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Challenges in the Implementation of Fiscal Decentralization and It’s Effects on the Health Sector in Uganda
Published 2019“…This reduced the autonomy of local governments and health care services in rural areas remain out of reach of the people and fiscal decentralization has not led to improved services. …”
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Clean eco-friendly cooking energy as sustainable approach and mitigation to climate change: A case study of Ankole, Western Uganda
Published 2024“…The main objective was to investigate how traditional cooking fuels have become a health hazard to many mothers and children in Ankole, human activities and rural-urban migration, have caused hiking of prices for fuel for cooking; wetland drainage, bush clearing for farming, charcoal burning, brick making associated with social and economic developments have affected the environment. …”
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Exploring the Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Sustainable Agriculture in Kahungye-Sub County Kabale District.
Published 2024“…Recommendations included targeted education campaigns, research support, and policy interventions to promote integration, enhance sustainability, and improve rural livelihoods.…”
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Decentralization Policy and Economic Development in Nyarusiza Sub-County Kisoro District.
Published 2025“…Additionally, agricultural decentralization has led to improved services such as input supply, marketing, and rural finance for farmers. The government has also established mechanisms like farmers' cooperatives and agricultural banks to provide credit for input supply, further supporting agricultural development.…”
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Ethno-Botanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Snakebites in Engali Sub-County Kazo District.
Published 2025“…With over 80% of Ugandans engaged in agriculture and residing in rural areas, they are highly susceptible to snakebite envenomation, particularly while farming or grazing livestock. …”
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The Contributions of Pineapple Growing on Farmers Welfare.
Published 2020“…The findings of the study recommended that land fragment should be solved by carrying out land consolidation, farmers should be provided with new pineapple varieties and there should be improvement of road connecting to rural areas and urban areas.…”
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Optimal control and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Taeniasis and Cysticercois in Humans, Pigs and Cattle.
Published 2022“…Taeniasis and cysticercosis are neglected food-borne diseases that pose challenge to food safety, human health and livelihood of rural livestock farmers. In this paper, an optimal control problem for the dynamics and control of taeniasis and cysticercosis in humans, pigs and cattle with its cost-effectiveness analysis is presented and analysed to determine the optimal and cost-effective strategy for disease control. …”
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Published 2023-06-01“…Розгортання веборієнтованих енциклопедичних проєктів здійснювалось у такий спосіб: а) використання вільно поширюваних систем керування вмістом Drupal, Blogger, WordPress та вітчизняної CMS СМЕРЕКА; б) розроблення енциклопедичного сайту «з нуля» за допомогою фреймворків; в) застосування програмних рушіїв для вебсайтів, що працюють за технологією «вікі». …”
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Optimization of Identification and Zoning Method for Landscape Characters of Urban Historic Districts
Published 2025-01-01“…Finally, the research takes the Pun Tong Historic District in Guangzhou as an example to test the effectiveness of the optimized method mentioned above.ResultsThe research shows that the the Pun Tong Historic District consists of four historic layering, namely the traditional rural period (from Tang Dynasty to 1840), the traditional township period (1840 – 1911), the modern township period (1912 – 1948), and the contemporary township period (from 1949 to the present). …”
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Empowering Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries : gender justice and norm change /
Published 2018Table of Contents: “…/ Caroline Harper and Rachel Marcus -- "Sticky" gendered norms : change and stasis in the patterning of child marriage in Amhara, Ethiopia / Nicola Jones, Bekele Tefera, Guday Emirie and Elizabeth Presler-Marshall -- The politics of policy and programme implementation to advance adolescent girls' well-being in Ethiopia / Nicola Jones, Elizabeth Presler-Marshall, Bekele Tefera and Bethelihem Gebre -- The paradox of change and continuity in social norms and practices affecting adolescent girls' capabilities and transitions to adulthood in rural Uganda / Carol Watson, Grace Kyomuhendo Bantebya and Florence Muhanguzi Kyoheirwe -- From national laws and policies to local programmes : obstacles and opportunities in communications for adolescent girls' empowerment in Uganda / Grace Kyomuhendo Bantebya, Florence Muhanguzi Kyoheirwe, and Carol Watson -- Intersecting inequalities: the impact of gender norms on Hmong adolescent girls' education, marriage and work in Viet Nam / Nicola Jones, Elizabeth Presler-Marshall and Tran Thi Van Anh -- Triple invisibility : the neglect of ethnic minority adolescent girls in Viet Nam / Nicola Jones, Elizabeth Presler-Marshall and Tran Thi Van Anh -- Small but persistent steps on the road to gender equality : marriage patterns in far west Nepal / Fiona Samuels and Anita Ghimire -- Continuity and change : how embedded programmes improve the lives of adolescent girls / Fiona Samuels, Anita Ghimire, and Matthew Maclure -- Pushing the boundaries of social order : adolescent girls and norm change / Caroline Harper and Rachel Marcus.…”
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Élites y restricciones institucionales de las reformas agrarias: la implementación del acuerdo de paz en Colombia
Published 2020-01-01“…El acuerdo de paz suscrito entre el Gobierno Nacional y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) incluyó un punto sobre el tema agrario denominado Reforma Rural Integral (RRI). En particular, la RRI incluye mecanismos típicos de reformas agrarias dirigidas a otorgar acceso a tierra a campesinos que no cuentan con ella, mediante diversos mecanismos redistributivos o de otro tipo. …”
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Published 2017-07-01“…Futher investigation with parents living in rural areas is needed to explore their constructive coping strategies using phenomenology study design. …”
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Reflexões sobre a formação de professores(as): Questões sempre presentes!
Published 2022-07-01Get full text
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Published 2024-09-01“…According to the community periodontal index (CPI) the patients who had diagnosed with bleeding gums were 22.1% this result showed that gingivitis was seen in this rural community of Gadap town, likewise, those patients who attended the dental hospital OPD that have a poor oral hygiene noticed that plaque and calculus deposition was seen during the oral examination were 52.9%. …”
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GEPEM 35 anos: depoimentos e ações que narram e registram sua história
Published 2011-01-01Get full text
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“Negra não serve, coloquem a Negra no seu lugar”: profissões, gênero e raça
Published 2023-12-01Get full text
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Las nuevas modalidades de alojamiento turístico en Castilla-La Mancha: aparición, evolución y distribución territorial
Published 2021-05-01“…El objetivo general radica en el análisis detallado de la aparición, evolución y generalización en Castilla-La Mancha de las nuevas modalidades de alojamientos turísticos, apartamentos turísticos y viviendas de uso turístico en los últimos 25 años, considerando las posibles correlaciones positivas entre recursos patrimoniales, naturales y culturales, y la existencia de infraestructuras de alojamiento en determinados espacios de la región, tanto urbanos como rurales. Junto con la oferta tradicional de alojamientos en núcleos urbanos, en los últimos años la región ha experimentado un cambio significativo al alza de distintas modalidades de establecimientos relacionados con la importancia que va adquiriendo la práctica del turismo rural y de naturaleza y el turismo cultural y de centros urbanos. …”
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Conhecimento matemático para o ensino das frações: um estudo desenvolvido com professores dos anos iniciais
Published 2016-06-01Get full text
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Trilhas Matemáticas e Metodologias Colaborativas: possíveis conexões
Published 2022-12-01Get full text