Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 86
- English language 65
- methods 52
- Management 50
- Research 47
- Study and teaching 39
- Politics and government 38
- Rhetoric 38
- Methodology 35
- Social conditions 31
- Anesthesia 30
- Grammar 30
- Economic conditions 29
- Law 29
- Psychology 28
- Report writing 28
- Social aspects 26
- Economic development 23
- Handbooks, manuals, etc 23
- Moral and ethical aspects 23
- Philosophy 23
- Women 23
- Economic policy 22
- Social service 22
- Mass media 21
- Biochemistry 19
- English 19
- Human anatomy 19
- Mathematics 18
- Education 17
Prepaid Cards: Advantages, Disadvantages, and How to Choose
Published 2012-02-01“…Written by Selena Garrison and published by the UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, February 2012. …”
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Arte drag e montação: alternativas para o tensionamento da normalidade no ensino da arte
Published 2024-06-01“…O trabalho narra alguns aspectos da experiência pedagógica Drag e descreve três exercícios para a sala de aula. …”
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La neuropsicología infantil desde la perspectiva histórico-cultural.
Published 2015-01-01“…Seanalizan las consideraciones te6ricas, neuropsicol6gicasy psicol6gicas, de estudio como son: el analisis de losfactores neuropsicol6gicos, los componentes del sistemafuncional complejo, las nuevas formaciones psicol6gicasde la edad, la formaci6n par etapas de las acciones y losconceptos; y las actfvidades fundamentales de la edad.Finalmente resaltamos la importancia de la propuestaestudiada par su consistencia te6rica y su Clara direcci6nhacia la complementaci6n de la evaluaci6n, el diagn6sticoy la correcci6n en la neuropsicologia infantil; asimismo seVa|Oran las ventajas y diffcultades para la consolidaci6n deeste modelo a nivel clinico e investigativo.…”
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An Introduction to Florida commodity enterprise budgets: An Extension tool to improve farm financial planning
Published 2022-01-01“…Includes links to UF/IFAS enterprise budgets and related documents specific to several Florida commodities. …”
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Relevamiento de la actividad avícola en el territorio norte del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires
Published 2018-01-01“…Este trabajo permitió visualizar una gran diversidad tecnológica en las granjas del territorio y su incidencia sobre la logística de los residuos. …”
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Managing Time in the Workplace
Published 2002-07-01“… This is EDIS document HR 014, a publication of the Department of Food and Resource Economics, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. …”
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Hepatoprotective effects of propolis ethanol extract on D-galactose-induced aging mice: A metabolomics and transcriptomics analysis focusing on insulin resistance pathways
Published 2025-02-01“…The results demonstrated that PEE ameliorated the reductions in body weight and liver index in aged mice. PEE significantly increased serum SOD levels and reduced MDA, AST, and ALT levels. …”
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Prediction of ACL Injuries from Vertical Jump Kinetics in Division 1 Collegiate Athletes
Published 2021-02-01“…International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy…”
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El Zika, un Virus Transmitido por Mosquitos
Published 2016-02-01“…En su ámbito nativo en África Occidental y Uganda, el virus se mantiene en los bosques, circulando entre mosquitos que viven en huecos de árboles y primates arbóreos; las infecciones de humanos se consideran incidentales y de poca importancia médica. …”
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Altered thermal preference by preoptic estrogen receptor alpha neurons in postpartum females
Published 2025-03-01“…This was associated with a significant decrease in the number of ERαPOA neurons. …”
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La toponimia de viñedo en España: un elemento fundamental para la reconstrucción histórica de la geografía del cultivo
Published 2021-02-01“… El viñedo está muy presente en España y tiene gran capacidad para generar toponimia. Con objeto de saber si la frecuencia de la toponimia de viñedo es similar entre territorios y si se encuentra asociada al cultivo, en este trabajo se analiza su distribución. …”
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Characterization of genomic profiling of Mexican women with breast cancer using EndoPredict
Published 2024-01-01“…Purpose: In the context of rising breast cancer incidence and mortality rates in Mexico, our study delves into the genomic landscape of Mexican women diagnosed with stage I-III breast cancer. …”
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Comparing P300 flashing paradigms in online typing with language models.
Published 2025-01-01“…Since the system has a relatively slow typing speed, different stimulus presentation paradigms have been proposed designed to allow users to input information faster by reducing the number of required stimuli or increase signal fidelity. …”
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Educação Financeira na Escola: A perspectiva da Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico
Published 2015-01-01“… O presente artigo apresenta uma revisão da literatura da proposição e implementação de um projeto de educação financeira desenvolvido pela Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE) que envolveu seus países membros e países não-membros. A revisão foi feita a partir dos documentos e informações disponibilizados virtualmente pela OCDE no período de 2003 a 2012 e teve como objetivo investigar a proposta da organização de educar financeiramente os cidadãos dos países membros e de levar o assunto para a escola. …”
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Gulf wireworm, Conoderus amplicollis (Gyllenhal) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elateridae)
Published 2020-01-01“…The Gulf wireworm, Conoderus amplicollis, is a polyphagous pest mostly found in soil with high organic matter. In the southeastern United States, it is an important pest of sweet potato and can be found in all growing regions irrespective of soil types. …”
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Eliminating Network Depth: Genetic Algorithm for Parameter Optimization in CNNs
Published 2025-01-01“…This paper proposes a novel method based on a genetic algorithm to optimize parameter selection, enabling the construction of CNNs that achieve superior accuracy with fewer parameters. …”
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Managing Your Florida Lawn Under Drought Conditions
Published 2006-12-01“…ENH 157, a 3-page fact sheet by Harold C. Jones, Charles Steven Lippi, and Laurie E. …”
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Deciphering molecular and cellular ex vivo responses to bispecific antibodies PD1-TIM3 and PD1-LAG3 in human tumors
Published 2022-11-01“…Bispecific antibodies, but not anti-PD-1, significantly increased the abundance of a proliferating natural killer cell subset, which exhibited enrichment for a tissue-residency signature. …”
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Florida 4–H Horticulture Identification and Judging: Contest Rules and Glossary
Published 2016-03-01“… This publication provides guidelines and information for Florida 4H members and Master Gardeners interested in horticulture and/or in participating in state contests held annually at 4-H Congress or the Master Gardener Annual Conference. …”
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