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The Impact of Lockdown on Air Quality in Pakistan during the COVID-19 Pandemic Inferred from the Multi-sensor Remote Sensed Data
Published 2021-02-01“…Overall, a considerable reductions in Carbon monoxide (CO) and black carbon (BC) concentrations were smaller in rural and suburban areas of BP (–3.61%, –8.57%) followed by KPK (–0.79%, –11.39%) and IBR (–3.30%, –11.39%), respectively. …”
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Optimal multiobjective design of an autonomous hybrid renewable energy system in the Adrar Region, Algeria
Published 2025-02-01“…Hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) within a microgrid (MG) play an important role in delivering energy to rural and off-grid areas and avoiding potential power outages. …”
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Challenges and barriers to physician decision-making for prescribing and deprescribing among patients with multimorbidity in eastern China’s primary care settings: a qualitative st...
Published 2025-02-01“…Themes were developed using a conventional content analysis approach.Setting 12 community health centers and 8 township health centers across four regions in eastern China were included.Participants 26 PCPs from 20 primary care institutions in eastern China were interviewed through purposive sampling, representing a mix of urban and rural healthcare settings.Results Of the 26 participants in this study, 14 (53.8%) were women, and the mean age was 36.3 years old. …”
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Trends in Air Pollution in Europe, 2000–2019
Published 2024-02-01“…Abstract This paper encompasses an assessment of air pollution trends in rural environments in Europe over the 2000–2019 period, benefiting from extensive long-term observational data from the EMEP monitoring network and EMEP MSC-W model computations. …”
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Loan Monitoring Costs and Loan Payment in SACCOs: A Case Study of Mitooma People's SACCO in Mitooma Town Council Mitooma District.
Published 2024“…From the study findings on challenges faced by loan officers in monitoring loans in SACCOs, respondents revealed that poor transport infrastructure to the rural places, clients who provide wrong information to the bank, multiple borrowing by the clients in different borrowing institutions, social factors showing a weak influence on loan default, lack of liquidity monitoring system, inadequate managerial competencies and political interference and huge microfinance losses are caused by outright loan default were some of the challenges faced by loan officers in monitoring loans in SACCOs.…”
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Thesis -
Utilizing A Multi-Stage Transition Model for Analysing Child Stunting in Two Urban Slum Settlements of Nairobi: A Longitudinal Analysis, 2011-2014.
Published 2024“…Introduction Stunting is common among children in many low and middle-income countries, particularly in rural and urban slum settings. Few studies have described child stunting transitions and the associated factors in urban slum settlements. …”
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Child Abuse and Intention to Dropout Among Secondary School Students in Rubanda District.
Published 2024“…Despite the introduction of Universal Secondary Education in 2009, dropout rates remain notably high, particularly in rural areas. The research aimed to analyse the prevalence of child abuse across various socio-demographic characteristics of secondary school students, assess dropout intentions based on these characteristics, and investigate the correlation between child abuse and the intention to drop out. …”
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Carnívoros en el sudoeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires: ecología y conflictos con los ganaderos
Published 2017-01-01“…Para las entrevistas se utilizó un cuestionario focalizado en aspectos socioeconómicos y de manejo de los campos, y en los talleres se buscó un consenso grupal respecto de la relevancia de los diferentes factores que afectarían el conflicto humana carnívoros. …”
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Biblijne podstawy teologii zaślubin z Bogiem – punkt wyjścia dla teologii małżeństwa
Published 2014-11-01Get full text
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Análisis comparativo de la política de Japón y la República Popular China hacia América Latina
Published 2024-10-01Get full text
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La política exterior del Paraguay frente a la dependencia y al orden internacional multipolar.
Published 2024-10-01Get full text
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Obrazy ze świata przyrody w nauczaniu Jezusa o ubóstwie i bogactwie
Published 2016-01-01Get full text
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Partitioning the phenotypic and genetic variances of reaction norms
Published 2025-01-01Get full text
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El Comando Sur y los “actores malignos”: ¿protección regional o continuidad del dominio estadounidense?
Published 2024-10-01Get full text
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Znaczenie wizji wprowadzającej (Ez 1, 4–28) dla posłannictwa Ezechiela (Ez 2, 1–7, 27)
Published 2023-06-01Get full text
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Apuntes sobre el internacionalismo como valor cardinal en la política exterior de la Revolución cubana
Published 2024-10-01Get full text
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La política económica en los años de Alfonsín (1985-1986): la visión “cabildante” de la prensa católica
Published 2024-05-01“…Partiendo de la importancia de esos estudios, se pretende generar un aporte analizando la faceta económica que caracterizó a la revista entre 1985-1986, atendiendo a los debates que se produjeron en la economía nacional a partir de la implementación del Plan Austral, durante los años del gobierno de Raúl Alfonsín (1983-1989). En un contexto de crisis económica nacional y reestructuración capitalista internacional, los sectores nacionalistas católicos tradujeron importantes discusiones, debates y controversias en torno al devenir económico del país, que en gran medida antecedieron a los cambios de la década de 1990. …”
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