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Determinants of infertility among married women who attend gynecologic unit at health facilities of Gamo Zone and South Omo Zone, Southern Ethiopia: a case control study
Published 2025-02-01“…Conclusion Factors such as older age, lower education, rural living, smaller families, lack of contraceptive use, history of STIs, past abortions, irregular periods, and current alcohol consumption were found to increase the risk of infertility. …”
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Article -
Wet Deposition and Long-range Transport of Major Ions Related to Snow at Northwestern Himalayas (India)
Published 2020-04-01“…In Himachal Pradesh, we selected a site at Nirmand village which was a rural area. At Leh and Nirmand village, samples were showing higher alkalinity than at Beerwah site. …”
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Article -
Alimentos artesanales y tradicionales: el queso Oaxaca como un caso de estudio del Centro de México
Published 2011-01-01“…El aumento de la demanda de estos productos, sus valores cultural, saludable, de sabor y textura, aunado a su potencial para constituirse como una estrategia factible de desarrollo rural, ha llamado nuestra atención para investigar si los productos artesanales alimenticios podrían sobrevivir en un mundo regularizado lleno de especificaciones que deben reunirse. …”
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Article -
Quality of Life and Associated Factors Among Family/Caregivers of Pediatric Patients Treated for Cancer at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital: Institution-Based Cross-Sectional Stu...
Published 2025-02-01“…In addition, about two-thirds of the participants (63%) live in rural areas. Furthermore, more than half of the participants generate less than $17.86 per month. …”
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Article -
The impact of staple crop price instability and fragmented policy on food security and sustainable development: a case study from Bangladesh
Published 2025-02-01“…The consumer price index (CPI) demonstrates that food inflation is gradually rising in rural areas and corresponds with the trend in urban Bangladesh. …”
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El otro conocimiento es situado. El Arte Popular y la alfarería de Quinchamalí como objetividad encarnada
Published 2023-07-01“…Intentamos responder a esta exigencia desde un desplazamiento epistémico e interdisciplinar para el estudio de las prácticas artísticas populares, entendidas generalmente como aquellas que se despliegan en el mundo rural y periféricas a las perspectivas institucionales de lo que se denomina Arte. …”
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Sociological approach in managing high school violence in Serbia in the COVID - 19 postpandemic period
Published 2024-01-01“…Given that sociology has developed specialized branches such as cultural sociology, rural sociology, sociology of religion, business sociology, sociology of labour, sociology of sport, etc., there is a need to consider introducing sociology of violence as a branch of study that comprehensively addresses the issue of violence. …”
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Searching for the best post-land abandonment management to enhance long-term carbon storage in Mediterranean mountain areas
Published 2025-04-01“…The abandonment of rural activities in the Mediterranean mid-mountains has led to the activation of revegetation processes, as well as the subsequent implementation of various management measures to mitigate the associated ecosystem disservices. …”
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The real driving emissions characteristics of light-duty diesel vehicle in four typical cities with varying altitudes in China
Published 2025-03-01“…The tests covered urban, rural, and motorway sections in these four cities. …”
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Variation in the quality of charcoal from Acacia decurrens (J.C. Wendl.) Willd. with age and longitudinal stem portions
Published 2025-03-01“…Charcoal is a primary source of fuel for urban and rural households in Ethiopia. Fast growing trees like Acacia decurrens (J.C. …”
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Prevalence and distribution of hypertension and related risk factors in Jilin Province, China 2015: a cross-sectional study
Published 2018-03-01“…Objective This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and distribution of hypertension and its related factors in Jilin province, China.Design A cross-sectional study in four cities and four rural counties in Jilin as part of a national Chinese study.Participants and setting A total of 15 206 participants who were ≥15 years old and were selected using a stratified multistage random sampling method.Main outcome measures The prevalence of hypertension.Results The prevalence of hypertension in Jilin province was 24.7%. …”
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Impact of Small and Medium Enterprises to Peoples’ Household Income in Kabale District: A Case Study of Kabale Municipality Kabale District.
Published 2024“…The study findings on the contributions of SMEs to the development and growth of Kabale municipality were; Job creation, Addressing economic, social, and racial inequalities, Sustaining the rural economy, Enhancing social cohesion and reducing social conflict and contribution to income, and poverty eradication. …”
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Thesis -
Records Management Practices and Business Sustainability of Small-Scale Business: A Case Study of Kindly Services.
Published 2024“…Findings of the study indicate that there were contributions of records management practices towards financial sustainability of small-scale businesses as they include; effective financial management, follow-ups in books of accounts, evaluation of proposed source, easy workload, support of rural livelihoods, easy accountability, and business analysis. 78% of the respondents agreed business analysis was one of the contributions of records management toward the financial sustainability of small-scale businesses. …”
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Thesis -
Contribution of Universal Primary Education Towards Girl Child Education in Kitumba Sub-County Kabale District.
Published 2025“…The importance of this research lies in its potential to offer insights that could inform policy improvements and practical measures to enhance educational outcomes for girls in rural areas. A descriptive research design was used, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of one Laptop per Child Policy on academic Performance in Social Studies in Ruhango District, Rwanda.
Published 2020“…The project “One Laptop per Child” has been implemented in Rwanda since 2008 to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural and remote communities and also provide solution to the challenges facing Rwanda’s education in addition to improvement in academic performance. …”
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Thesis -
Technical and Vocational Education and Training as Factors in the Socio-Economic Development of Rwanda A Case Study of Bushoki Sector, Rulindo District
Published 2023“…Among the recommendations made in the study are the need to support the facilitation of credits, TVET cooperatives, and TVET training centers in rural areas. Rwanda will achieve long-term socioeconomic development goals with effective TVET interventions.…”
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Other -
Clinical Biochemistry /
Published 2017Table of Contents: “…Biochemical investigations and quality control / David Cameron -- Automation / Tim James -- Kidney disease / Edmund Lamb -- Hyperuricaemia and gout / Joanne Marsden -- Fluid and electrolyte disorders / Tim James -- Acid-base disorders / David Tierney -- Clinical enzymology and biomarkers / Paul Collinson, Amy Lloyd -- Liver function tests / Roy Sherwood -- Abnormalities of lipid metabolism / Mike France -- Disorders of calcium, phosphate, and magnesium homeostasis / Nessar Ahmed -- Abnormal pituitary function ; Thyroid disease / Garry McDowell -- Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycaemia / Allen Yates, Ian Laing -- Adrenal disease / John Honour -- Reproductive endocrinology / Ian Laing, Julie Thornton -- Biochemical nutrition / Pat Twomey, William Simpson -- Gastrointestinal disorders and malabsorption / Garry McDowell, Gordon Brydon -- Specific protein markers / Gerald Maguire -- Cancer biochemistry and tumour markers / Joanne Adaway, Gilbert Wieringa -- Inherited metabolic disorders and newborn screening / Mary Anne Preece -- Therapeutic drug monitoring / Robin Whelpton, Nigel Brown, Robert Flanagan -- Chemical toxicology / Gwendolen Ayers.…”
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Book -
Clinical Biochemistry ; fundamentals of biomedical science /
Published 2017Table of Contents: “…Biochemical investigations and quality control / David Cameron -- Automation / Tim James -- Kidney disease / Edmund Lamb -- Hyperuricaemia and gout / Joanne Marsden -- Fluid and electrolyte disorders / Tim James -- Acid-base disorders / David Tierney -- Clinical enzymology and biomarkers / Paul Collinson, Amy Lloyd -- Liver function tests / Roy Sherwood -- Abnormalities of lipid metabolism / Mike France -- Disorders of calcium, phosphate, and magnesium homeostasis / Nessar Ahmed -- Abnormal pituitary function ; Thyroid disease / Garry McDowell -- Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycaemia / Allen Yates, Ian Laing -- Adrenal disease / John Honour -- Reproductive endocrinology / Ian Laing, Julie Thornton -- Biochemical nutrition / Pat Twomey, William Simpson -- Gastrointestinal disorders and malabsorption / Garry McDowell, Gordon Brydon -- Specific protein markers / Gerald Maguire -- Cancer biochemistry and tumour markers / Joanne Adaway, Gilbert Wieringa -- Inherited metabolic disorders and newborn screening / Mary Anne Preece -- Therapeutic drug monitoring / Robin Whelpton, Nigel Brown, Robert Flanagan -- Chemical toxicology / Gwendolen Ayers.…”
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