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- Genetik 1
Efectos climáticos y antrópicos en la morfogénesis de isla Guarumal, Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe, Costa Rica
Published 2017-06-01“…Entre las causas asociadas a su formación y desarrollo están la variabilidad climática (Fenómeno ENOS) con pulsos de mayor sedimentación durante periodos de Niña, modificaciones en los patrones de mareas, así como los cambios en el uso de la tierra de bosques a pastos o zonas agropecuarias inmediatas al humedal y en las cuencas que drenan este delta como son los ríos Térraba y Sierpe. …”
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Exploring Structural, Magnetic, and Electric Transport Properties of Sol–Gel Derived Nd0.65Ca0.35MnO3
Published 2025-01-01“…This paper investigates the phase separation phenomena in low bandwidth manganites, such as Nd1-xCaxMnO3, focusing on the nanoscale effects. …”
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La urbanización de la pobreza: de la acumulación originaria a la crisis habitacional en Ibiza
Published 2020-11-01“…El artículo pretende generar una discusión sobre la urbanización de la pobreza como fenómeno que integra inherentemente los procesos de mercantilización, financiarización y desposesión de vivienda en una lógica urbana que puede ser conceptualizada como productora de desigualdad espacial. …”
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Responsabilità dell’università cattolica nei confronti dell’uomo e del mondo
Published 2016-06-01“…Una di queste è l’economizzarsi dei valori nel mondo, un fenomeno che affligge anche le università: esse cessano di interpretare il ruolo di essere luogo dove plasmare standard morali, risolvendo conflitti sociali. …”
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Hubungan Night Time Eating dan Asupan Lemak Dengan Kejadian Gizi Lebih Pada Mahasiswa di Kota Medan
Published 2024-12-01“…Tumbuh kembang pada masa ini perlu didukung oleh asupan gizi seimbang dan kebiasaan makan yang baik. Fenomena saat adalah banyaknya kegiatan kampus dan tuntutan tugas yang memicu mahasiswa memiliki kebiasaan makan dimalam hari diluar waktu makan malam dan kurang asupan zat gizi. …”
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Pendekatan Ensemble untuk Analisis Sentimen Covid19 Menggunakan Pengklasifikasi Soft Voting
Published 2023-04-01“… Covid19 berdampak pada sektor kehidupan, mulai dari sektor ekonomi, pendidikan, kesehatan, invertasi, pariwisata hingga menimbulkan krisis lain yaitu fenomena ketakutan dan kepanikan masyarakat yang dipicu oleh informasi yang tidak lengkap dan akurat. …”
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Optimasi Klasifikasi Sentimen Komentar Pengguna Game Bergerak Menggunakan Svm, Grid Search Dan Kombinasi N-Gram
Published 2024-08-01“… Game online telah menjadi fenomena budaya signifikan dalam industri yang berkembang pesat. …”
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New super and shock like solitary structures for KdV equation with higher-order nonlinearity
Published 2025-04-01“…The model of dual-power law nonlinearity Korteweg–De Vries (KdV) equation describe sudden physical phenomena with higher orders of nonlinearity in fluid dynamics, plasma, fiber communications and biological systems. …”
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Impacts of Sea Land Breeze on the Fog and PM2.5 Concentration in Tianjin, China
Published 2024-05-01“…Abstract Sea land breeze (SLB) are mesoscale circulation phenomena that significantly affect weather and air quality in coastal regions. …”
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Mongolian Education and Science Vocabulary
Published 2024-05-01“…Some other words, such as Mong. боловсрол ‘education’, эрдэмтэн ‘scientist’, ухаан ‘intelligence’ (in шинжлэх ухаан ‘science’), оюутан ‘student’ ― have common Turko-Mongolic (bol- ‘become’, uqa- ‘comprehend’) or even common Altaic (ere- ‘male’, oyu- ‘mind’) stems, but their new semantics referring to various phenomena of education and science appeared comparatively recently, to a large extent, as a result of attempts to find new words for the notions introduced by Chinese culture and Uighur Buddhism. …”
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A Systematic Review on the Evolution of Power Analysis Practices in Psychological Research
Published 2025-01-01“…We then examine whether the prevalence of power analyses in psychological research has effectively increased over time in response to the increased awareness regarding these phenomena. To address this, we conducted a systematic review of 903 published empirical articles across four APA-disciplines, comparing 453 papers published in 2015–2016, with 450 papers from 2020–2021. …”
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La percepción del cambio climático en espacios insulares: el caso de Tenerife
Published 2023-03-01“… En el contexto del actual cambio climático, resulta prioritario vehicular mecanismos que faciliten la integración de la perspectiva ciudadana en la lucha contra este fenómeno. Organismos como el IPCC han puesto de manifiesto la importancia de atender, en la inexorable transición que se avecina, a la percepción y a las experiencias de la población como fuentes de información complementarias a las evidencias científicas. …”
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A Feasibility Study on Nano-Particle Properties for Signal Generation at NaI(Tl) Scintillation Detectors
Published 2025-01-01“…The absorption and scatter phenomena of light photons were then modeled using a discrete dipole approximation code, with silver being proposed as the nano-particle material. …”
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Ambient Atmospheric Aerosol Extinction Coefficient Reconstruction from PM2.5 Mass Concentrations and Application to Haze Identification in China
Published 2021-02-01“…A closure study enabled us to determine the threshold of the extinction ratio (β/βObs) and identify haze and fog weather phenomena at the stations. Finally, we assessed the bias in the predicted number of hours with haze for 61 stations in China by comparing the estimates derived from different values for the model’s parameters with those derived from the reference values and found a relative bias of less than 15% for approximately 99.8% of the stations, indicating the feasibility of our approach for detecting haze.…”
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Prácticas psicológicas basadas en la evidencia: beneficios y retos para Latinoamérica
Published 2014-12-01“…Revisa asuntos fundamentales como la internacionalización del fenómeno de las PPBE, su aplicabilidad y la efectividad en diferentes escenarios y su adaptabilidad con diferentes etnias y razas. …”
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Os usuários da Informação no arquivo: uma aproximação a seus estudos desde as Ciências da Informação.
Published 2018-06-01“…A pesquisa é uma primeira abordagem teórica ao fenômeno dos estudos de usuários, para numa próxima pesquisa desenvolver uma proposta de estudos de usuários para o Arquivo Nacional de Angola. …”
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Ideologization and commercialization in pandemic management
Published 2021-01-01“…Two significant phenomena that have occurred in the past few years have been emigration and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. …”
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Dissociable genetic influences on eye movements during abstract versus naturalistic social scene viewing in infancy
Published 2025-02-01“…Although some genetic influences were shared between the two conditions, unique genetic factors were linked to naturalistic scene viewing, indicating that fixation durations index different phenomena dependent on the context. Heritability for face looking was moderate (h 2 = 0.19, 95% CI 0.03 to 0.34), and no familial influences were found for motion looking. …”
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Published 2025-03-01“…The experience of these countries shows higher sustainability of their economies and social sector against crisis phenomena compared to countries that have not yet adopted cardinal changes - at the state level - in the sphere of personnel management in the conditions of digitalization. …”
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Ibón de Bernatuara (Huesca)
Published 2019-09-01“…En el Alto Aragón, se denomina ibón al lago de origen glaciar. Se encuentra en la provincia de Huesca, en la frontera entre Francia y España, en los Pirineos. …”
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