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Un fenómeno urbano enquistado en el cambio de paradigma de la urbanización informal: parcelaciones ilegales en el municipio de Córdoba
Published 2021-07-01“…Unos autores vinculan su comienzo y rápido desarrollo con los efectos de dicha crisis sobre el fenómeno de las urbanizaciones de segunda residencia, cuyos promotores buscarían ahora extender la oferta hacia una demanda más amplia. …”
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Practice and Exploration of Market-oriented Profit Models for Virtual Power Plants in Shanghai
Published 2025-01-01“…Furthermore,a market-oriented profit model for VPPs participating in multiple market types is established to improve their operating benefits by reusing the regulation capabilities in different scenarios. …”
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A knowledge graph for crop diseases and pests in China
Published 2025-02-01“…The content of this paper provides a guide for users to build their own knowledge graphs, aiming to help them effectively reuse and extend the knowledge graphs they create.…”
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The Role of Architectural Preservation Processes on the Permanence of Heritage Buildings of Value
Published 2022-06-01“…One of the essential parts of the preservation process is the reuse of the building, whereby an actual or new function is given to the building to preserve, sustain and reconfigure it in a way that preserves its originality, composition, and balance without compromising its relationship with the environment. …”
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Mechanistic insights toward progress in alogliptin beyond glycemic control: translational perspective
Published 2025-02-01“…Emerging evidences suggest prominent cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, reno-protective, anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering capacity of alogliptin. …”
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Metalinguagem em processo: a influência das verbalizações de termos metalinguísticos pelo professor na construção de narrativas ficcionais de alunos recém-alfabetizados
Published 2024-11-01“…Por meio do registro fílmico sincronizado do processo de composição textual e do acompanhamento do diálogo espontâneo realizado pelos alunos com o Sistema Ramos, analisamos as verbalizações de termos linguísticos dos alunos enquanto negociam sobre sua escrita e como as interações promovidas pela professora podem facilitar revisões em pontos de tensão durante a construção da narrativa. …”
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Pensar la SSR en el Pacífico: Reflexiones desde la literatura
Published 2023-12-01“… Pensar la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (SSR) en la región pacífica implica grandes retos investigativos. La carencia de estadísticas e investigaciones al respecto duplican los mismos, así que es más complejo entender cómo funciona el fenómeno en dichos territorios. …”
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Transfer Across Episodes of Analogical Reasoning: The Role of Visuo-Spatial Schemas
Published 2025-01-01“…The standard explanation of meta-analogical transfer posits that the predicate mappings generated during a first analogy episode get reused during subsequent instances of analogical reasoning. …”
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Case report: Bevacizumab-induced cerebrovascular events: a case series report and literature review
Published 2025-02-01“…We put forward our own views on the early identification and long-term management of adverse events, as well as the subsequent reuse of bevacizumab, hoping to provide more basis for the management of clinical bevacizumab application.…”
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From Bench to Brain: A Metadata-driven Approach to Research Data Management in a Collaborative Neuroscientific Research Center
Published 2025-01-01“…The development of the metadata schema and its subsequent use are illustrated with particular emphasis on design principles that allow for reuse in other RDM domains and the lessons learned.…”
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Impact of the Contamination Method on the Disinfection of N95 Respirators: Drops versus Aerosols
Published 2023-09-01“…Abstract The recent surge in the use of filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic triggered economic and environmental concerns with regards to their safe reuse and/or disposal. Their decontamination through ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has proven efficient in bench tests. …”
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Pengukuran Kepuasan Pengguna E-Learning Menggunakan Metode Evaluasi Heuristik dan System Usability Scale
Published 2022-06-01“…The results of the usability evaluation using HE, it was found that there is one principle that is considered a major problem by user experts, namely the principle of user control and freedom, where the system (e-learning) does not facilitate the undo and redo functions which causes confusion if the user click unwanted menu. …”
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Teknik Identifikasi Fitur Berdasarkan Kalimat Pernyataan Kebutuhan dalam Konteks Pengembangan Software Product Line
Published 2022-06-01“…Software product line (SPL) adalah konsep software reuse di bidang industri perangkat lunak yang memiliki fase awal berupa domain engineering untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan fitur-fitur dari sekumpulan produk perangkat lunak yang akan dikembangkan. …”
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Fish Health Management Considerations in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems - Part 1: Introduction and General Principles
Published 2004-01-01“… Recirculating aquaculture systems, also known as water reuse systems, are commonly found in aquaculture production facilities, public aquaria, tropical fish wholesale operations, and retail pet stores. …”
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Propuesta de remodelación del sistema de sedimentación del quebrador de materiales de la empresa CONCREPAL, Barranca, Costa Rica
Published 2016-08-01“…Se presenta como una alternativa ecoeficiente que, a la vez, permite cumplir con la legislación vigente sobre vertido y reúso de aguas residuales. Inicialmente se realizó un diagnóstico ambiental de las características y rendimiento de la fosa de sedimentación. …”
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La pertinencia de la Cumbre de Belém de Pará para implementar el Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica
Published 2024-04-01“…La Declaración de Belém estableció prioridades para una cooperación regional efectiva, incluyendo la sostenibilidad, la preservación ambiental y el desarrollo inclusivo. Los retos por enfrentar incluyen la gestión eficiente de la OTCA, la mejora de la gobernanza y el posicionamiento como un centro de cooperación técnica y política regional e internacional. …”
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Desenvolvimento e avaliação de aplicativo móvel para determinação da densidade mineral em ossos secos de cães
Published 2025-02-01“…Neste trabalho, utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, comparou-se os resultados da densitometria óssea radiográfica (DORX) obtidas utilizando como referencial densitométrico um penetômetro confeccionado em liga de alumínio 6063 ABNT e um aplicativo móvel especialmente desenvolvido para realizar a aferição, com resultados obtidos pela absortometria de raios-X de dupla energia (DXA). Foram analisados ossos secos (porções ultradistais de rádios e colos femorais) de cães sadios. …”
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La percepción del cambio climático en espacios insulares: el caso de Tenerife
Published 2023-03-01“…Además, resulta de interés comprobar la valoración de la actuación institucional al respecto y el grado de concienciación social ante este reto global. De este modo, el presente trabajo, basándose en una amplia encuesta realizada en la isla de Tenerife (Canarias), analiza la percepción de la población residente sobre las causas y efectos del cambio climático, así como su compromiso medioambiental y el conocimiento de las iniciativas gubernamentales de mitigación y adaptación. …”
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A Study on Performance and Reusability of Certified and Uncertified Face Masks
Published 2022-01-01“…Also, the effects of the relative humidity (RH) of incoming air, of water and alcohol exposure, and of reuse, on the performance of face masks were examined. …”
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Experimental and Computational Analysis of Surgical Mask Effectiveness Against COVID-19 in Indoor Environment
Published 2023-08-01“…Simulation shows the reduction in overall NaCl and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels is directly proportional to the filtration efficiency and the effectiveness of reused masks is also directly proportional to the filtration efficiency. …”
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