming e g from the Reformational tradition. …”
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Rola Ducha Świętego w kaznodziejstwie protestanckim
Published 2019-09-01“…Poszukiwania w tej materii takich dwudziestowiecznych teologów protestanckich jak Rudolf Bohren, Manfred Josuttis czy (późny) Karl Barth, doprowadziły do stworzenia teorii kaznodziejstwa opartej na paradygmacie pneumatologicznym. …”
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Perancangan Data Warehouse Rumah Sakit Berbasis Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
Published 2021-10-01“…The resulting OLAP will be a data warehouse design with various dimensions will produce the displays information in the form of a graph or chart so that the information is easy to read and understand by various parties. …”
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Chromosome-level reference genome assembly for the mountain hare (Lepus timidus)
Published 2025-01-01“…The assembly meets the Earth BioGenome Project criteria for a reference-standard genome assembly. …”
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UK policymaker and expert perspectives on the smoke-free generation policy: a qualitative study
Published 2025-02-01“…Cohesive public health advocacy, maintaining cross-party support and public opinion and developing broader tobacco control policies were considerations for successful implementation.Conclusions Widespread support for SFG across expert, political and public opinion provides a strong foundation for its passing into law. …”
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Cancer Burden Disease Attributable to PM2.5 and Health Risk by PM2.5-bound Toxic Species in Two Urban Chilean Municipalities
Published 2022-11-01“…Quantification of chemical species (OC, EC, metals, and PAHs) was done at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, USA. Modern carbon in OC and EC analysis showed that the principal source of PM2.5 emission in Coyhaique was firewood burning compared with Independencia. …”
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Sosyal Medyada Mutluluk İmgesi Bulunan Fotoğrafların Renk Tercihleri Üzerine Göstergebilimsel Bir Analiz: National Geographic Instagram Hesabı Örneği
Published 2024-12-01“…Bu inceleme göstergebilimin sınırlarını dilbilimden çıkartarak kültürün diğer taşıyıcıları olan film, fotoğraf, reklamcılık gibi alanlarda da kullanılabilir hale getiren Barthes’in göstergebilimsel yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. …”
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