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Ou metodes van die Satan in 'n moderne samelewing - met besondere verwysing na Openbaring 2 en 3
Published 2000-12-01“…Take for example such messages as those to Sardis and Laodicea. Yet it is clear that his modus operandi can be reconstructed because of the trails and evidence that he leaves behind. …”
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Published 2023-09-01“…The findings reveal that social media is perceived as a powerful tool for raising awareness, amplifying peacebuilding messages, facilitating dialogue and collaboration, and providing opportunities for innovation. …”
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From occupation to independence: contemporary East Timorese history and identity in Portuguese picturebooks
Published 2016-05-01“…Children’s Literature depicted the theme of this period of oppression in East Timor, as well as the recognition of its independence and its right to freedom, in a picturebook selected for the White Ravens List in 2003 called East Timor – Island of the Rising Sun (2001), by João Pedro Mésseder and André Letria. This unusual picturebook, characterised by a very simple and sparse, almost poetic, text combined with large-format pictures, depicts this chapter of the contemporary history of East Timor in very specific way, resembling fairy tales or legends. …”
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Le bois du Baradat, deux siècles et deux révolutions d’une superbe chênaie de l’Adour
Published 2025-02-01“…Mais l’Administration des forêts, qui voyait dans le Baradat « sans contredit un des plus beaux [bois] qu’il y ait en France » (1824), en accepta le défrichement (1857) et le remplacement par un semis de glands sur 30 hectares, voisins dont les produits furent récoltés en 1980… Messages clés : - Une croissance rapide des Chênes ne déprécie par leur qualité. - En deux révolutions complètes, un historique complet des coupes dans une très petite futaie régulière permet de suivre correctement l’évolution des pratiques et des idées sylvicoles du XVIIe au XIXe siècle. …”
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Passions, Travel, and Cultural Participation—Intergenerational Transmission of Middle-Class Lifestyles
Published 2025-01-01“…The effort to format lifestyle messages has significant implications for the long-term viability of this social structure segment in Poland. …”
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Le boisement et la conservation de la forêt de Rambouillet du XVIII<sup>e</sup> siècle à nos jours
Published 2024-10-01“…Cette étude diachronique souhaite contribuer à l’identification locale des processus de boisement, d’enrésinement et de peuplement de la forêt dans une perspective d’histoire environnementale de la conservation de la nature. Messages clés : - La composition actuelle de la forêt de Rambouillet tout comme son boisement sont des processus récents, initiés seulement à partir du XVIIIe siècle. - Le boisement est un dispositif central dans le paradigme de la conservation de la nature mais il ne constitue pas une voie unique. …”
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Graphological Deviation: A Defamiliarizing Trope in Timothy Wangusa’s Poetry
Published 2023“…The results and findings from the data analysis prove that Wangusa uses graphological deviation to emphasise his message, shock or surprise readers (estrangement) and create mood in his poetry. …”
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Design and Prototype of an Industrial Monitoring and Protection System.
Published 2024“…A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) monitors light levels, triggering a GSM module to send alert messages when excessive lighting is detected. A temperature sensor continuously measures ambient temperature, and in the event of overheating, the GSM module is activated to notify operators. …”
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Covert marketing in films and series
Published 2024-01-01“…The viewer identifies with the characters from the film or series, whose actions remind them of their life situations or what they aspire to, thus avoiding promotion through classic advertising blocks or space provided for advertisements, and the believability of the message is greatly increased.…”
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A POLÊMICA REVISITADA: Regionalismo e modernismo
Published 2014-04-01“…Tínhamos finalmente nos firmado como nação independente e ensaiávamos o nosso balé no grande palco da Belle Époque, conscientes de nossa modernidade. Portanto, em vez de falarmos de modernidade, poderemos perfeitamente falarmos de modernidades brasileiras , tomando como paradigma a modernidade europeia, da qual derivávamos e a qual poderia ser entendida em sua relativa homogeneidade. …”
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Ofício de historiador: apontamentos sobre Micro-História e Espacialidade
Published 2024-06-01“…Nesse sentido, ela aponta para uma construção que foge de análises dualistas, polarizadas ou simplificadas, possibilitando, através de sua prática, perceber aspectos que em abordagens convencionais poderiam passar despercebidos. Nossa proposta é discutir as bases epistemológicas da escrita da história ancorada na Micro-História, buscando evidenciar alguns temas, tensões, aproximações e distanciamentos neste fazer historiográfico. …”
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Anotações sobre O Experimentum Humanum
Published 2016-09-01“… Inicialmente, nossa pretensão era produzir uma resenha sobre o livro de Hermínio Martins -- texto pequeno, seguindo as determinações de tamanho da revista. …”
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Impact of Awareness Campaign on Immunization Services in Southern Division Kabale Municipality.
Published 2024“…The study recommended strategies to enhance campaign success, including fostering community involvement through collaborative workshops, leveraging local media for wider reach, and introducing feedback mechanisms to tailor messages to community needs. The research emphasized the importance of a multifaceted approach that integrates community participation, effective communication, and sufficient resources. …”
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An Automated Voice Control Home System Using Arduino and Bluetooth Module Hc-05.
Published 2024“…Also, it suggests that Google Cloud Messaging be integrated to control our lighting system from the Internet as well as introduce security-sensitive functionality on the voice application.…”
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Solutions innovantes mises en œuvre pour restaurer et assurer la santé d’une forêt : l’exemple du Bois-Landry
Published 2024-10-01“…C’est aussi un site de formation pour sensibiliser public et gestionnaires au maintien de la biodiversité dans la gestion forestière. Messages clés : - Une gestion adaptative du gibier a rétabli l’équilibre sylvo-cynégétique au Bois Landry. - Progressivement et empiriquement, le Bois Landry a développé une gestion multifonctionnelle écologiquement et économiquement viable. - La mise en place récente de la sylviculture mélangée à couvert continu à contribué à améliorer sa résilience …”
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Laboratorio della memoria e del volontariato del Terzo Settore
Published 2024-12-01“…La ricostruzione biografica stimolata e riportata in incontri collettivi, la raccolta delle scritture autobiografiche in un contenitore fruibile e collettivo, contribuiscono a rafforzare quel processo di creazione di una identità collettiva che, a partire dalle esperienze vissute, dà consapevolezza del ruolo sociale e “politico” che il TS svolge, di cui ha bisogno in un rapporto intergenerazionale e fra i generi, che possa contribuire a costruire un orizzonte per la costruzione del futuro.…”
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Les représentations professionnelles et sociales des tiques, ou les écosystèmes forestiers en miroir : une approche socio-territoriale en Argonne
Published 2024-10-01“… À partir d’une recherche sociologique sur les représentations des tiques et maladies à tiques conduite en 2021-2022 en Argonne (région Grand Est), cet article aborde, en deux temps, les débats sur les socio-écosystèmes forestiers et leur « santé » : d’abord, ce que disent les perceptions territorialisées des tiques sur les rapports de la société à la forêt et à sa santé, comme espace de travail ou de loisir et comme relation à la nature ; ensuite, les enjeux professionnels et de responsabilisation à la fois vis-à-vis des forestiers et des usagers de la forêt. Messages clés : - La problématique des tiques interroge à la fois les interactions société-nature et la santé globale (One Health). - Les motifs explicatifs avancés par les différents groupes d’acteurs quant à la présence de tiques attestent des connexions entre décisions humaines et dynamiques écologiques. - Les acteurs institutionnels accordent la priorité à la responsabilisation individuelle des usagers de la forêt. …”
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Implementing E-MOTIVE for detection and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage in South Africa
Published 2023-12-01“…The E-MOTIVE approach comprises objective blood loss measurement monitored every 15 minutes during the first hour after delivery to detect PPH early and trigger a bundle of first-line treatments, including massaging the uterus, oxytocin infusion, tranexamic acid infusion, intravenous crystalloid fluids, examination for the cause, emptying the bladder and, if necessary, escalation of care. …”
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Graphological Deviation: A Defamiliarizing Trope in Timothy Wangusa’s Poetry
Published 2024“…The results and findings from the data analysis prove that Wangusa uses graphological deviation to emphasise his message, shock or surprise readers (estrangement) and create mood in his poetry. …”
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Toward trustworthy COVID-19 interventions: Building vaccine trust through community-university partnerships.
Published 2024-01-01“…Proposed interventions included two technology-based strategies (text message reminders and tablet-based testimonials and education) and one dialogue-based strategy (anti-body test interpretation). …”
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