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Analysis of Vaginal Microbiome in Women with or Without Episodes of Spontaneous Abortion in Eastern Nigeria
Published 2023-03-01“… OBJECTIVES: Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) is a common adverse pregnancy outcome earth-wide, and has remained a challenge in Nigeria. …”
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Fingerprints of surface flows on solid substrates ablated by phase change: from laboratory experiments to planetary landscapes
Published 2025-02-01“…In this case, the fluid mechanics associated with such phase changes play a key role in the evolution of terrestrial and planetary landscapes, observed by probes orbiting planets and moons. On Earth, sea ice, glaciers and karst plateaus extend over meters or kilometers. …”
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Evidencia de procesos erosivos en la bahía El Ferrol en Perú, para el periodo 1974-2020
Published 2021-01-01“…[Metodología]: Revisión y análisis de información bibliográfica, fotografías, cartas fotogramétricas, cartas náuticas, mapas cartográficos, imágenes en Google Earth, y visitas in situ. [Resultados]: Las fuentes de arena proceden del río Lacramarca y el sistema dunar. …”
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Cenas de leitura em Silviano Santiago
Published 2019-01-01“…La primera sección del trabajo está dedicada a presentar un panorama de los usos de la lectura y de la figura del lector en Silviano Santiago, tanto en su obra ficcional como en su obra ensayística, subrayando la importancia de los procesos afectivos en la elección y el uso de las referencias literarias y teoréticas (Graciliano Ramos, Barthes, Althusser). La segunda sección trata más específicamente con el ensayo de Santiago “La vida como literatura” (2006), analizando las estrategias del autor en lo que se refiere a su lectura de la obra de Cyro dos Anjos y su peculiar problematización de la vivencia de la subjetividad en la lectura y la escritura, algo que se hace a partir del uso del significante “Silviano”, tanto como nombre propio del autor como como personaje de Cyro dos Anjos. …”
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Anti-constitutional activities and cover organisations of national-socialist movement in Klaipėda region in 1935-1937
Published 2006-06-01“…Members of the forbidden SVG party and their supporters were restoring the national-socialist movement. …”
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Türkiye’deki Üniversitelerde Kültürel Çalışmalar
Published 2021-06-01“…Çalışmalar başlangıç itibariyle İngilizce yoğunluklu olmakla birlikte, son zamanlarda alanda yapılan Türkçe tez çalışmalarında da artış bulunmaktadır. Kültürel çalışmalarda yapılan tezler alanın disiplinler arası ve eleştirel yapısını yansıtır özellikte çalışmalar olmayı hedefleyen niteliktedir…”
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Performance of emergency triage prediction of an open access natural language processing based chatbot application (ChatGPT): A preliminary, scenario-based cross-sectional study
Published 2023-07-01“…The role of chatbots in health care is deemed worthy of research. OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a supervised and empowered machine learning-based chatbot. …”
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Fotografía del rodaje de la película Plácido, de Luis García Berlanga (Plana de l'Om, Manresa, 1961)
Published 2022-12-01“…After the 60 years since the filming, the buildings we can see are the same as those existing in the area today. Worthy of note, however, is the state of the conservation of the building in the center of the image, notably rundown in 1961, and the changes that have taken place since then in the stores and profesional activities. …”
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Fotografía del rodaje de la película Plácido, de Luis García Berlanga (Plana de l'Om, Manresa, 1961)
Published 2022-12-01“…After the 60 years since the filming, the buildings we can see are the same as those existing in the area today. Worthy of note, however, is the state of the conservation of the building in the center of the image, notably rundown in 1961, and the changes that have taken place since then in the stores and profesional activities. …”
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The Effect of Delegation of Responsibilities on Teachers’ Performance in Selected Secondary Schools in Kabale Municipality, Kabale District.
Published 2020“…They feel trusted and work to their level best for they feel responsible for the activities entrusted to them and they also feel obliged to perform to produce results to prove their worthiness. The study established that power to decision making affect teachers performance because it was revealed that the higher the power to decision making, the higher the job satisfaction because possession of power by teachers influences their job satisfaction making them work hard for improved performance. …”
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Eunugs in die Bybel
Published 2002-12-01“…In the Septuagint saris was translated as eunouchos, except for Genesis 37:36 and Isaiah 39:7 where spadon was used; in Jeremiah 38:7 Ebed-Melek was described as “he who lived in the king’s house”; in Daniel 1 there is reference to archi-eunouchos and archon satrapon. In the Vulgate saris was translated as eunuchus, except for Esther 2:3 where minister is used, and the terms praepositus eunuchorum and praefectus magistratuum in Daniel 1:3- 18 and Daniel 2:48 respectively. …”
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Human and Nature Effects Detection on the Environmental Properties of Archaeological Historic Cairo City in Egypt Based on Space and Ground Remote Sensing Data
Published 2025-01-01“…In this study, optical satellite images of Corona, Orbview-3, and Landsat 8, in addition to the Google Earth images, were used to detect land use change values and their reflection on the land surface temperature (LST) levels in the study area. …”
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Influence of volatiles (H$_{2}$O and CO$_{2}$) on shoshonite phase equilibria
Published 2023-07-01“…This result has important consequences upon the physical properties of the magma because it influences its viscosity and, as a consequence, velocity during its travel to the Earth surface.Assuming that the widths of Vulcanello conduits vary from 0.5 to 1.5 m, estimates of the ascent velocity vary in the range 1.5 ${\times }$ 10$^{-4}$–3.5 ${\times }$ 10$^{-2}$ m${\cdot }$s$^{-1}$ for CO$_{2}$ free systems and from 5.7 ${\times }$ 10$^{-4}$–1.3 ${\times }$ 10$^{-1}$ m${\cdot }$s$^{-1}$ for CO$_{2}$ bearing systems.Since shoshonitic magmas are common not only in the Italian volcanic provinces (Aeolian Arc, Campi Flegrei, Ischia Island, Pontine Islands, Monti Cimini, Monte Amiata, Capraia Island, Radicofani, Roccamonfina) but also in different volcanoes worldwide (Yellowstone, Mariana Arc, Kurile Arc, Tonga Arc, Andean Arc, Kamchatka Arc), we suggest that the new data will be useful to better understand shoshonitic magma behaviour under relevant geological scenarios. …”
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Ketahanan dan Kualitas Visual Watermarked Image Menggunakan Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT) dan Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
Published 2023-04-01“…So it is necessary to give identity to each digital media so that it is not easily hijacked or claimed by irresponsible parties. One way to give identity to a digital media without reducing the quality of the media itself is to use digital watermarking. …”
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Supply Chain Practices and Performance of Institutions: A Case Study of Hotloaf Bakery in Kabale Municipality.
Published 2023“…The study results on the impact of efficient distribution on increased sales in hot loaf bakery in Kabale municipality was; that efficient distribution makes products or services available for use which leads to increased sales, using the right distribution strategy helps in marketing and has a serious impact on business' future success due to increased sales, better distribution channels leads to increased market share and sales volume, efficient distribution involves wholesalers, distributors, and third parties to supply the products customers which lead high sales and efficient distribution is cost-effective in the bakery sales which leads high sales of the bakery. …”
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Investigation of Hydro-Geochemical Characteristics of Groundwater In Port Harcourt City, Nigeria: Implication for Use and Vulnerability
Published 2013-05-01“…This means that groundwater in the area is mainly made up of mixtures of earth alkaline and alkaline metals and predominantly Cl- -SO4 2-water type. …”
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Penerapan Algoritma Support Vector Machine pada Analisis Sentimen Terhadap Identitas Kependudukan Digital
Published 2023-10-01“…The high number of negative percentages obtained shows public dissatisfaction with Digital Population Identity, and it is hoped that this research can be an information for related parties for future improvements. …”
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Unveiling Hidden Aspects of Intermediary Organizations in Innovation: A Systematic Review through the Lens of Industry Taxonomy
Published 2024-04-01“…The diversity stems from communication gaps and inherent shortcomings among the interacting parties within the innovation system. Although studies provide a list of these functions, how to guide these intermediate actors of the innovation system and determine their appropriate functions in a reflection of the characteristics of the industry is still questioned by innovation policymakers. …”
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Sistem Monitoring Frekuensi Denyut Nadi pada Pelari Menggunakan Metode Photoplethysmographic
Published 2021-11-01“…This device is also equipped with an Android application that facilitate other parties to monitor the runner’s heart beat. By using OMRON HEM-7203 as comparison devices, the rate error of measurement result is 0,086% within 5 participans. …”
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Preparation of doped spinel LiMn2O4 cathode using α-MnO2 for high-performance Li-ion batteries
Published 2024-09-01“…This is due to its low cost, resulting from the earth-abundant manganese (Mn). However, LMO often shows low robustness in terms of cycle life. …”
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